Singapore police escorted PRC “hijackers” of SBS bus to cab ...

Written by Our Correspondent

prcbus01A PRC family of 5 was allowed to create nuisance and disorder on a SBS bus in public causing much inconvenience to other passengers right under the watchful eyes of the Singapore police.

Both Chinese tabloids Shin Min Daily and Lianhe Wanbao carried a report yesterday on a PRC family who insisted on boarding a SBS bus with a wheelchair?though they were told by the bus captain not to do so due to safety reasons as the bus was not equipped with wheelchair accessibility facilities. (read article )

They made a din on the bus for six hours before leaving in a cab (a 9-seat Maxi-Cab) paid for by SBS. The police was called to the scene, but they were unable to stop the public disturbance and allowed the saga to continue.

Under the new Public Order Act introduced specifically to deal with such incidents, the police are vested with the power to “move” the offenders away from the scene.

For some inexplicable reasons, the two police officers did not evoke the Public Order Act to stop the public unrest and was photographed to be reasoning with one of the PRC ladies and helping the elderly among them alight from the bus subsequently.


[Above: Singapore police officers "escorting" the PRC offenders with another one carrying their wheelchair behind like their servant. Source of photo: Lianhe Wanbao, 18 January 2010]

When interviewed by Lianhe Wanbao, 48 year old Madam Lin who worked in the media industry said angrily:

“The bus did not put out any sign that forbid wheelchairs to be brought up and we did not commit any crime. So why was the bus stopped by the road and refused to fetch us home?”

Madam Lin and her family had already committed a crime if not a series of crimes – they can be charged for a variety of offences under the Public Order and Nuisance Act (Chapter 184) such as causing harassment, alarm or distress to others, making excessive noise in public and of riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour, each amounting to a fine of no more than S$1,000.

If they were Singaporeans, they would probably be arrested on the spot and taken away for “obstructing” the police from discharging their duties, let alone allowed to continue their nonsense on the bus for so long.

From this and previous cases, the Singapore police appears to dish out preferential treatment to foreigners.

When over 200 PRC workers protested outside the Ministry of Manpower last year over unpaid wages, the police was seen standing around them and not taking any action:


[The above Chinese migrants were allowed to gather and protest outside Ministry of Manpower for hours, but where were the Singapore Police? No arrests were made and their employer was forced to repay the wages owed to them. Source of photo: TNP]

However, when two Singaporeans – Seelan Palay and Chiong Kai Xiong stood outside the same compound to protest against the deportation of their Burmese friends by the ruling party, they were arrested on the spot and taken away by the Singapore police within thirty minutes:


[Above: Two police officers arrived immediately to arrest two Singapore citizens who risked two years of their lives in National Service and dragged them forcefully away? from the scene in handcuffs. The two were simply standing outside MOM without causing any public disturbance or obstruction to passer-bys unlike the PRC family who caused one bus to be "stranded" for 6 hours and its passengers transferred to another bus. Source of photo: ]


[Above: Singapore citizen and NSman Seelan Palay arrested by Singapore police and taken away in handcuffs for standing outside MOM without causing any disturbance to the public. Contrast the treatment he received to that of the PRC "VIPs" - why didn't the police handcuff them immediately and still got time to "chit chat" with them for 6 hours? Source of photo: ]

Similarly a PRC woman was allowed to “protest” at the Ministry of Education headquarters last week?for the entire day till midnight demanding its staff to transfer her daughter to a top primary school. The police could have arrested her immediately to stop the ugly fiasco, but again did not do so.

Yet five Singaporeans were arrested for “illegal procession” when all they did was to walk in a group?from one point to another in public. The case is still ongoing after three years. Though a District Judge had already acquitted them, the Attorney-General Chambers found fit to lodge an appeal against?the decision.

The Singapore police is extremely efficient when dealing with locals, especially if they happen to fall on the wrong end of the political divide. But when it comes to foreigners, they seem pretty lost on what to do?like how they allowed a prime suspect in the double hit and run accident at Bukit Panjang last month to “slip” through its dragnet.

Such police inaction and impotence?will only serve to embolden foreigners in Singapore who may get the wrong impression that as long they make enough “noise”, they will be able to get away with almost anything in Singapore.

Perhaps this family will soon be teaching their fellow PRC relatives and friends in Singapore on how to get a “free cab ride” from SBS and “free escort services” from the Singapore Police Force from now onwards.

The Singapore police should remember that they are paid by Singapore taxpayers to serve the interests of the public and not to protect the foreigners.

In this example, more than 10 passengers, some of whom were Singaporeans?had to be transferred to another bus just because of the silly antics of this PRC family which could be prevented in the first place had the police decided to take action against them instead of “loitering” around them for 6 hours.

Not only did they get away with the crime, they were even “compensated” with a free taxi trip home by SBS with the Singapore police “serving” as “road usherers” to help them down the bus and “escort” them to the taxi with one police officer seen carrying their wheelchair behind like a servant, making a mockery of the “rule of law” in Singapore.

It is highly unlikely that this PRC household who caused disruption to public transport and inconvenience to other commuters will be charged by the Singapore police. In fact, it will not be surprising at all if the Singapore Police were to send them a letter of “apology” to soothe their frayed nerves.


164 Comments on "Singapore police escorted PRC “hijackers” of SBS bus to cab instead of arresting them"

  1. IF THEY WERE SINGAPOREANS........ on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:36 am 

    Wonder what would has happened if they were Singaporeans………..

    Police now also has ”Singaporeans First Policy’????

  2. Singapolung on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:44 am 

    Next incident they have to kneel infront of the PRC and kowtow to them to say “sorry” till the PRC are appeased.

  3. Hosanna on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:45 am 

    down with pap! betrayers of singaporeans!

    i vow not to donate a single cent to singaporean causes unless singaporeans will help themselves by voting out the betrayers, imbeciles and incompetent!!!

  4. IF THEY WERE SINGAPOREANS................... on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:46 am 


    Wonder wat would has happened if they were local born Singaporeans????

    Police and SBS Transit also have ”Singaporeans First” policy.

    Police will be happy to arrest local born Singaporeans FIRST ……….

    SBS Transit will be happy to kick the local born Singaporean off the bus FIRST ………

  5. LL on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:48 am 

    {bfb} sure if it was a normal person making a public nuisance on an SBS bus for 5 hours he will be arrested.

  6. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:48 am 

    Uttely disgraceful! Perhaps I should urged all wheelchair bound Singaporeans to pull this stunt too. You can get a free taxi ride… !

  7. True Singaporean on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:51 am 

    Foreigners comes first,so say our ministers every other day.And because of that foreigners knows they come first so long as PAP rules.

    PRC -because of their overwhelming numbers gets noticed whenever they get a priority treatment over locals.There are other foreigners who abuses locals more than PRC.

    Malaysian Chinese and Indians from India are the worst lot compared to PRC.We can’t tell the difference between a Malaysian and a local.But once you scratch the surface the ugly Malaysian appears.

    Likewise Indians from India usually put up a pleasant face to superiors and a very ugly one to subordinates….These are the cultural shocks we are now exposed to under PAP’s FT policy.

    Locals are now foreigners in our very own tuft.

  8. A Tan on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:52 am 

    Tying to show MM is right abt PRCers being driven, TR? Or is correspondent a subversive?

    PRCs lead the way. Showing S’poreans to be lions.

    If only the minibonders; and HN5, Pinnacle and Jubilee noters had the balls of these people and the MOE squatter.

    To S’poreans signing petition is big deal.

  9. MenInBlue on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:05 am 

    “They made a din on the bus for six hours before leaving in a cab paid for by SBS. The police was called to the scene, but they were unable to stop the public disturbance and allowed the saga to continue”

    How come police was called to the scene and unable to stop the public disturbance for up to 6 hours? That shows something abt the leniency of our police… Dr chee was ‘evacuated’ even before he ’starts’ it… Flavorism?

  10. SC on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:07 am 

    one country, three systems

    one for MIWs, one for foreigners, one for Singaporeans

  11. Cpt on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:10 am 

    Prc is lky team big brother. they help to make the 6.5mil population possible.

  12. IF THEY WERE SINGAPOREANS................... on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:15 am 


    Don’t sabo the handicap Singaporeans on wheelchair,

    with the ‘SINGAPOREAN FIRST’ policy, they will be arrested.

  13. Band of Brothers on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:16 am 

    Has our government pro-talent policy and recent MM speech motivated such behaviour as they are considered country next drivers as local bred Singaporeans are less hard driving and less hardworking?

    This incident is first in Singapore but a common sight in China (if you have worked in China, you will know what I mean) will there be more such hard driving incidents in Singapore in the future?

    Singapore is a little red dot govern by “lions” and we Singaporeans are “Sheeps”. Truely a politically right description.

  14. q on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:16 am 

    They are the real Singaporeans!
    We are just slaves with serial numbers.

  15. Old Guy on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:19 am 

    China got nuclear missiles !!

    can shoot at singapore if not happy with you

    or if singaporeans bully their people here !!

    that is why police scared of them

    And singapore army also got SAF officers who are china-born but migrated with parents to singapore !!

    even SAF also welcome china born kids to be their officers and to command singaporean soldiers!!

    what a mess singapore is !!

  16. Stinkapore on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:19 am 

    Of course our boys in blue are afraid of the PLA…who wouldn’t?

  17. LHL's Dead Wife on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:21 am 

    I’m absolutely surprised that neither Hairy Apeman Shanmugam nor Flaccid Forecaster Extraodinaire has blamed the cause of this incident on Singaporeans yet!!

  18. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:23 am 

    This is really shameful. I can’t imagine if a family of 5 Singaporeans doing this sort of act. They probably end up in a police station…This is really uniquely singapore!

    I recalled years ago, being scolded by this mad woman from China during the macdonald hello kitty fiasco..really ultimate! I really felt like slapping her.

  19. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:31 am 

    A Tan,

    Tats why Singaporeans hve be “subverted”.
    Would you volunteer to do same stunt ..and see what you if you are a singaporean?

    Come on….thats why the only way is thru yr VOTE…our forefathers did not make any mistake…its that someone have changed into a “Devil”

  20. Sinkie on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:32 am 

    These are the precious FTs who are a class above ordinary Singaporeans. They are being treated like kings and queens in our country while Singaporeans are being treated as lower class.
    Singaporeans better wake up. Give them another 5 more years to accelerate this pro foreigners policy and Singaporeans will be totally displaced. No more turning back.

  21. cy on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:32 am 

    don’t blame the police, they are only obeying orders from the top to “integrate” with new immigrants.

    from zaobao, sbs drivers who are singapore citizens dropped to 38%



  22. cy on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:34 am 

    sidetrack, another news from zaobao

    Another blunder by teo ho pin’s town council

    市镇会出资更换竹竿管 管口太窄反遭居民投诉




      居住在柏提路(Petir Road)第116座组屋的林梅花(57岁,家庭主妇)受访时说,在更换新的撑管之前,她晒衣不曾遇过任何问题,但自从三个星期前安装了新的不锈钢晾衣竹竿撑管后,因撑管直径太小,收晾衣竹竿时非常吃力,有时甚至得叫她丈夫帮忙。









  23. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:41 am 


    As a fair-minded reader of your articles, I must say that you have not been very professional and fair this time in trying to sensationalise the PRC family issue by headlinning them as PRC ‘hijackers’ which is totally out of line in describing them. How can a family of 5 including one auntie, one maid and a 90 year old granny be described as hijackers.

    The fact is that the PRC family was not in the wrong. As a form of public transport, it is expected that wheelchair passengers are allowed unless otherwise stated. In this case, it was not stated. Even I was borne and raised here for decades, I still do not know that wheelchair passengers are not allowed in the public buses.

