幻想漩渦(。ノ・(エ)・。)ノ゛BOY I'M NOT YOUR LOLLIPOP Got my new blazer~
Finally~ i've been waitin' for a long time(well...a week's long enough)
Although can't see the point of gettin' a blazer costs that musch, i still like it~
the fabric is nice but can't really keep u warm
i felt sooo cold walkin' to school this morning, against the wind which blew my hair n skirt up
really piss me off
and the blazer wasn't helpin' at all
OK i do admit it looks smart
i'm goin' to wear that very day now just for lookin' smart~

here are all the photos taken yesterday~~
(ps: the shoulder pad looks a bit weird)

done~so tired (went to bed at about 3 last night..better catch some Zs now....)


Re: No title

> 天哪你们冬天那么冷都要求要穿裙子嘛 真是辛苦哇~
> 很好看的制服哇 料子应该也很不错呢
> 肩垫了以后看上去显得很精神
> 中学生哇晚上要早睡才好 {zh0}不要过零点哇~
> 3点实在是太晚了啊~

yea~we only allowed wearing skirt as ur school uniform
last night i dunt no y i just couldn't get into sleep
i'll try to sleep earlier today~

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