
瀛﹁€呰鍩规壃 鍙戣〃浜? 2010-1-24 19:23:14
鍒嗙被锛氬彛鑵斿仴搴封攤锛? 鈹? 娴忚锛?7       鎺ㄨ崘缁欐湅鍙?/span>

toothpaste   AND  dental caries    AND  child



Last updated at 4:11 PM on 20th January 2010

Parents should use toothpaste with stronger concentrations of fluoride to prevent tooth decay in their children, a new report says.

Researchers found that toothpaste that contained fluoride concentrations less than 1,000 parts per million were only as effective at preventing tooth decay as non-fluoride products.

The study, carried out by the Cochrane Oral Health Group, based at the University of Manchester, has previously shown that fluoride toothpastes reduce dental decay by 24 per cent.

brushing teeth

Warning: Children's toothpaste contains varying concentrations of fluoride which prevents tooth decay

The group's latest research, which involved 79 trials on 73,000 children worldwide, also suggested that brushing a child's teeth with a fluoride toothpaste before the age of 12 months could lead to an increased risk of developing mild fluorosis.

Children's toothpastes currently range from 100 parts per million to 1,400 parts per million.



Swallowing large amounts of toothpaste can still cause fluorosis in children up to the age of six, when the permanent teeth are still developing, but using a small amount can reduce these risks, according to the report.

Dr Anne-Marie Glenny, one of the report's authors, said: 'It is very confusing for parents to know how to strike the right balance, which isn't helped by the fact that different companies use different concentrations of fluoride in their toothpastes aimed at children.

'From a public health point of view, the risk of tooth decay and its consequences such as pain and extractions is greater than the small risk of fluorosis.

'Children would have to swallow a lot of toothpaste over a long period of time to get the severe brown mottling on the teeth, as opposed to the more typical mild white patches.

'For children that are considered to be at a high risk of tooth decay by their dentist, the benefit to health of preventing decay is likely to outweigh the risk of fluorosis.

'In such cases, careful brushing of their children's teeth by parents with a small amount of toothpaste containing higher levels of fluoride would be beneficial.'

Fluoride is an industrial waste and damaging to health if taken internally. During the last snow fall many young men were taken in for multiple breaks and fractures as a result of falling on the ice. This is despite being healthy and fit. It proves one thing, the fluoride in drinking water could be making the bones and teeth hard and brittle. Food for thought.

Getting the feeling the Gov't is steadily rampaging ahead with its plan to fluoridate all the UK's water supply. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and it inhibits proper thyroid function.
If you are serious about protecting the teeth, brains & development of your children then do the research yourselves.
Buy toothpaste & chewing gum(but not the ones that contain aspartame, another neurotoxin & carcinogen) that contains Xylitol, a substance that inhibits the bacteria that causes plaque.

I am shocked by these responses.
Fluoride in toothpaste and fluoride in water are two separate issues entirely.
I find these comments very worrying as it means dentistry as a profession is failing to explain these matters to their patients.
Fluorosis is NOT erosion of teeth.
For young children to have decay in their primary teeth is a much greater risk to the formation of their permanent teeth than fluoride in toothpaste, (not to mention the pain, suffering, inability to sleep, eat, function that comes with dental decay in children-along with the future fears of dentists).
Claims that fluoride helps tooth formation and helps defend against decay are based on the molecular structure of enamel, (hydroxyapetite) and the alteration of this form creating a stronger structure. Fluoride also inhibits enzymes in the microorganisms linked to decay.
The issue of fluorosis is important and should not be ignored but should be seen as part of a risk benefit analysis for each individual.

Fluoride seriously damages your thyroid. The NHS fails to treat this properly and condemns thousands of people to a life of misery. (and their families!)

Leave fluoride out of any products and our water supply!

I worked in a country which put fluoride in the water. After fifteen years my teeth are a yellowish brown and the enamel is corroded. It's called fluorosis. Fluoride is even more poisonous in other ways. It's also an effective rat poison.

But who cares in this stupid, ignorant country...
- Gordon, Edinburgh, 21/1/2010 04:40

We're not ignorant, we're ignored.

And the majority of voters only care about the value of their house.

If toothpaste
containing 500 parts per million fluoride or less doesn't reduce tooth decay, do you really believe that adding 1 part per million fluoride into public water supplies reduces tooth decay as is done in the US and other countries. Studies show it doesn't. But fluoridation of public water supplies continues anyway because of political pressure.

Modern science shows that ingesting fluoride is ineffective at reducing tooth decay, is harmful to health and a waste of money.

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