    So when did the family commit a crime as been described by you — “Madam Lin and her family had already committed a crime if not a series of crimes – they can be charged for a variety of offences under the Public Order and Nuisance Act (Chapter 184) such as causing harassment, alarm or distress to others, making excessive noise in public and of riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour, each amounting to a fine of no more than S$1,000.” This is not the truth which we are supposed to seek for.

    Is just that the PRC family know their rights and they have the intelligence and courage to fight for their rights. If this is a local Singaporean family, they will probably run away once they see the police coming because Singaporeans under decades of ruling party’s suppression will not have the courage to fight for their rights. It is so unfortunate, people from a communist country knows their rights better than those in the so-called 1st world.

    We can always fault our government for its failed policy by allowing to many foreigners in our country but we shd not find every opportunity to discriminate the PRC people, especially a family with a 90 years old nanny. In fact, we shd applaud Mdm Lin for her kindness in wheeling the 90 years old nanny around. How many Singaporeans will prepare to take this trouble?

    And for once, our poodles are doing the right thing by not arresting the family. Come on, you expect the poodles to wrestle and handcuff Mdm Lin and the 90 years old nanny to the ground and shaft them into a poodle van.

    I am not requesting you to delete this thread. Let the people judge for themselves.

  24. PeterL on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:50 am 

    Have a look at Seelan palay’s Blog and the reason is clear.Seelan is lucky he is not charged with ISA.PRC & FT are the flavour of the season and must be handled with care,else they will not come or leave.Don’t forget we are welcoming and assimilating them with $10 million fund.Savvy???

  25. ah meon on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:58 am 

    I can understand where The Patriot is coming from, but to hold up the bus for SIX frigging hours? where has the efficiency of the city state gone to? i was under the impression we prided ourselves with efficiency… it seems when it comes to FTs, the authorities have their tails stuck neatly between their legs…

    I, for one, would really really like to see what would happen if it were a local family (complete with all the same aspects as this family of ah tiongs)…

    a social experiment anyone?

  26. Anonymous Coward; Cult of the common sense on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:10 pm 

    @The Patriot

    Have you gone utterly senseless? What kind of a logic is that when you say, “In fact, we shd applaud Mdm Lin for her kindness in wheeling the 90 years old nanny around. How many Singaporeans will prepare to take this trouble?”.

    If she was -really- kind to the old lady, she would have just left in a cab instead of creating a scene for 6 whole hours. No shit, this PRC family is making a mockery of the system and of all Singaporeans by showing how they can get the parties involved to be “subservient” to them by ending this fiasco with having SBS pay for a cab to send them back and getting away without getting arrested for being an utter nuisance in public and yes, that would constitute as “hijacking”, since the bus was stuck there for 6 hours and unable to proceed with it’s arranged schedule set by the company and that another bus had to be sent down to pick up the rest of the stranded passengers. So if that’s not called “hijacking”, what -exactly- is it?

    Now, if I were to hold up a bus which you are on for 6 hours, claiming that my friend that needs a wheelchair should have the right to board the bus with a wheelchair would you still sing the same tune? Probably not but hey, I’m “fighting” for my rights aren’t I? There’s a difference between going for your rights and coming across as a pompous ass like the family in the article.

    Granted, if Dr Chee & co do the same stunt, you can be sure that the police would have thrown them into a van and driven then off to the lockup within an hour.

    There’s a fine line between being logical and being an utter idiot, you sir, have crossed that line.

    Anonymous Coward

  27. Singapolung on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:10 pm 


    are you sure they did not commit offences under the Public Order and Nuisance Act (Chapter 184) such as causing harassment, alarm or distress to others, making excessive noise in public and of riotous, disorderly or indecent behaviour, each amounting to a fine of no more than S$1,000.” for 6 hours ?!!

    You must be joking or senile ?

    You mean those PRC just seat still and Shut UP !

    大多数不是善男信女 , 拜托啦 !!!

    太天真 或 过虚伪

  28. Sinkie on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:11 pm 

    @The Partiot:

    1) There is individual rights and there is collective rights. Collective rights should always come first. Even assuming the PRC has the aright, does she have to create such a scene and expect the hundreds of bus commuters to alight and wait for another bus? What kind of arrogance is this??

    2) As TR has said, it is just a technicality. Why create such a scene for a small technicality? Isn’t safety more important? It had been explained to the PRC that it’s unsafe for the wheelchair coz the bus isn’t designed for it.

    3) Do you sincerely believe that if a Singaporean were to do the same thing, that he will not be arrested right away? That is the most outrageous thing. That Singaporeans are being treated as even lower class than these foreigners in our own backyard.

    My plea to Singaporeans is please wake up, for the sake of our country. This govt will never change. A leopard never changes it’s spot.

  29. manyears on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:25 pm 

    Actually I applaud what the PRC people did… it is an social injustice that public transport and facilities do not cater for people with special needs.

    If more singaporean stand up for what is right, the issue of apathy will not exist in singapore!

    the case of “郝劲松” in china is an excellent example. He stands for social injustice and sue the railway line for not issuing invoice and he won. As a result, he force the railway line to issue invoice.

    We need people that dare to stand up against social injustice!

    When will we have have compulsory wheel chair friendly transportation and buildings, or dedicated change area for babies that are not overran by kiasu singaporeans?

  30. wat? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:27 pm 

    why not some singaporeans try the exact same thing. see if you get arrested. it would be very interesting.

    if not, the comparison with the SDP is stretching it abit. one is a political game, the other is complaining about SBS bus service.

  31. xtaxidriver on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:28 pm 

    So now everyone should understand what they mean by ” Sinkapooreans come first”. Pretty obvious isn’t?

  32. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:28 pm 

    The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:41 am

    I want to say FXXX YOU.

    Those who know the rights are Chee Soon Juan, JBJ, Tang Liang Hong etera.

    They are bullied simply because they are Singaporean.

    Gopalan nair and PRC above are let off hook because they are foreigner.

  33. SimplySingaporean on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:31 pm 

    This bus incident proves once again what the public had been concerned all along. We are not against all migrants but actions like this are alien to us. It frightens me. What is happening to our society? Singaporeans cannot recognise our country anymore.

  34. Man on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:31 pm 

    Is my life in danger now when I walk on the streets? Can the police protect me or my loved ones if I am being assaulted by criminals or mad foreigners?Is this the same Singapore from 3 years back?

  35. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:39 pm 

    Maybe the police officers were lazy to write any reports for that day still we’re paying them their salary to do their jobs no reason to be lazy :)

  36. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:46 pm 

    @ah meon; Anonymous Coward and Sickapolung,

    We Singaporeans better do some introspection. We are so pent up with this issue is because we Singaporeans have no gut to confront the real culprit which is the leeching familee who easily allows the foreigners to work in our country with all means and therefore we conveniently find the weaker victim to vent our frustration. But we are going so low that we discriminate a foreign PRC family with auntie, old granny and maid to victimize.

    Please, Singaporeans, we are really like sheep now after letting our government calling us long enough. No wonder, we call ourself Corward and Sickapolung.

  37. kyc on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:47 pm 

    To “Patriot”

    “The fact is that the PRC family was not in the wrong. As a form of public transport, it is expected that wheelchair passengers are allowed unless otherwise stated. In this case, it was not stated. Even I was borne and raised here for decades, I still do not know that wheelchair passengers are not allowed in the public buses”.

    What you wrote here is only an assumption that the SG government do provide all forms of public services to the handicapped. Only in some of the newer TIBS bendy buses, I have seen the wheel chair lift gate and space for wheel chair passenger. I don’t think any of the SBS buses are equipped with this.

    And I have been to China many times and in different cities. I do not recall the buses over there can handle wheel chair passengers (cos they are always overcroweded).

    So, we should ask the PRC family why they chose to create nuisance here in SG?

    As I wrote previously, the way SG government runs or operates is by rule of law and instructions. They will tell us what we can do (by signages or postings) and cannot do. if no written instructions are given, ignorance is not an excuse.

    Another classic example is our HDB flats – why don’t you ask MBT or the HDB why when they build the flats 20 to 30 years ago for the public, they did not install lifts at every level? COST issue I believe. They want to save money.

    So can I say that if I buy a flat that is not at lift level, I should camp outside the lift and make a big nuisance to HDB….

  38. CruEL on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:52 pm 

    Any 9 people wanna join me on a SBS bus sit n protest to see if we get a free cab home or at least to 1 point of destination.

    What do you think will happen to us?

  39. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:03 pm 


    Don’t act so macho by f__king people around here. of course, I respect Dr Chee, JBJ, TLH, etc who know their rights and stood for it.

    And you said, “They are bullied simply because they are Singaporean.” So whose fault is that? Why we S’poreans allowed fellow but courageous Singaporeans like Dr Chee and the likes to be bullied in our own land. Why can’t we like people in HK, Taiwan and Korea, stand up collectively against the bullyer.

    The fact is that most Singaporeans are like you, acting macho behind the keyboard but dare not to confront the real culprit that bully us which is the familee. But instead vent their frustration on a woman and an old nanny

  40. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:06 pm 

    We really need to boot them out in the next election . We don’t have a single good reason to elect them . They have lost Billions , allow romanian to flee country and now yet another case . Frankly , they might have problem sleeping at night because the did nothing good for us yet getting paid millions .

  41. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:18 pm 


    China is still a 3rd world. S’pore is already considered a 1st world. Expectation must be different. When I go to western Europe, I expect the train to be clean and punctual but I don’t think I can expect the same when I am in India.

    And are you sure, “”"The way SG government runs or operates is by rule of law and instructions. They will tell us what we can do (by signages or postings) and cannot do.”"”

    Tell that to Dr Chee, what our constitutions are and what our government practice. Please don’t any how give a sweeping statement

  42. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:26 pm 


    You said, “”"”There is individual rights and there is collective rights. Collective rights should always come first.”"”"

    Why don’t you tell that to old Gecko. When old Gecko did not have the priority to be treated for her illness in London, our national airline had to quickly fixed a complete emergency medical facilities in the plane and flied her back to Singapore for immediate treatment on the same day.

  43. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:27 pm 

    Arrest them? How to arrest them when the PAPies stays in power or not depended on them?

    Chinese are very ‘UNITED’ and ‘CLAN MINDED’ compared to Sinkaporeans.

    Piss 1 family off and you are pissing all of them off, although the other ‘pissed’ family wont even know what they are pissed at.

    PAPies needs ‘imported citizens’ until at least the GE is over, so die die their policies will ‘lun’ lor.

    In the words of Sinkapore’s PM, ‘We Will Scare Them Off’.

  44. Andrew Chuah on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:28 pm 


    Looks like these Chinese nationals are above the law and there are definitely two sets of law ie one for us Singaporeans whereas another set for them.

    They should be charged in court and let the Court decides whether they are guilty or not, and if they are, let them face the full wrath of our Rule of Law, and serve time in Prison. We have always been reminded that no one is above the Rule of Law in Singapore and whoever breaks them, shall face the full wrath of the Rule of Law.

    Andrew Chuah

  45. MenInBlue on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:32 pm 

    no need to argue… those idiots who believe the PRCs are right: READ THIS:

    “prosecution said Vadim caused inconvenience to other passengers and financial loss to SIA totalling $49,000″

    don’t u think they caused the same thing? 6 hours? I think SBSTransit should stand firm and sue them for their losses…

  46. To cy, Can translate your posting in English on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:36 pm 

    To cy, Can translate your posting in English

    ■cy on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:32am


  47. MenInBlue on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:36 pm 

    If you want to uphold your rights at the convenience of other passengers or people (driver, police)… then u’re being selfish.

