
杭州外语培训课程大全:杭州英语培训 杭州东京日语培训 杭州世宗韩语培训 杭州左岸法语培训 杭州歌德德语培训 杭州皇家西班牙语培训 杭州普希金俄语培训 杭州风尚意大利语培训 杭州环球葡萄牙语培训。各种外语口语、口译、商务外语,交际外语、外语等级考级,有中教与外教。可全日制学习,也可业余制就读。学习时间灵活,课程丰富,名师执教。欢迎详细咨询外语课程:杭州培训网

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  语泉教育(LANSWELL EDU) 总部设立于人文气息浓郁的浙江省杭州市。是致力于外语公益推广、外语培训研究、出国留学协助及外企就业推荐的专业外语培训机构。


  语泉教育(LANSWELL EDU)开设10国语言各级别培训,涵盖了英语、日语、韩语、德语、法语、西班牙语、意大利语、俄语、阿拉伯语、葡萄牙语、荷兰语课程。自开办以来,语泉教育就致力于不断的研究与开拓新的课程设置与教学方法,努力为各界学员提供最合理、xxx、最实用、{zy}质的教学服务,帮助学员切实提高外语的实际应用能力,帮助其打下良好的事业发展基础。

  语泉教育(LANSWELL EDU)采用先进的教学模式、独创的教学理念、{yl}的中外师资、专业的课程设置、特色的自编教材、惊喜的奖学金制度、完备的学员宿舍,针对学员们的爱好、时间、职业、愿景设置安排培训体制,使其在空的时间里便捷充实个人资本。语泉教育学员各项考试的xxx屡攀高峰,也侧面印证与记载了语泉教育的教学成果。

  在中国,至少有1亿人口学过外语,但是能够与外国人自由交流的却不到1%,传统的哑巴外语已成为个人发展的绊脚石。语泉教育的办学宗旨 “I can say!”帮助中国哑巴外语学习者迈向成功!



  1. 关注教学质量,{bfb}全职教师,这在浙江是xxxx,被业内同行称为奇迹;
  2. 各语种开设外语角、外语联盟、电子杂志、BLOG、QQ群,为学员提供丰富多彩的课后学习交流机会;
  3. 每月100场名师课堂,向学习爱好者开放;
  4. 自编大量学习教材,优化学习效果;
  5. 中外教同步授课,侧重口语,贯彻办学宗旨I CAN SAY!

Brief Introduction of LanSwell Edu

  Headquartered in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province which has long been renowned for its profound cultural ambience, LanSwell is a specialized foreign language training institution which is committed to the public-oriented popularization of foreign languages, as well as foreign language training and research, and providing guidance on studying abroad, as well as recommendations for positions in foreign-invested enterprises.
  Since its establishment, LanSwell has been adhering to the conviction that “Words are the source while wording is the resultant spring, and LanSwell (literally means ‘Language Spring’ in Chinese) bridges your communication gulf,” which aims to be a top foreign language training school in Zhejiang, pledging to provide its numerous students who aspire to achieve success by virtue of their language skills with the most effective foreign language training services.
  LanSwell Edu offers 10 foreign language courses of various levels including English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese and Dutch. Since its foundation, LanSwell has been in its efforts to researching and developing course design, as well as teaching methodologies. It endeavors to provide the most reasonable, professional, practical and excellent teaching services to its students, effectively enhancing their practical ability of foreign language use and helping them lay a solid foundation for their future career.
  LanSwell boasts advanced teaching mold, unique teaching ideas, first-rate teaching staff composed of domestic and overseas teachers, professional course design, featured self-edited teaching materials, exceptional scholarship system and well-equipped students’ dormitories. By virtue of its distinctive training system based on its probe into each student’s own interest, timing, profession and desire, it enables him or her to assimilate language knowledge efficiently at his or her convenience. The ever-increasing passing rate of LanSwell students in various tests has highlighted its extraordinary teaching achievements.
  There are at least 100 million people who have learned a foreign language in China, but less than 1% of them are capable of barrier-free communication with foreigners. The traditional “mute English” learning has become a great obstacle blocking the way of individual development. The principle of LanSwell is “I can say”, which helps Chinese “mute English” learners advance toward success.
  Currently, students from LanSwell are working in dozens of enterprises of various trades throughout the entire East China area (mainly in one of the economic centers, Hangzhou), even in the whole country. They have realized admirable individual values and made remarkable achievements on their way to success.
  LanSwell will bring its spirit of enthusiasm, patience, creativity, practicality and professionalism into full play in the future. It will strive to create a domestic-renowned brand of foreign language training and share the pleasure of success with its students witnessing it thrive day by day.

  어천 교육은 2000년에 창립되여 전문적으로 다국어 교육을 종사하는 훌련 기구입니다.영어,일어,한국어,불어,독일어,스페인어,이탈리아어,러시아어,아라비아어,포르투갈어 등을 포함됩니다.
  어천교육의 교육 본지는I can say입니다.학생들의 교류 능력을 촉진시키고 실제적인 응용 능력을 높이는 데 애쓰고 있습니다.학생의 좋은 사업 기초를 얻게 하게 됩니다.


  語泉教育の主旨は「I can say!(私は話せます!)」です。語泉教育は生徒さんのコミュニケーション能力の育ちに力を尽くし、外国語の実際運用能力をアップさせ、仕事の発展基礎を築いてあげます。


  LANSWELL a été créé en 2000, est un établissement professionnel d'enseignement des langues étrangères,  couvrant anglais, japonais, coréen, français, allemand, espagnol, italien,  russe, arabe, portugais et autres langues de formation.
  Le but de LANSWELLE est comme suivant: Je peux dire! Nous avons toujours engagé  à l'apprenant les compétences de la communication pour les aider à relever efficacement l`application pratique de la langue capacité, obtenir une bonne base pour la carrière dans l'avenir.


  “Lanswell”обучения был создан в 2000 году, занимается профессиональным многоязычным преподаванием учебных учреждений, охватывающих Английский, японский, корейский, французский, немецкий, испанский, итальянский, русский, арабский, португальский и другие языки подготовки. “Lanswell” обучения миссия заключается в следующем: я могу сказать! Всегда был привержен ученик сообщение навыков, чтобы помочь им эффективно поднять практического применения языка способности, получить хорошую основу для развития дела.

   Lanswell fundou em 2000,é um empresa de ensinar as línguas,conteúdo inglês,japonês,coreano,francês,alemão,espanol,italiano,russia,árabe,português etc.
  objectivo do Lanswell é você pode falar!Do começo ao fim,o Lanswell trabalha por formar as capacidades das comunicações dos alunos ,ajuda-los elevar as capacidades das comunicaões das línguas para obter a base de bom trabalho.



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