
Stamping forming
The metal sheet is arranged between the male die and a female die after press forming is used for processing the hollow shape, depth can be deep or shallow.
Punch: the use of special tools in sheet metal on cut size of plastic mass production process can be applied.
Blanking and punching process: basic similar, the difference is that the use of down part, and the latter by punching metal sheet remainder.
Shear: shear way of cutting sheet metal, medical equipment and material processing hardware accessories, mobile phone accessories hardware Stamping parts,Spring,Screw,processing, Headset metal parts processing, and with a pair of scissors is a truth from the optimal pos ition of cut paper.
Chip forming: when in metal cutting with cutting production way of cutting are collectively referred to as the chip forming, including milling, drilling, grinding, lathe, sawing process.
Chipless forming: modeling using the existing metal bar or metal sheet etc.. No chip. This kind of technology including chemical processing, corrosion, electrical discharge machining, sand blasting processing, laser cutting, water jet cutting and heat cutting etc..

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