  48. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:42 pm 

    Re Patriot

    Please continue to fan civics rights awareness all over the place.

    I believe PAP has energised many opposition by giving them many issues to rally on.

    PAP has shown us that we can block a bus by fillabuster. And also meanwhile, we have a new issue that discriminative treatment between local and foreigner to rally.

    I think Singapore need few more Gandhis or Martin Luther King.

    Keep up your good work.

  49. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:43 pm 

    Andrew Chuah,

    Don’t sound so aggressive. They are only woman and granny.

    Why don’t you say charge the familee in court for losing billions of our blood and sweat money or charge the wooden Goh for treason for calling his own people sheep. You dare not, right.

  50. Will.I.Am on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:47 pm 

    I have 2 points that I want to bring across here.

    1. First, I want to criticise the correspondent. Instead of using this article as a case study of how helpless the police are against organised civil disobedience, and how we can learn from it to stand together against PAP, you instead use it to stir up “Singaporeans v.s. PRCs”, right-wing, even almost facist, sentiments. SHAME ON YOU!

    2. Second thing, which is the main thing I would like to speak about: I want to applaud these PRCs for standing up for what they believe in and their rights.

    Given a Singaporean in this situation, he/she would meekly get off the bus and probably write an harmless complaint letter to Straits Times letter that that will be the end of story.

    The 200 PRCs protesting outside MOM with the police not able to do anything? That’s excactly the type of Civil Disobedience that Chee Soon Juan and his ilks are calling for.

    The thing is this: There’s power in numbers. For those who’ve went through NS and saw soldiers from the “normal intake” (read: lowly or uneducated members of the population), they protest against stupid or unfair orders by from their officers by banding together,platoon or battalion-wide, and throw their 11Bs on the floor in protest. Were these soliders ever charged for “insubordination”? NO! Instead, the officers were questioned for being “ineffective leaders” by not being able to get their soldiers to follow orders. This is especially “deadly” for the regular officers because if this becomes known they will never get their promotion. So, this makes them just and treat the soldiers well so that they will follow his orders.

    Why can’t we do something like this? Why are we so submissive and weak? Just band together and protest in the thousands at Hong Lim park against PAP for incompetence- not only will the police not be able to make any arrest, the state media will also have a hard time twisting this into something positive. The ministers will be shown as ineffective leaders.

    Let’s learn from the PRCs from this aspect. Power to the People!

  51. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 1:49 pm 

    Wow, SIX hours?

    To The Patriot and Manyears:

    I don’t think that the issue here is about the principle of fighting for your rights. I definitely agree with you that we should strive to know our rights and defend them.

    However, we should ask if it is the “right” of a person to demand a trip with a wheelchair on a bus that is not equipped with wheelchair facilities.

    Is it the “right” of a person to insist that the bus should move even when the bus captain has explained about the safety reasons why he cannot do so?

    Is it the “right” of a person to refuse to leave the bus, thus causing the bus to be stranded and causing disruptions to the other passengers (who might be on their lunch break) who are forced to switch to another bus?

    Is it the “right” of a person to continue to make a din for SIX hours even after the police have arrived, thus taking up the time of the police officers and disrupting the work schedule of the bus captain?

    And then, after all that – is it the “right” of a person to demand the bus company to give them a free trip home on a Maxi Cab?

    When discussing an issue we should not be solely fixated on the ends; we must also examine the means.

    The method used is very important.

    The Patriot and Manyears, you both applaud the family for standing up for their “rights”, but you did not ask if there are more effective and less disruptive methods to do so.

    In fact, you did not even ask if their actions indicate that they were really fighting for the right to have better wheelchair access on buses, or if they just wanted to have their way – no matter what.

  52. 1cuntry2system on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:00 pm 

    Please be kind to SBS and the Singapore police they did the right thing lah. This PRCian are old fart’s pets after all I mean who is so brave enough dare to go against the emperor’s untold edict.
    Replace this incident with others people eg SDP the police force will sure practise Singaporean first policy eying for faster promotion for doing the right thing.
    Seems like in most public nuisance incident PRCian are involve. There is one coffee tiam behind Pearl Centre where customer order food from the coffee shop are not allow to eat at the table outside operated by another stall. Most Singaporeans when told sheepishly eat inside the coffeshop but not this PRC woman. She keep yelling and shouting spoiling for a fight with the coffee shop employee. In a way this PRCian is fighting her right too.

  53. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:02 pm 


    You state, “”"”prosecution said Vadim caused inconvenience to other passengers and financial loss to SIA totalling $49,000″”"”"

    I think your comparison is out of contect. Vadim was heavily drunk and acting violently. He even punched an air steward. In this case, they were woman, maid and old granny. If we Singaporeans keep on faulting them, then we shd not be surprised to have ex-army general and minister in our beloved country to tai-ji his under oath duty when requested for help by a poor girl who got molested.

  54. talknonsense on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:07 pm 

    The action of the PRCs are not really wrongful.
    It’s the special treatment accorded.
    Like most here,I think a local doing the same thing would have been ‘WRONGFULLY’ arrested!
    dr chee should try speaking for singaporeans from the PR PLATFORM?…REALLY!

  55. Incredulous on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:08 pm 

    In my humble opinion, the MOE and this bus ‘incident’ is not a coincident. On top of that, Mdm Lin is reported to be working in the media industry.

    I have a feeling there is a group with hidden agendas using their knowledge of Singapore laws to incite hatred for the govt. or FTs/FWs. Worse, to create social unrest between us.

    I am not a fan of the ruling elite. But I hope Singaporeans are intelligent enough to notice both the opposition party and the ruling elite are capable to create ‘wayang’ scenarios to try to get votes.

    From my obeservations, when it comes to dealing with Foreigners:

    If the foreigners comes from a rich and powerful country, our laws and our govt. tend to be more lax on them. This could be due to our ruling elites’ fear of affecting the GDP which is pegged to their bonuses. They cannot affect to lose trade from these countries.

    The almost 50years of Social Engineering by the ruling elite has created a growing disaffected or disenchanted Singaporeans who are more likely not vote for the ruling elite. Hence, the need to be more lax rules and regulations for the PRs in order to overcome the lack of votes from the locals.

    Also, the ruling elite has wrongly compared the immigrants of old (which were our forefeathers) and the immigrants of now. Though, the reasons may be the same, which is to seek a better life, there were no airplanes or fast ships that can whisk you back to your home country in a few hours. So the immigrants of old, settled down and planted their roots here. The immigrants of now, would have no compulsion to do the same as they can easily move on to other countries or return home.

    It justs goes to show, how removed from reality the ruling elite are. They have no ideas left on how to keep Singapore going. Instead, they blame us for their ineptitude and falling bonuses.

  56. Focus on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:17 pm 

    @ Patriot

    I must agree with your views. Objectively, I think many are just upset that the lady was vocal enough to show her view. In ‘first world singapore’ I would expect our public transportation and services to be wheelchair friendly. I was also ignorant of the fact that not all our buses are equipped to assist the physically disadvantaged.

    It just goes to show the welfare and support system our rich island has. But in LKY’s eyes, it’s only our fault if we are handicapped and cannot afford to buy car. He probably thinks that no leg, got brain can still make money for yourself and for Singapore right? Otherwise you are just chao keng. Just like the ex-Japanese PM whose gaff about old jap men falling ill because they never exercise like him cost him his job and approval ratings.

    Saying so, I really don’t approve of the lady’s stance as she did cause a huge load of inconvenience and waste of resources. Being a meek singaporean, i guess I would have just sucked it up and write a long letter to the company to get my money back for the bus ride and also pray with fingers crossed that they re-imburse my cab fare from wherever the bus dropped me off.
    But that’s prob what most of us would have done and in my mind, is prob the most civilised way.

  57. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:18 pm 

    Re The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:02 pm

    What about Chee Soon Juan?

    Why was he summoned to court when neither his act bring neither damage to property or well being of others. (excpet PAP)

    I think our police got to act on impartially base on rule of law.

  58. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:24 pm 

    @Lim Leng Hiong,

    You have stated, “”"”"In fact, you did not even ask if their actions indicate that they were really fighting for the right to have better wheelchair access on buses, or if they just wanted to have their way – no matter what.”"”"

    Exactly, I don’t know, so are all the forumners here. But why are they including the TR’s correspondent here so quick to label the family as hijackers and said they have committed a crime if not a series of crime. Why are you so double standard.

    I know the family had hold back the bus for few hours. But so far I have not heard any body in the bus with them complaining about the family causing inconvenience and discomfort. The whole story was only penned by TR. Who know maybe the other passengers were supporting the PRC family because they were in the rights.

    If we Singaporeans do not want to be sheep led by wolves in fake lion’s skins, then we shd nurture ourself as real lions and not find fault with an old granny.

    Will.I.Am is right. “”"”"”Why can’t we do something like this? Why are we so submissive and weak? Just band together and protest in the thousands at Hong Lim park against PAP for incompetence- not only will the police not be able to make any arrest, the state media will also have a hard time twisting this into something positive. The ministers will be shown as ineffective leaders.”"”"”

  59. someone sad for singapore on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:26 pm 

    Sibei kelong!

    If it was any other true blue Singaporeans, I think they in police vehicle for being public nuisance already.

    I do not want such a kelong police and government. Double standards!

  60. Rainnix on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:31 pm 

    1 Country, 2 Systems, 3 Classes!

  61. G on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:34 pm 

    To Patriot & Will.I.Am,

    I agree with Lim Leng Hiong that this isn’t about “rights”. They seem to be arguing for the sake of arguing, and to hold the bus up for SIX HOURS to the inconvenience of everyone else – surely there’s a better, less disruptive and more constructive way to fight for one’s “rights”?

    Besides, what “rights” are there to talk about on a bus without wheelchair facilities? The bus driver was right in disallowing them on but they claim it’s their “right” to? What if an accident had occurred? Would they still have remembered that it is their “right” or would they blame the bus driver or bus for lack of warning/facilities?

    Granted, it would be ideal for all buses to have wheelchair facilities, but that is slowly being phased in. The fact remains that they do not have the “right” to board a wheelchair-facilityless bus with a wheelchair!

    For anyone who asks what would happen if it were a S’porean family – Any other S’porean family would arrange to transport a wheelchair-bound person in a cab or car! Do you see us trying to get on a bus and then demanding our “rights” for 6 whole hours while everyone else on the bus is re-directed to another bus?

    To The Patriot, what is there to victimise or pity or admire about transporting a 90-yr-old granny with a maid? We do it to – just not using the bus and creating a nuisance of ourselves.

  62. G on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:35 pm 

    The PAtriot:

    Will.I.Am is right. “”””””Why can’t we do something like this? Why are we so submissive and weak? Just band together and protest in the thousands at Hong Lim park against PAP for incompetence- not only will the police not be able to make any arrest, the state media will also have a hard time twisting this into something positive. The ministers will be shown as ineffective leaders.”””””


    You have no right to board a wheelchari-facilityless bus when you have a wheelchair. End of story.

  63. MenInBlue on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:36 pm 

    @The Patriot
    that’s precisely the point! These woman are wide awake and they have no excuse of hogging the traffic and causing inconvenience to other passengers! But in the end the conclusion is still: The PRCs have caused inconvenience to other passengers, driver and police, hence wasting resources. That’s a fact and a point that is unchangeable.

  64. WY Lee on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:42 pm 

    Dear True Singaporean,

    Such a provocateur you are. How can you generalize us Malaysians like that by calling us the ugly Malaysians? Do you want to know what we in Malaysia call Singaporeans of your kind? Kiasu Lang i.e. the kiasu Singaporeans.

