Westlife--Home 《Turn round》_电锯教主Heartbreaker_新浪博客



What's your name?
Do you live around here?
Don't I know your face?
You say, "I've been a stranger
For too long"
I didn't even notice I was gone
and I wanna come back home
Show me the way to make a start
Show me the road back to your heart
And I've learned the only truth that I need to know
There's a million places I can go
But without you it ain't home
It ain't home
Please say...
What I need to hear you say
Say, "I'm thoughtless and foolish"
But say, "it's not too late"
Now I don't know exactly
Where we go from here
But trying is the only way to know
And I wanna come back home
Show me the way to make a start
Show me the road back to your heart
and I've learned the only truth that I need to know
There's a million places I can go
But without you it ain't
It ain't always
Please believe me
Don't give up
Cos we're half way there
We're at the crossroads
In the middle
Between home
And between us there
all I need is
Some direction
Let me know you're here for me
Where you are
Is where I'll be
Show me the way to make a start, oh
Show me the road back to your heart
and I've learned the only truth that I need to know
There's a million places I can go
But without you it ain't
Show me the way to make a start
Show me the road back to your heart
And I've learned the only truth that I need to know
There's a million places I can go
But without you it ain't home
It ain't home\


    "Home"的铃声一响起,无论情绪多低落,心情多糟糕,我都会以一声高调的“喂” 来迎接你,这是我手机中专属于你的铃声。我关了两晚机,你连续三晚都在给我打电话,只为问我一句几时回。其实,我有好多话要倾诉啊,要是你知道学校已经是个灾区,你肯定恨不得我马上就回。当初我被送进医院维修了4天,我至今都没跟你说,就是怕吓着你啊!想当年,窝在信宜,就是SARS来了也不当回事,现在甲流就在我身边肆虐,弟弟又那么不懂事,我更不能让你知道,你心爱的孩子有危险啊。但是我很庆幸,甲流是在我身边而不是在你那里,我要确定自己是安全的再告诉你学校的情况。亲爱的妈咪,我知道你在等我,等我回去吃你给我做的大蛋糕。
      Westlife的“Home”有两首,而我爱的这首是《turn round》专辑里面不大出名那首,我迷了它4年。Westlife虽然是唱给姑娘们听的,而我只想把它献给妈妈。All I need is ,some direction ,let me know you wait for me. 姑娘们等的是出外闯荡的爱人,而妈妈等的是一年回两次家的孩子。And I 've learned the only truth that I need to know ,there's a million places I can go ,but without you it ain't home. 没有你的地方,那不是我的家。甲流来了,我很害怕,可是我怕啥呢?死人都不怕的家伙干嘛怕死呢?这样一想我又不怕了。其实,我是在为你害怕,我之所以这么坚强的过活有一半是因为你啊。我喜欢黛玉,喜欢长今,却不喜欢孤儿,我要你开开心心快快乐乐的陪我一起活着,我一直在为这样xx的幸福努力着,家里的男人让你伤透了心,一个走了,一个翅膀还没长硬就堕落了。我{wy}能做的,就是把完完整整健健康康的我带回去给你。


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