Sulforaphane 莱菔硫烷系列科研分析用产品_上海西宝生物电话 ...

Sulforaphane 莱菔硫烷系列科研分析用产品_上海西宝生物电话 13817370083 (试剂,诊断及生物制药原料)

莱菔硫烷(SFN)是十字花科植物绿花椰菜中所含的一种植物化学物-异硫氰酸盐.SFN是一种Ⅱ相酶的诱导剂,可预防许多化学致癌物诱导的DNA损伤和多 种肿瘤的发生.SFN可诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡、使细胞生长周期停止、抑制多种化学致癌物的代谢活化和抑制炎症,目前认为SFN是潜在的肿瘤xxxx.

R-Sulforaphane   ≥98%    电话13817370083 提供10mg, 25mg , 50mg
CAS   :4478-93-7
别  名:L-Sulforaphane
【溶  剂】:Soluble in DMSO
A chiral natural product from broccoli. Also an inducer of phase II enzymes.

S-Sulforaphane    ≥96%     电话13817370083 提供  5mg ,10mg
别  名:D-sulforaphane
【产品规格】:5mg  ,10mg
【溶  剂】:Soluble in water, ethanol,
Sulforaphane is a Phase II enzyme inducer present in brocolli. It was found to inhibit chemically induced mammary tumor formation in rats.

R,S-Sulforaphane   ≥98% Density:1.183     电话13817370083 提供 25mg ,50mg,100mg,500mg
别  名      : D,L-Sulforaphane
CAS   :   4478-93-7
【溶  剂】Soluble in ethanol, DMSO,
【产品描述】R,S-Sulforaphane is a synthetic version of the naturally occurring compound, R-sulforaphane, from Broccoli. It is a racemic mixture of both the R and S isomers. At room temperature, it is a very slightly yellowish viscous liquid. Its isothiocyanate group reacts with protic solvents such as water and ethanol to form the corresponding thiocarbamates.
It reacts with the sulfhydyl group of cysteine and glutathione to form dithiocarbamates (conjugates).
Sulforaphane is a Phase II enzyme inducer present in brocolli. It was found to inhibit chemically induced mammary tumor formation in rats.

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