    I am not generalizing. I am attributing the kiasu character to you. There are many nice Singaporeans around and none of them behaves like you. But just in case you take offence, DEAL WITH IT!!

    So, let not throw innuendos at each other but stand in solidarity with each other to change our respective countries.


  65. kim on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:45 pm 

    just that all these PRCs are a nuisance in Singapore…. that’s all i have to say.

  66. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:49 pm 

    Looks to me PAP desperate for votes from the “new” citizens…so must give in…make in anyway possible it is GREAT to be a “new” singapore citizen/PR!!!

    once “new” citizens vote for PAP in the coming elections and god forbid PAP is in charge again for the next 5 years…well…PAP will thank the “new” citizens by screwing them yours truely for the next 5 years…by that time when again elections are coming, PAP will bring in “newer” citizens…and do nice stuff again, never mind the previous “new” citizens and the long suffering old citizens…

    PAP is either diabolical else BOLEH! WUNDERBAR! HAO LEI! … only to themselves.

    Sad for all of us.

    Making their old version of hell on earth to keep an unproductive elite class [probably 5% or so in singapore or overseas] in heaven. Good all right…good at changing laws to keep themselves in power at the expense of the common man/woman.

    And they think they are HUMAN BEINGS! More like rutting pigs in a pile of dung!!!

  67. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:50 pm 


    The way you talk, “”"”You have no right to board a wheelchari-facilityless bus when you have a wheelchair. End of story.”"”", you really sound like the old fart, thinking what he says is always universally true.

    The initial CPF rule states that all Singaporeans above age 55 can withdraw all their CPF, now the government say they can’t. Ho Jinx said Temasick’s invsetments are for long term, the next moment she unloaded BOA at billions dollars loss.

    When are the rules for Sickaporlung like you absolute.

  68. Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:01 pm 

    Every week some Minister talk about lazy fussy Singaporeans.

    Every week, we are told to accept foreigners or we will collapse and die.

    Every week, we are told that even cheap Myanmar workers with Primary school standard of English are talents.

    This is the result of those propaganda.

  69. vege on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:07 pm 

    Shame that Singaporeans have no civil rights on Singapore soil while non-Singaporeans can literally get away with murder! The Singapore government is only good at bullying its own people because there is nobody to speak up for them. They are, on the other hand, afraid of offending the citizens of other countries like China. If Singaporeans still vote for this government in the next election we will be further marginalised in their own country and will lose our voice forever..

  70. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:09 pm 


    Of course, you wld agree with Lim Leng Hiong. Both of you talk alike. You said, “”"They seem to be arguing for the sake of arguing, and to hold the bus up for SIX HOURS to the inconvenience of everyone else.”"”"

    First, you use the word ’seem’, that means you do not know what is exactly happening there.

    Second, you said they caused inconvenience to others. Were you in the bus with the family. If they’d cause inconvenience, how come nobody in the bus was complaining except people like you who are too sheepish to confront their own incompetent government but just know how to victimize a granny

  71. Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:10 pm 

    To Goondu Singaporeans Who Applaud their actions,

    There is a HUGE difference between standing up for your rights and being inconsiderate anti-social assholes asking for preferential treatment. This family is clearly the latter.

    How about I get on a bus and ask for free drinks because it is my “right” not to be thirsty and hungry. How about asking public buses to install toilets so that my “right” to urinate whenever I want is not compromised.

  72. So how? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:18 pm 

    I will take a cab instead if i have to move around with my 90 year old granny for her comfort. Standing on the bus arguing for 6 six hours and making a 90yr old lady sitting there? I will walk over and give that PRC chaboh a punch before i walk out of the bus if i m one of the passenger. Enough is enough! When is the GE coming?!

  73. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:20 pm 

    Will.I.Am: “First, I want to criticise the correspondent. Instead of using this article as a case study of how helpless the police are against organised civil disobedience, and how we can learn from it to stand together against PAP, you instead use it to stir up “Singaporeans v.s. PRCs”, right-wing, even almost facist, sentiments. SHAME ON YOU!”

    I understand your point.

    However, this incident was not an example of organised civil disobedience, so it would be a stretch to use it as a case study for your purposes.

    The family had not planned to protest against the bus company for incomplete wheelchair access in their buses. They were probably ticked off because of what they saw as inconsistency – the first bus they encountered that day allowed the wheelchair while the second bus didn’t.

    “Second thing, which is the main thing I would like to speak about: I want to applaud these PRCs for standing up for what they believe in and their rights.

    Given a Singaporean in this situation, he/she would meekly get off the bus and probably write an harmless complaint letter to Straits Times letter that that will be the end of story.

    The 200 PRCs protesting outside MOM with the police not able to do anything? That’s excactly the type of Civil Disobedience that Chee Soon Juan and his ilks are calling for.”

    I mentioned earlier that the claim that these individuals were fighting for their “rights”, as opposed to fighting for whatever they want, is suspect.

    In addition, you suggest that if Singaporeans were to protest in the same way as the Chinese nationals did, the police will also do nothing.

    I think this opinion is untested, since Singaporeans are clearly not Chinese nationals and thus it is at least possible that they may all be arrested. 200 is not that many people and well within the capabilities of our police.

    “The thing is this: There’s power in numbers. For those who’ve went through NS and saw soldiers from the “normal intake” (read: lowly or uneducated members of the population), they protest against stupid or unfair orders by from their officers by banding together,platoon or battalion-wide, and throw their 11Bs on the floor in protest. Were these soliders ever charged for “insubordination”? NO! Instead, the officers were questioned for being “ineffective leaders” by not being able to get their soldiers to follow orders. This is especially “deadly” for the regular officers because if this becomes known they will never get their promotion. So, this makes them just and treat the soldiers well so that they will follow his orders.”

    I am not disputing your view that there is power in numbers, but your anecdote about soldiers protesting “battalion-wide” by throwing their 11Bs on the floor… I think that might be an exaggeration.

    A battalion is a lot of people.

    “Why can’t we do something like this? Why are we so submissive and weak? Just band together and protest in the thousands at Hong Lim park against PAP for incompetence- not only will the police not be able to make any arrest, the state media will also have a hard time twisting this into something positive. The ministers will be shown as ineffective leaders.

    Let’s learn from the PRCs from this aspect. Power to the People!”

    I don’t think that making a din on a bus for six hours is necessarily a sign of strength or something that we should learn from. Nor do I think that exercising restraint is necessarily a sign of weakness.

    As for your recommendation to use mass protests to effect change – as you can see from the experience of other Asian countries, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

    It depends on the issues; for an issue such as improving wheelchair access on buses – that may be a bit excessive.

  74. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:37 pm 

    @Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG

    “”"”To Goondu Singaporeans Who Applaud their actions”"”

    You shd say “To the sheepish and coward Singaporeans who know how to victimze a woman and a granny but dare not to stand up for their owned rights.

  75. G on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:38 pm 

    The Patriot

    Similarly, how do you know nobody complained? Just because they did not complain means they were not inconvenienced? So you’d be glad to sit in a bus waiting for 6 hours while you should be on your way to some place else?

    Just like the PRCs, you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

    Since when were we victimizing the granny (or the family for that matter)? We’re just saying how inconsiderate these people are, whether they have a 90 yr old granny or a maid or a 100 yr old grandfather or 3 month old child. Who they have in tow is irrelevant to the situation.

    “The way you talk, “”””You have no right to board a wheelchari-facilityless bus when you have a wheelchair. End of story.””””, you really sound like the old fart, thinking what he says is always universally true.

    The initial CPF rule states that all Singaporeans above age 55 can withdraw all their CPF, now the government say they can’t. Ho Jinx said Temasick’s invsetments are for long term, the next moment she unloaded BOA at billions dollars loss.

    When are the rules for Sickaporlung like you absolute.”

    Dunno what you are trying to get at.

    BTW, the next time you get fined for parking at a place where you’re not allowed to park, please go to the TP and argue for 6 hours cos it’s your right to park wherever you want (while blatantly disregarding rules & safety of yourself or others). And also ask them for a free ride home.


  76. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:48 pm 

    @Lim Leng Hiong,

    You stated, “”"”As for your recommendation to use mass protests to effect change – as you can see from the experience of other Asian countries, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.”"”"

    For America to drop two atomic bombs in Japan to stop the 2nd WW, one may say it was too cruel, another may say it was necessary, or else there were be more cruelty.

    Is the same here. If we Singaporeans do not use collective power to effect change, we as individual will never be free from PAP’s suppression as has been proven.

  77. dunbeanidiot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:51 pm 

    @So how?

    I wouldn’t let my own grandma wait 6 hours!

    But no matter, That PRC lady is indeed a foreign talent.
    She can argue continously and create a din for 6 hours.

    What an enormous talent!

    See, you Singaporeans, you guys cannot do that, right?!
    That’s why we need to invite these talents in.
    I think she should be given PR staus immediately if she is still not.
    We can send her to negotiate with Romania perhaps…

  78. CHN PR Veteran on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:52 pm 

    I fully agree with what “The Patriot” presented above. there’re so many emotional posters, I mean not just the comments on this article but all the others. quite few writers are rational and wise in their disenchantment.

    lots of ones implicitly and explicitly scolded or even cursed your great MM Lee, but did not realize he’s still your national treasure. Singapore is lucky that he’s still healthy enough to maintain the good relationship with USA and China, the most powerful nations in this world and some other developed countries,such as Britain, Germany. who else can you find in Singapore to replace his role and position? If leading and managing Singapore like those of you in emotional and impulsive ways, Singapore would not have become such a successful city nation, but surely will collapse quickly.

    lots of you are shouting to vote PAP out. well, I am not a fan of PAP, but I would ask you a very simple question, who else is qualified and experienced to take over PAP government to run Singapore better for sure? Do you aware of that Singapore is always standing around a very complicated environment and facing more and more fierce competitions around? Singapore always has one chance. if it’s down, there’s likely no chance to stand up, because Singapore will has nothing left and don’t anything domestically to live on.

    yes, there’re lots of problems here, so let’s just unite and find solutions to solve them. what’s use of stirring up the hostility of Singaporean VS PRC chinese? both will be losers and Singapore will be the big.

    in my observation and experience,in many cases, the PRC chiense might be humiliated or badly treated, because lots of Singaporeans appear ridiculously and inherently arrogant in front of PRC chinese and tease their poor English, which very likely result in a quarrel or fighting. Should these PRC chinese be treated fairly and politely, I think most of the scenarios would not get out of control.

    If you know chinese language and go to take a look in those famous chinese forums, you will surprise how bad in recent years that more and more PRC chinese have negative images or even hostility towards Singapore.

    For your national benefits,TR and its readers should be wise to know how to do instead of spreading salt into wounds and spoiling the friendly atmosphere between China and Singapore.

  79. Anonymous on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:57 pm 

    In spite of all the big hoo-ha about this incident, no one appears to bother to find out the details of this incident.

    As far as I can see, there really is no incident but one created out if thin air, so to speak.

    Briefly this is the gist of the whole matter:

    The chinese family of four and their maid needs to go home quickly, especially with a 90-year-old woman with them. The old woman could get out of the wheelchair and walk and was helped by the other 3 strong adults with her. The reason she was using a wheelchair is because she couldn’t walk a lot in an outing with the family. You can see her walking by herself in the photo above.

    But since the bus driver could not use his discretion to drive on, he refused to carry on the journey, fearing that if he did, he would be reprimanded for disobeying standing orders.

    Since the foreigners are not Singaporeans who would have simply given in with meekness and fear, they stood by their principles, their principle being that there’s no rationale for this rule to be applied in this particular case.

    I believe the ruling is made to disallow handicapped people in wheelchairs to use buses, which is obviously impractical and unsafe unless they are designed for it. But in this particular case, there was no handicapped person.

