Which foods contain more dietary fiber? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

Which foods contain more dietary fiber?

dietary fiber, the body can not digest certain carbohydrates. Dietary fiber can be divided into two categories, insoluble in water, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, they are known as non-water-soluble fiber; and those soluble in water, if the glue, wood glue, as well as part of the hemicellulose, they are referred to as soluble fiber. Dietary fiber, found mainly in fruits and vegetables inside, other plant foods, such as cereals, legumes are also there, but the fruit and vegetable category of dietary fiber types with the most complete, the most abundant. Dietary fiber has a water-absorbent properties, in which super absorbent water-soluble dietary fiber than non-water-soluble dietary fiber should be much stronger.

dietary fiber, the body can not digest certain carbohydrates. Dietary fiber can be divided into two categories, insoluble in water, such as cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, they are known as non-water-soluble fiber; and those soluble in water, if the glue, wood glue, as well as part of the hemicellulose, they are referred to as soluble fiber. Dietary fiber, found mainly in fruits and vegetables inside, other plant foods, such as cereals, legumes are also there, but the fruit and vegetable category of dietary fiber types with the most complete, the most abundant. Dietary fiber has a water-absorbent properties, in which super absorbent water-soluble dietary fiber than non-water-soluble dietary fiber should be much stronger.

food sources of dietary fiber include cereals, potatoes, beans and vegetables, fruits and other plant foods. The higher the degree of plant maturity, the more of its fiber content, the more fine grain processing, it contains less dietary fiber. Therefore, the proposed selection of fruit rather than fruit juice, choose whole grains rather than through the milling of grain, in order to increase dietary fiber intake.
In addition, dietary fiber containing health food or drink, because food is very convenient, but also a quick way to intake of dietary fiber.


类别: 餐饮食品





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