    Though 5 hours is a log time to wait for a satisfactory outcome, the family was right to stand by their principle. But they are indeed lucky not to be arrested by the policemen.

    To me it is just a matter of a forced ruling with no provision for discretion to be applied.

  80. streetsmart73 on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:59 pm 

    hi there

    1. bravo to our world transport network and system.
    2. cannot even handle such crap from crap prcs.
    3. there is always some sop pertaining to public nuisance on public transport.
    4. come on! lta wake up.
    5. the other thing is that not showing any sign on “wheelchair” on public transport does not reflect anything.
    6. prcs taking things for granted in sinkieland.
    7. honest, no pity to them. just ignore the entire lot.

  81. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:08 pm 

    Agreed with Lim Leng Hiong with the below…

    “improving wheelchair access on buses – that may be a bit excessive”.

    And to add further…the so called “public” supposely “private” transport BUS companies will justify that as another reason to hike transport fairs.

    So how…show me the money…and the money as usual is squeeze from the general public.

    Public transport…what a joke! The management od these entities in charge squeezing as much money as possible from the public annually [increasing their salaries/bonus/perks etc etc]…and the public JUST have to take it until they go broke.

    No different from the farmer who wants the golden eggs faster…so bye bye “golden” goose.

  82. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:10 pm 

    Patriot: “Exactly, I don’t know, so are all the forumners here. But why are they including the TR’s correspondent here so quick to label the family as hijackers and said they have committed a crime if not a series of crime. Why are you so double standard.”

    I agree with you that the label “hijackers” goes too far. Personally I don’t know if what they did was a crime since I am not familiar with the new Public Order Act, but it doesn’t look that serious to me.

    Still, I think that to hold up a bus for six hours to get what they want is quite a nuisance behaviour and that I wouldn’t applaud it and certainly not learn from it.

    “I know the family had hold back the bus for few hours. But so far I have not heard any body in the bus with them complaining about the family causing inconvenience and discomfort. The whole story was only penned by TR. Who know maybe the other passengers were supporting the PRC family because they were in the rights.”

    Well, at least one commenter in the other thread () doesn’t agree with you:

    “Commuter on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:38 pm

    I am one of the commuters on the bus, my journey was disrupted by this uncouth barbarians and I missed an important meeting. I intend to write in to Wan Bao/NewPaper to request for the particulars of these barbarians an I intend to take legal action against these people.”

    Also, based on the news report, the other passengers boarded another bus when it arrived. There is no indication that anyone stayed behind to support the family.

    “If we Singaporeans do not want to be sheep led by wolves in fake lion’s skins, then we shd nurture ourself as real lions and not find fault with an old granny.”

    Not sure who was specifically finding fault with the old granny, but yes, if such a person exists I would agree with you.

    My guess is that people are more unhappy with the behaviour of the couple; after all the granny had to endure six hours without lunch or a toilet break.

    Clearly, holding up a bus is not the fastest way to get home.

  83. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:11 pm 

    … notice with the passing of TV Mobile…there is no decrease of transport fairs..

    I remember that TV mobile was one of the reasons for the transport hikes…

    So how now?

    Swallow it quiet quiet is it?

    No Shame to the people who are directly link to the TV Mobile fiasco.

    No heads roll either for it.


  84. Concerned Citizen on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:24 pm 

    This and other cited incidents involving PRC communist bandits are increasingly clear that local born Singaporeans are being marginalised and dustrusted by the current regime. We can see the PAP social engineering in action again. This time instead of ‘molding’ Singaporeans to their desired image, they are discarding their failed creation and start all over again by importing leaner, meaner and hungrier communist bandits! They are the ‘new people’ of Singapore. Open your eyes and see fellow country men and women! We are the unwanted orphans of Singapore! What are we waiting for? Do you want our children to become maids and waiters to these uncouth and ruthless people?

  85. dd on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:37 pm 

    If this was singaporeans in action, a whole lot of you including the correspondent who wrote this article will start praising the people who did what they did. World Class Transportation??? MY ARSE.

    Another lot will condemn the police and the government for failure to take stern action(you just doing it for the sake of pure disdain for this administration).

    Admire this people and learn from them. You want civil disobidience, then this is it. Isn’t SBS supposed to provide world class transport? Civil Disobidience is about inconviniencing the oppressor. In fact, we as a people should boycott the buses that don’t provide for the handicapped.

    Just because you don’t do it and you fear the repurcussions, doesn’t give you the right to condemn this people.

    Double Standards for Foreigners?? So be it. Go out and show your disobidience.

  86. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:48 pm 

    Thanks for the details, Anon 3:57.

    As we can see, the bus captain is in a predicament. If he exercised his discretion and continued to drive, and if the unsecured wheelchair hurts anyone during the journey, then he may become liable for it.

    Interestingly, when the next bus arrived, that bus driver also did not exercise his discretion. I guess that they might have communicated with the company and were told not to take the risk.

  87. SingSing on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:48 pm 

    I think the police is not at fault for trying to mitigate the issue. How could they invoke the Public Order over simple issues? Then we would become countries that invoke ISA or such and arrest people for majan majan cases. Not the way I would like my Singapore to become!

  88. Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:58 pm 

    CHN PR Veteran,

    I’m afraid you have a superficial understanding of current affairs in Singapore. I suggest doing your own analysis, reading more about various types of government in the world, and relying less on local newspapers which are just government propaganda.

    Just to answer your two questions:

    1. who to replace MM Lee?

    In a democracy which Singapore is aspiring to be, no leader is irreplaceable. Even the popular US President Obama has to go after a maximum of two terms in office. MM Lee is not an immortal, he has to leave one day. A successful system should be self replaceable, and not dependent on a single person. Surely the 5000 years of dynastic history of China has taught you something?

    2. nobody to take over PAP

    There are many talented and good people willing to serve Singapore. However they are disgusted by the self serving PAP and refuse to join their ranks. Once PAP is taken down, these good people will appear. PAP of course will tell you that there isn’t anyone else more suitable.

  89. True Singaporean on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:58 pm 

    @WY Lee on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 2:42 pm ,

    Sorry if truth hurts,

    But a spade must be called exactly that..The fact is Malaysian Chinese were our first & foremost FT in SG.An enormous quantum of you people benefited on the back of SG tax payers.

    In return you people started spilling your emotional baggage of racial hatred all over our island; a huge help to PAP’s divide and rule policy.Sort of pseudo patriotism PAP demands from new citizens & FT…

    You people started the ball rolling in cahoot with PAP.As a litmus test may I ask you how many ex-Singaporeans are now in Malaysian cabinet or administration?-NONE.

    But we have a lot of Malaysian Chinese in our cabinet,civil-service,SAF,SPH and etc…as PAP’s kaki & tangan ; as PAP’s running dogs.

  90. Kenz on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:04 pm 

    Police here are not equipped to deal with scenario like that.

    In China, they police and civil servants has evolved tactics to deal with these type of scenario specifically.

    I would suggest if we are to import so many of these foreigners, our police force could have study trip/training in shanghai/beijing to understand how to best handle them.

    (better yet, import their policemen too)

  91. Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:05 pm 

    CHN PR Veteran,

    Are you aware that PAP is the root cause of the discontent towards PRC Chinese?

    You said you have been here 13 years. Please recall what Singapore was like 13 years ago. Did you encounter any problems with locals then?

    The problem is PAP importing too many people too quickly, and without addressing the problems that come with it. Imagine yourself in China, and the government imported 36% Indians within 5 years. And when you complain about housing shortage, crowded public transport, depressed wages, they tell you to fcuk off, how will you feel?

  92. 1cuntry2system on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:12 pm 

    Just hope that the poor bus Captain don’t get the sack.

  93. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:15 pm 

    @G and Lim Leng Hiong,

    That show how stupid Singaporeans are. Just because the PRC family hold the bus for 6 hours, the rest of the Singaporeans must stay in the bus for 6 hours.

    Would you want to stay there for six hour just to watch a family of woman, maid and granny arguing with the bus driver for six hours.

    Or Singaporeans are so idiotic and moronic that if they could not help to settle the problem at that point, they did not even know how to take the next bus or taxis back. Is the bus in the middle of Sahara Desert that you moronic Singaporeans have no choice but to stay there for 6 hours.

    The more you people try to discriminate the poor family, the more moronic Singaporeans. So how can you could blame the PRC family for causing the inconvenience.

    I rest my case.

  94. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:30 pm 

    i wonder if the passengers can sue SBS for the inconvenience caused?

  95. Imbal on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:40 pm 

    Patriot, how do you know if the people on the bus stayed inside for six hours? The report only says the bus was held up. This is not about how bad the PRC family were (sure they were damn inconsiderate to do somehting like this), its about how unfair the singapore police and law is. Even now police rather harras innocent singapore skateborders sitting near mrts than keep an eye on all those india nationals (blue and white collar)following innocent singapore girls and trying to “accidently” touch them in and outside the mrts despite so mnay complaints.

  96. G on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 5:59 pm 

    The Patriot

    Nobody said they sat in the bus for 6 hours. I was just saying ASSUME they sit in the bus for 6 hours, would you be glad to inflict such inconvenience onto people for the sake of your own convenience?!

    The fact that they argue over such a small matter and don’t mind inconveniencing others shows what kind of attitude they have.

    The fact that you support their barbarism shows what kind of attitude and mentality YOU have.

  97. c172sp on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:00 pm 

    What a stupid dumbfuck Public Order Act…only such dumb act that the SG govt can think of?! Laws, laws and even more laws! SG should just turn into a bloody communist state!!

  98. Dolphin on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:03 pm 

    The PRC family fought for their beliefs and they got their right of way. They also dare to question why wheelchair cannot be brought up the bus.

    They took bus, so they cannot be very rich, but that did not stop them from speaking up. For this incident, I have no problem with the PRC family.

    The fact is that most Singaporeans do not dare question public policies.

  99. JUST4FUN on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:04 pm 

    Singapore government have 2 different policy at work. When dealing with Special forces from china, they just let them do what they wanted, as for singaporean when U say something bad, U are punish and even landed in JAIL. So U know what to do when this coming election. Must sure the vote is for YOUR own people.

  100. Dolphin on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:07 pm 

    I am sorry this is a second posting.

    I want to add that through their actions, the PRC family helped speak up for Singaporeans Wheelchair users. If you are a family with members on wheelchair, you would be glad that some foreigners standup to the authorities which no fellow Singaporeans did previously.

    Also, for SDP public events…I hate to say this, but Singaporeans are afraid to go near them. You would often see SDP demonstrators standing alone in small numbers while Singaporeans looked from afar…and then go back to internet and write and write.

  101. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:14 pm 

    @Lim Leng Hiong,

    You stated, “”"”" I know the family had hold back the bus for few hours.”"”.

    Pls lah, be more discerning here. You can’t be so sheepishly believe what the newspapers and TR published here. Is sounds that the whole S’pore has only one public bus and when that bus cannot function for whatever reason, it has to take few hours to send another bus from M’sia.

    According to the reports, there were many other passengers (I believe they were mostly Singaporeans but hopefully not). If we Singaporeans can always brag that we have served the army, we are living in the first world and we have the best educational system and yet none of them in the bus can subdue a small petty conflict between a family of woman, maid and granny with a bus driver but only could watch their arguments dragging for six hours, then somethings must be very wrong with the Singaporeans.

    Besides, I don’t think was the PRC woman’s fault for letting the 90 years old granny staying for 6 hours. I think was more that even with the poodles in the situation, nobody including the S’porean passengers knew what to do.

    If I were there, I would tell the PRC woman that we shd all concerned about the granny first and I would flag two taxis for them to go back. I would pay for the taxis. I think the whole process would not take me more than 15 minutes.

    What is the big deal of paying the taxis fare for the comfort of an old nanny regardless of her race, nationality or religion.

    Mr Lim, think about it. Your name Leng Hiong sounds like a decent and rationale guy.

  102. So how? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:22 pm 

    The Patriot, if you need to shit in a public toilet with no sitting toilet bowl and you are used to sitting instead of squating, are you going to squat or shit on your pants? The bus has no wheelchair facilities means no wheelchair facilties, not happy wait for another bus with wheelchair facilites or take a cab. You sound like old fart more than anyone else here.

  103. SG in Hong Kong on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:57 pm 

    Uttely disgrace to the Singapore’s Police Force !
    What a Shame !

  104. Band of Brothers on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 7:10 pm 

    To Dolphin,

    I agree to your observations,on the part of civic involvement in politics, first Singaporeans need to wake up from slumber and vote in more alternative parties to level the playing field. At this point it is the ruler’s game rule.

    I am sure many talented local Singaporeans will participate in rebuilding our nation and our identity.

  105. q on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 7:12 pm 


    You are blaming Singaporeans for the argument, instead of the party starting the argument.

    This warped logic of yours indicates that you are not a patriot.

    You are either a non-Singaporean, or a traitor.

  106. Singaporean on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 7:17 pm 

    It is indeed very disappointed to read such special treatment to PRC !!!

    We need a change !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Totally Vote PAP Out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Out ! Out ! Out ! KICK PAP PARTY OUT !

    Singaporeans shouldn’t be treated like dirt while foreingers like King !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Vote PAP OUT !

    Vote PAP OUT !

    Vote PAP OUT !

  107. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:05 pm 

    @So how?

    Pls don’t behave like a typical kiasu and insecured Sinaporean and insist that you are right. And pls don’t go so low to fabricate false facts to discriminate a family with a woman, granny and maid.

    Look at picture which cannot lie. The old granny was able to stand up and walk. She was not totally wheelchair ridden. Therefore, the bus, although without wheelchair facilities should be able to accommodate her.

    I think is more that the PRC woman had folded the wheelchair and wanted to bring it up to the bus while the maid was escorting the old granny but nobody wanted to help her. The wheelchair cld be a bit heavy of a woman.

    As such, the PRC woman spent 6 hours lecturing those S’porean passengers and the bus driver who have claimed to serve the 1st world’s army and gone thru’ the best education but not prepare to help a woman to carry a wheelchair.

  108. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:17 pm 


    You just said in your previous thread that, “”"”to hold the bus up for SIX HOURS to the inconvenience of everyone else”"” and now you said, “”"”nobody said that they sat in the bus for 6 hours.”"”"”

    If nobody sat in the bus for 6 hours, how can the PRC woman hold the bus for six hours and inconvenience anybody. If a taxis driver quarrelled with a passenger for hours without other passengers in the taxis, can you say the quarrelled passenger is holding back everybody else.

  109. on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:18 pm 

    Re The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 6:14 pm

    The PRC grand old lady and family could have just go away bye bye close.

    Patriot refuse to see that they are just throwing their wimps. He keep on singling out “old lady”…etc

    The fact that the family and old lady is able to walk out of their house shows that they are never immobile.

    They are just showing civil obedient.

    CAN YOU GET IT PATRIOT? You should call yourself traitor and running dogs.

    But one thing I agree with you. Singaporean should emulate them and show more civil disobedient.

    Good job… PRC Old lady. You showed all of us you really have balls.

  110. So how? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:21 pm 

    Qoute” If I were there, I would tell the PRC woman that we shd all concerned about the granny first and I would flag two taxis for them to go back. I would pay for the taxis. I think the whole process would not take me more than 15 minutes.”

    The Patriot, how you know nobody did that? And for your “kindness” of paying for the Taxi, talk is cheap. Give me 2 mins to settle, i will kick them out of the bus. See! Talk is cheap! There’s so many needy in SG and you are throwing your money at this people? Why not you give us your contact number so that all those people who have to move around with wheelchair can claim cab fare from you?

  111. Anonymous on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:35 pm 

    @ CHN PR Veteran on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 3:52 pm

    Sir, if you are blaming Singaporeans for poor relationship with many PRCs here, you are wrong to have concluded that..”lots of Singaporeans appear ridiculously and inherently arrogant in front of PRC chinese and tease their poor English, which very likely result in a quarrel or fighting…”

    I lived travelled and lived in Australia and dealt with PRCs while providing community services at the costs of my time and money while I was there. Of course, I dealt with Australian bureaucrats and institutions sorting out problems – from communication, immigration laws, permitting for renovations, housing loan applications. Very sad to advise you that most are devious, cunning and oblivious of the law – IT IS ENDS JUSTIFYING ALL MEANS INCLUDING FALSE DECLARATIONS, FALSE UTTERANCES, FAKE TESTIMONIES, AFFIDAVITS AND EVEN CORRUPT PRACTICES. You would not believe it.

    My role is a translator – nothing else but it sicken my conscience to the extent that I won’t fill their legal documents – just doing straightforward translation. They write and they sign the documentation and I won’t even witness it.

    AND I FOUND A DISTINCT HARDENING OF ATTITUDE AND SERVICE RESPONSE FROM AUSTRALIAN BUREAUCRATS AND INSTITUTIONS OVER TIME whenever I approached them for clarification of requirements on behalf of PRCs. And PRCs working inside immigration actually sells information and false publishing for money – CORRUPTION – in deceiving their own nationals who can read and write English!!

    It should not surprised you that PRCs have been viewed with tight scrutiny and suspicion there.

    Here is only a sample of immigration rorting of de-facto relationships-based visa application to get past Australian immigration laws by PRCs.

    All these real legal cases actually failed on appeals through the court which examined their evidence of claims.


    They must leave bad impressions on PRCs nationals. It highlight the truths of my experiences in Australia that PRCs brought a lot of trouble on their kind whever they go – because of their fraudulent ways in violating the laws.

    It is very very sad but true.


  112. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:46 pm 

    @ So how,

    Again, you are not rationalising. We are talking about one time , ad hoc and infrequent incident that we are prepared to help. Of course, I cannot afford to help every people with wheelchair.

    Just like George Yeo who is not prepared to help the poor molested woman who asked him for help. Does that mean that if he helped the molested woman, all the molested women will ask him for help.

  113. Amonymous on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 8:57 pm 

    “And PRCs working inside immigration actually sells information and false publishing for money – CORRUPTION – in deceiving their own nationals who can read and write English!!”

    should be read as

    And PRCs working inside immigration actually sells information and false publishing for money – CORRUPTION – in deceiving their own nationals who CANNOT read and write English!!”

  114. Andrew Chuah on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:00 pm 


    Hi Patriot-Good to hear from you. No one is above the Rule of Law and this include those ladies, and should one day Singapore has a new government of the day, this new government can investigate the previous Government of the day presumably the PAP and their Ministers for any misconduct and if the evidences are solid and clear, charge them in court.

    Andrew Chuah

  115. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:01 pm 



    But you do see alot of S’poreans and M’sians involved in drug trafficking and murder cases. Right.

  116. So how? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:01 pm 

    Patriot, this commotion will definitely cause the bus driver to miss his next schedule. A replacement for his schedule has to be made to ensure that the routine is not disrupted. Passengers onboard are being delayed, passengers on the following stops are also affected. The world don’t just revolve around this particular bus and bus stop. 1 bus is missing and 1 bus driver is missing in the line. So i guess it did caused inconvenience to someone. I don’t think the police are conveniently available there too. You are so much like old fart not just in the way you sound but also the way on how you see things. The whole world will revolve around you.

  117. Darth Vader on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:07 pm 

    For all those who questioned whether this family of idiots had committed a crime, please ask yourself this one very simple question.

    Since when was causing a public disturbance NOT a crime????!!!!

  118. So how? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:07 pm 

    Patriot, you are the most rationale person here. The world can’t revolve without you.

    By giving your number out to all wheelchaired people means that all wheelchaired people will call you up for help?

  119. Morvius on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:12 pm 

    “As such, the PRC woman spent 6 hours lecturing those S’porean passengers and the bus driver who have claimed to serve the 1st world’s army and gone thru’ the best education but not prepare to help a woman to carry a wheelchair.”

    And is this supposed to be right? Sorry but public transport is for everybody. Also, if they really want to lecture or voice their complaints, there are other official channels. And it is rather ridiculous that the police did nothing. The police were called in…to negotiate and discuss? I doubt the police has time to sit down and have a cup of tea with every public nuisance there is.

    Anyway it was just utterly selfish of them. They decide to hold up the bus for? To whine about the injustices of the public transport system? Well, they got what they wanted at the end right? A free taxi. I am {bfb} sure that they have the money to hail their own cab in the first place. So saying that it’s a 90 year old granny just does not cut it.

    Also, if there are rules and regulations on the bus (regarding the wheelchair)…shouldn’t they abide by them? I do not care if its a PRC or whatever. And instead of negotiating nicely. They rant and rave and refuse to get off. I am all for helping the needy. But in this case, we are not talking about an old lady all by herself, lost and alone and in need of help. We are talking about an old lady accompanied by her spouse (most likely) and her maid.

    Considering the fact that buses travel according to fixed schedule, this would have definitely inconvenienced people. Of course I doubt that people on the bus would have waited 6 hours before deciding to leave.

  120. wat? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:14 pm 

    If it takes an old wheelchair bound PRC lady to wake us all up from the slumber. Let it be.


  121. So how? on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:30 pm 

    “A PRC couple together with a 90 year old granny, a female friend and a maid boarded a SBS bus without wheelchair accessibility at Mandai and was told by the bus captain that they were not allowed to bring the wheelchair up the bus due to safety reasons. However, they insisted on doing so and sat on the bus for 6 hours, refusing to leave!”

    Qoute from The Patriot,
    “I think is more that the PRC woman had folded the wheelchair and wanted to bring it up to the bus while the maid was escorting the old granny but nobody wanted to help her. The wheelchair cld be a bit heavy of a woman.As such, the PRC woman spent 6 hours lecturing those S’porean passengers and the bus driver who have claimed to serve the 1st world’s army and gone thru’ the best education but not prepare to help a woman to carry a wheelchair.”

    The reason for this commotion is not becos no one helping them to carry the wheelchair onto the bus, but the bus has no wheelchair accessibility and it’s hazardous to bring it up.

    Oi! The Patriot! Wake Up! Don’t tell me that you really believed that the world revolves around you! Stop doing a LKY here.

  122. Sinkie on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:33 pm 

    The Public Order Act is intended to restrain Singaporeans and protect the PAP’s hegemony. It was never meant for foreigners.

    How can we continue to support a party that treats fellow Singaporeans like this:

    It’s not as if they are terrorists or some dangerous criminals!?

    Vote with your conscience this coming election.

  123. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:46 pm 

    @Andrew Chuah,

    According to you, “”"”should one day Singapore has a new government of the day, this new government can investigate the previous Government of the day presumably the PAP and their Ministers for any misconduct and if the evidences are solid and clear, charge them in court.”"”

    Andrew, by then, half of the forerumners will be already 3 feet underground.

  124. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:54 pm 

    @So how,

    I believe you ever seen a foldable wheelchair. If it is folded, it is just like any pram or baby walker. But may be much heavier. If a bus can allow passenger to bring up pram and baby walker, why not a foldable wheelchair. Is not that the wheelchair is too big to go into the bus. And if the wheelchair is folded, how dangerous can it be.

  125. The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:11 pm 

    @So how,

    You said, “”"”Passengers onboard are being delayed, passengers on the following stops are also affected. The world don’t just revolve around this particular bus and bus stop. 1 bus is missing and 1 bus driver is missing in the line.”"”"

    I don’t think is that serious. You see buses break down all the time. Passengers just have to wait for the next bus. The broken down bus would have to tow back to the workshop for repair, it may also take many hours.

  126. CHN PR Veteran on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 10:25 pm 

    Hi ‘Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG’, thank you for your comments on mine’s.

    However, you misunderstood some of my views. I did not mean MML is irreplaceable. even S’porean love him so much, as human beings, no one can escape the natural law. however, if there’re some ones who don’t like his governing style and his policies, you do have the rights to argue and challenge, but you should not splits dirty words or even curse him to xxx earlier. he is the de facto father of Singapore, and receives world-wide respect and admiration.

    at this moment, you give me a name who else can replace MML? don’t tell me there’re plenty dozens of excellent singaporeans who will jump out from behind in post-Lee period and currently they’re just fearing so much that dare not show them up!

    Isn’t S’pore a democratic country or worse than my country China? at least your constitution does not rule that all other parties must obey PAP. but in our chinese constitution, there’s a precondition or clause that requires other political or social party not to challenge the CCP’s leadship and privilege of rulings if they want their party to be granted as legal.

    so if there’s some one good enough to lead future Singapore, all of us are willing to see his appearing. but why we haven’t seen him? worrying about defamation suit? not willing to sacrifice personal privacy and freedom? lack of guts and nuts to challenge PAP candidates in GE? then obviously he’s not the right politician successor!

    you can’t inadequately compare Sg with US, both are not on the same level at all. can you tell me who is the Sg Martin Luther King? how many S’poreans are bravo enough like Americans, dare to say NO to the authorities if they think the authorities have been doing the wrong ways? I have watched out two GEs in the past years, if you judged the results by those attenders’ tremendous fever and passion in opposition rallies, PAP would have lost the past two GEs!

    Don’t say I was brain washed by PAP’s propaganda and MSM in these years, I am from a communist red country, my brain was not whiten there, let alone in S’pore. I think I am a smart observer indeed!

    I think your PM Lee is a good prime minister. at least he is, before those you mentioned “many talented and good people” show up and prove they can be better in front of me.

    talking about what you said “The problem is PAP importing too many people too quickly, and without addressing the problems that come with it” I partially say yes to your opinion. however, I don’t believe your government did not make serious assessment before it pulled out such an important policy. I think no one has convincing reason to oppose the FT policy itself, it’s good to S’pore as it is to USA. the major problems are the fast speed and low threshold to adopt foreigners for PRs and new citizens.

    you said “Once PAP is taken down, these good people will appear.” hahaha, funny, if ‘these good people” dare not or not willing to appear now and then, “vote PAP out” will always be a day-time dream of you naives.

    come on, challenging PAP government within the frame of S’pore laws and regulations won’t have you under detain or arrest, this won’t even happen in China. actually in my eyes, S’pore political space is getting bigger and it’s not as risky or scary as lots of you imagine.

    as long as you truly intend to contribute your wisdom, your efforts and constructive suggestions to make S’pore more prosperous and more fair tomorrow, find channels to tell your prime minister or join a good opposition party to vote PAP off if you are able to do so. either way is far better than condemning these pitiful PRC chinese immigrants at this pale forum.

    If cursing PRC chinese brings some of you here a cheerful emotional relief, it is your right and goodness to do so, but I would like to kindly remind you to watch your manner and words, do not make your own look like barbarians when you think the PRC chinese are ones. unreasonable and irrational anger hurts your health. (I am not targeting you@Myanmar NOT WELCOME IN SG, you know it).

  127. Anon on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:03 pm 

    So sad to be Singaporeans…. there are double standards, just that we locals are on the lower end…

  128. viper on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:05 pm 

    CHN PR Veteran : ” If cursing PRC chinese brings some of you here a cheerful emotional relief, it is your right and goodness to do so, but I would like to kindly remind you to watch your manner and words, do not make your own look like barbarians when you think the PRC chinese are ones. unreasonable and irrational anger hurts your health.”

    Agreed … Please stop cursing one another …

    Heaven is watching …


  129. viper on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:10 pm 

    I feel so sorry for the 90yr old granny , lying on the bus seat for 6hrs …

    The whole case is really “amazing” … another eye opener case.

    Dun blame anyone … it happened … just move on … hehehehe

    *Shake head*

  130. Some Learning from PRCs on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:18 pm 


    I agree with

    The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:41 am.

    They are not hijackers nor committing a crime but just fighting for their rights. They did not physically hurt anybody.

    It’s normal for Singaporeans to feel uncomfortable or shocked for such public protest because we never be allowed to do so and we fear to do so. This is normal in China and developed countries. Btw, I really believe public bus in most developed countries has handicap facility.

  131. Lee Weng Yow on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:37 pm 

    @True Singaporean on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 4:58 pm

    Yes, by all means, call a spade a spade. Just don’t call it according to YOUR spade. That would be what the PAP would be best at.

    Now, you mentioned that we have benefited immensely from the goodwill of you Singaporeans as taxpayer. Well, conversely, havent you guys also benefited? Aside from the point about being the PAP sidekicks which I will deal later, many Malaysians are working in high skill jobs i.e. engineering, banking, law i.e. So its not as if you guys have not benefited. It is because of MALAYSIANS that Singapore is now economically the most advance and developed country in South East Asia in just 44 years since separation in 1965.

    Secondly, you say we spread racial hatred on the island. 2 responses to that point. Firstly, why generalize? Not all Malaysians are racist. Many of us here get on well with all races and can communicate warmly and friendly to all. You conveniently make this assumption just because you would like to believe that Singapore is not inherently racist when in fact, you guys look down on Malays just because you think they are inherently lazy and useless. Furthermore, many non Malays in Singapore can’t speak Malay and conversely, don’t mix with Malays. So come on, don’t preach what you can’t practice. Secondly, name me any racial incidents or protest since 1964 which involved Malaysians? The answer to that is none. So don’t alleged what you can’t prove.

    You say that there are no ex-singaporeans in the Malaysian Cabinet? Well, that because BN is incompetence and corrupt. No Singaporeans who have even an ounce of rationality would dream of serving as a public servant in Malaysia.

    I can’t deny the fact that you are right about Malaysians who are serving in Singaporean institutions and being in cahoots with the PAP. But why blame us? We didn’t put the PAP there in the 1st place. It was you guys. Once upon a time, Malaysians serve as opposition politicians in Barisan Socialist of Singapore just before operation Cold Store happened in 1963. Why not considered that fact too? Please read more about both our countries history before sparing with me over this. Don’t just blame us. Blame yourselves. Just as we don’t blame the British anymore for installing BN as our government to perpetuate their legacy of divide and rule, we insted tried to make changes in our country and March 8 is a new dawn to that.

    True Singaporean, i am just reasoning with you. Don’t be emotive and quick to blame Malaysians. Make the changes and fight for it. Don’t just sit in your room, commenting and spewing your diatribes and venoms about immigrants and foreigners. If you feel aggrieved, fight the system under the PAP. Fight as Singaporeans to take your country back.

    We are all in this together!!!


  132. Lee Weng Yow on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:40 pm 

    Yes, by all means, call a spade a spade. Just don’t call it according to YOUR spade. That would be what the PAP would be best at.

    Now, you mentioned that we have benefited immensely from the goodwill of you Singaporeans as taxpayer. Well, conversely, havent you guys also benefited? Aside from the point about being PAP sidekicks which I will deal later, many Malaysians are working in high skill jobs i.e. engineering, banking, law i.e. So its not as if you guys have not benefited. It is because of MALAYSIANS that Singapore is now economically the most advance and developed country in South East Asia in just 44 years since separation in 1965.

    Secondly, you say we spread racial hatred on the island. 2 responses to that point. Firstly, why generalize? Not all Malaysians are racist. Many of us here get on well with all races and can communicate warmly and friendly to all. You conveniently make this assumption just because you would like to believe that Singapore is not inherently racist when in fact, you guys look down on Malays just because you think they are inherently lazy and useless. Furthermore, many non Malays in Singapore can’t speak Malay and conversely, don’t mix with Malays. So come on, don’t preach what you can’t practice. Secondly, name me any racial incidents or protest since 1964 which involved Malaysians? The answer to that is none. So don’t alleged what you can’t prove.

    You say that there are no ex-singaporeans in the Malaysian Cabinet? Well, that because BN is incompetence and corrupt. No Singaporeans who have even an ounce of rationality would dream of serving as a public servant in Malaysia.

    I can’t deny the fact that you are right about Malaysians who are serving in Singaporean institutions and being in cahoots with the PAP. But why blame us? We didn’t put the PAP there in the 1st place. It was you guys. Once upon a time, Malaysians serve as opposition politicians in Barisan Socialist of Singapore just before operation Cold Store happened in 1963. Why not considered that fact too? Please read more about both our countries history before sparing with me over this. Don’t just blame us. Blame yourselves. Just as we don’t blame the British anymore for installing BN as our government to perpetuate their legacy of divide and rule, we insted tried to make changes in our country and March 8 is a new dawn to that.

    True Singaporean, i am just reasoning with you. Don’t be emotive and quick to blame Malaysians. Make the changes and fight for it. Don’t just sit in your room, commenting and spewing your diatribes and venoms about immigrants and foreigners. If you feel aggrieved, fight the system under the PAP. Fight as Singaporeans to take your country back.

    We are all in this together!!!


  133. Angry on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 12:47 am 

    I think Mdm Lin thought she was right in assuming that “The bus did not put out any sign that forbid wheelchairs”, has a right to board it.

    But the rule is that only buses with the “handicapped signs” are allowed to transport the handicapped.

    This is just like the rule where it apply with all U-Turn signs. Whenever a motorist did not see any U-Turn sign, he is not allow to make a u-turn. I’m sure he will be booked for doing it.

  134. CruEL on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:04 am 

    @CHN PR Veteran


    I really had a loud laugh I woke up my family after reading your post.

    Fact. Do you know that Communist China is ‘MORE Democratic’ (if there is such a word) Than Singapore? If you still have links back with China, go chat up the Communist Propaganda Unit in Wuhan that 89+ year old man who did the Long march with Chairman Mao. In his words, If Stalin, Lenin, Kim (N.Korea) could get up from their graves, they would SALUTE and applaud LEE KUAN YEW for pushing communism Singapore. Imagine the HEAD OF CHINA COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA UNIT says that!

    You say we have constitution that protects, Have u heard of chee soon juan? he used it against our courts but was time and time again found guilty. Did you know that you MUST apply for a permit if you want to protest? And the permit WILL NEVER BE GRANTED that is a fact, why don’t u go try to see if its true? Coz many have tried and its not granted.

    You say those who don’t stand up now can’t be trusted when old fart lee kuan yew dies? You don’t read Sun Tzu strategy much do you? Maybe you should go read Romance of the Three Kingdoms and see if Kong Ming was a coward for not fighting face to face when the time is NOT RIGHT.

    You say you have NOT been brainwashed by the MSMs, I say you have and in fact I believe YOU ARE a small PAP party member. Because that is how they talk, who can takeover the PAP they say? Well bring PAP down and you’ll see who will takeover. The founding members of PAP were NOT borned NOR during their college years wanted to be politicians. They were brought together in times of need. So when the PAP is brought down, its natural leaders will step in. Good or not, we won’t know, what we know for SURE is that PAP IS NOT GOOD.

    To your comrades in your sgchinese or watever forum, tell them, Come to Singapore, RESPECT SINGAPORE. Don’t like it here? F*** OFF!! they like it here coz singaporeans are easy to bully, easy to cheat our money and lastly it is MUCH easier to earn money here than in China, So earn your damn money and SHUT UP and RESPECT OUR CULTURE. WE DO NOT NEED TO RESPECT YOURS!

    Lastly CHN PR Veteran, Singapore IS NOT a democratic country. Our pledge is an aspiration (as reported by YOUR respected lee kuan yew), part of our pledge goes “To build a democratic society” The term ‘TO BUILD’ means building, haven’t build yet.

    CHN PR vETERAN, I suggest you earn your money here, don’t talk so loud in public spaces, don’t anyhow spit, learn how to say “thank you”, “sorry”, “excuse me” and “please” and if possible teach those hordes in sgchinese forums and other PRC forums IN Singapore the same manners. They don’t like our arrogance? Well SOD OFF BACK TO CHINA! They don’t like our attitude? SOD OFF BACK TO CHINA! They like to earn money here? THEN SHUT UP and ACCEPT!

  135. anon on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 6:23 am 

    Well said CruEL!

  136. anon on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 6:36 am 

    @The Patriot,

    Seems like you are trying very hard to convince they were brave souls trying to stand up for their rights. To be fair, I find the article misleading and one-sided. But your ridiculous assumptions are equally misleading and laughable. The truth of the matter is, the mainlanders have left a very bad impression in Singaporeans’ mind. I’ve seen those chinese forums and I can tell you, a lot of them are foul mouth barbarians. They are outcasts in the world (look at the Beijing olympics torch-run), and rather than touting them as brave, you are better off telling them to clean up their disgraceful antics.

  137. True Singaporean on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 7:07 am 

    @Lee Weng Yow on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:37 pm ,

    If I see something that stinks, I say it is so. If we all pretend that it does not stink, no one will think it is important to change. I do believe in telling a spade that he is a spade and alerting others to the presense of a spade. Information is always good. It lowers transaction costs. Spoken like a true economist .LOL.

    Well, conversely, havent you guys also benefited?—–you say!!!..

    Well,well that precisely what all foreigners here lately have been bluffing us too . Because Malaysian Chinese like you had set the precedent of biting the hands that fed you…Tell me , why the need for Malaysian Chinese to save SG economy when you can’t even save yourself in Malusia ?..

    The fact is we Singaporeans saved your shrivelled ungrateful asses from eternal poverty and you Malaysian Chinese have this habit to repay it with contempt for local born true Singaporeans…Let me remind all foreigners that they are here merely as coolies for economy sake and not for the love for local folks.

    Which begets another question which yourself had unwittingly provided the answer since you had said that ..”I can’t deny the fact that you are right about Malaysian Chinese who are in cahoots with the PAP.”..This is the gist of our matter since yourself had acknowledged that the whole intent and purpose of PAP flooding Singapore with foreigners is to serve it’s hold on the power..

    And no thanks to Malaysian Chinese from whom PAP had learnt how to extract undiluted obedience in exchange for jobs,free-education and PR status…and that is the root of our current predicament..

    You guys taught PAP how to screw Singaporeans.

  138. So how? on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 9:25 am 

    Patriot, i applauded for your persistency. Clap! Clap!

    Singaporeans, you are screwed.


  139. The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 9:58 am 

    @anon on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 6:36 am ,

    You said, “”"They (PRCs) are outcasts in the world (look at the Beijing olympics torch-run)”".

    I think the western world is just jealous of PRC rather than anything. The fact is that China had the most medals during the last Olympics. If human outcasts can be champion, than the rest of the world must be animal – sheep or cow like Singaporeans.

    You also said, “”"”The truth of the matter is, the mainlanders have left a very bad impression in Singaporeans’ mind.”"”"

    The truth of the matter is, the Singaporeans have also left very bad impression in the Malaysians mind – kiasu, kiasi, in other words no ball.

  140. Concerned Citizen on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 10:11 am 

    Let us be truthful to ourselves. After so many years of working and living in close proximity with PRCs in Singapore, what is your general impression if them as individuals? Do you have a general positive or negative impression? Personally I find that they will have great difficulty in assimilating in our local culture and their outlook of life is just too selfish and aggressive.

  141. WY Lee on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 10:22 am 

    @True Singaporean on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 7:07 am

    Spoken like a true kiasu.

    Firstly, you haven’t address any of the questions I posed to you which mean you acknowledge the veracity of my previous comment.

    Secondly, we never have the intention to save the SG economy. Some of us are only trying to make a better living for ourselves and our family which you again have ‘acknowledge’ that it involves working in high skills profession i.e. banking, law, and engineering. Furthermore, many of us are only trying to get more experience because we acknowledge that your country is economically more advance than ours and not our intention to ‘SAVE’ as you quote.

    Thirdly, Malaysia is not in poverty. How you even make such an assumption is really beyond my imagination? Many of us who live in KL are living fine, thank you very much without even having to bother about vengeful Singaporeans like you who spread diatribes and venom.

    Fourthly, have you even being to university yet? NUS? Cambridge? London? Maybe not. Many of us Singaporeans and Malaysians fraternize perfectly fine and no everyone comes from the upper class or the PAP so again, don’t generalize about us having contempt for local born. Only narrow minded goons like you can make such baseless assumptions.

    Coolies in the economy? Why have I not heard that before? You are sounding like our colonial masters who label Indians who come to Malaya. The answer to immigration is not to be racist but to advocate equal labour protection rights for all and to slow immigration rates. Not speaking like a COLONISTS . Tell me why shouldn’t I think it is you who is spreading racial animosities in your own island.

    Malaysians are in cahoots with PAP? Oh well, not many used to support the DAP in Malaysia which was a branch of the PAP before separation. So, don’t generalize. But that’s not the point. Again, you are just blaming the whole world but yourselves. Singaporeans have consistently voted overwhelmingly for the PAP GE after GE after GE since 1963 . Now, its not solely your faults but still, it was only in 1981 that the late JB Jeyaretnam broke the pattern in Anson and your useless Chiam See Tong in 1984 won in Potong Pasir. Tell me how did Malaysians managed to help the PAP screw Singaporeans when in fact you guys never rallied to stand up to the PAP. Just look at your turnouts for opposition political rallies in Hong Lim Park.

    Grow up dude!!!



  142. The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 10:38 am 

    Re anon on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 11:03 pm

    You sighed, “”"”So sad to be Singaporeans…. there are double standards, just that we locals are on the lower end…”"

    Because you dumbass S’poreans choose to be at the lower end. You sheepish, cow-minded and straight jacket dumbasses voted the government that deliberately place you all under the animal class.

    Don’t blame anybody.

  143. views on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 11:29 am 

    i thought got 5 people, within 10 seconds the police will declare ILLEGAL GATHERING and detain them?

  144. on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 11:39 am 

    To The Patriot,

    Please kindly refrain from dumbing down fellow singaporeans or other forumers.

    All of us are different in our points of views/perception/understanding but we do agree to disagree and live it at that respectfully.

    A number of us here are not intellectual giants…of course we do meet the occasional intellectual midgets but it is not their fault that they are like that…

    I have always believe every human being has the potential capacity and capability and the depth of heart & soul to be all that they can be…

    For many of our fellow singaporeans, we have to bear in mind PAP dynsfunctional social engineering and ossified education system…to elaborate further…social engineering done like stop at 2 or the graduate mother scheme or must have mother tongue etc etc if you think about it, was not fully thought out carefully thus the current results we are seeing right now in singapore…for the ossified education system, it basically teaches us all to be memory hard-disks at the cost of the ability to come into being how to truely understand knowledge or how to apply knowledge or how to realise creating something new process/product/idea out of disparate knowledges effectively…

    That is the crux of the problem…to be frank, the damage is already done…and frankly i don’t know how these can be solved…perhaps given enough time it will be heal/solve…or hopefully true intelligent leaders with real true understanding, real empathy, real hearts, real soul and wise beyond their years will resolve all these for us all effectively.

    Currently when i look at the PAP….i don’t have much confidence…my respect for this current incumbent government has been dropping from 2006 until now it is zero…probably in another month or so it will go negative totally too.

    Leaders don’t just talk BS or whine or complaint about obstacles…leaders go out there and do the leading as whether they like it or not they are given that position for a real cause…not for wayang, to enrich themselves at the expense or others or think they are some kind of special class or intelligent beyond belief…

    It is frankly really sad to see.

  145. on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 11:54 am 

    …to add further…

    True leaders are the causes they daily fight for and always feel responsible for…

    Shallow leaders are there for their own self gratification and interests…

    Fake leaders are there to gain material wealth….

    Arshloch leaders are there because their daddy/mummy put them there even though thru means testing already show how screw up and lousy they are…but due to nobody better is available…just slot him/her in…consequently…everything will slowly and surely go to hell…for everyone.

    When a honest leader knows he is not up to the position, he/she will always ask for constructive input to move forward…failing that or unable to come out a feasible working resolution…the option is clear…either let another leader take over or else leave.


  146. Anonymous on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 12:34 pm 

    @ The Patriot on Tue, 19th Jan 2010 9:01 pm

    “But you do see alot of S’poreans and M’sians involved in drug trafficking and murder cases.”

    That is another STUPID argument of yours. Do you mean that PRCs don’t commit other crimes in Australia like murder, false insurance claims, rapes and murder only Malaysians and Singaporeans did that?

    Come on, why don’t YOU CHECKED THE LEGAL DATABASE in Australia and find out when did kidnapping became a crime in Australia in the last 40 years and who are those involved. The simple truth is that Australia has no kidnapping case in that period until two different bunch of PRC students engaged in this sort of crime.

    One kidnapped their employer from their restaurant workplace after work and another kidnapped their wealthier classmates and demanded ransom to be paid inside China involving their family as well – SO STUPID OF INTERNATIONAL CRIME AND CAUGHT!!

    The example I brought was to highlight the extent of dishonesty in that culture that creates a lot of integration problem for their own kind in their society. False marriages, lies of de facto relationship to acquire PRs are SYMPTOMATIC OF THEIR CULTURAL ILLS.


    I help them translated banking loan applications – they have multiple loans application and lied on their forms and caught out by their lending bankers – I AM EMBARASSED IN THE MIDDLE CAUGHT OUT in the presence of them, their bankers. It is disgusting because these incorrigle fools does NOT know that once a bank loan is granted the records goes into the credit bureau for monitoring. So when you make multiple loan “home renovation” applications, the banker checked and they know! These PRCs thinks Australia is like China – you want anything, ends justifying all means and even lie in written bank loan application that they do NOT have similar loan.

    IN AUSTRALIAN CRIMINAL LAW, THAT MEANS THEY ARE ATTEMPTING TO OBTAIN FINANCIAL BENEFIT BY DECEPTION – as a translator, I am FARKING DISGUSTED caught having to explain their awkward behaviour for them!!!


    Can’t you understand the persistence of dishonesty in every day dealing in society for small little advantage thinking the digital world is stupid!!!

    I have lots of truthful acount to tell but it is not necessary.

  147. Commoner on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:00 pm 

    Just last week, i came upon a PRC lady (Citizen). She wants to invest a private property under the name of her son who is a foreigner.

    Why she wanna buy using her son’s name?

    Reason, she wanna apply a direct flat from HDB.

    Why her son is a foreigner when she’s a citizen here?

    Cos her son avoided NS after having his pre-uni studies (i.e. Primary, Secondary, JC) here, therefore he can’t be a PR or citizen, which i don’t think he gives a damn. He is current a professional in HK.

    This is just one of the cases i charged upon. Let me tell you, they are no goondus. They are just leeching on to the success of SG to make themselves richer. They have totally no loyalty at all. Success of SG by who? Our parents and grandparents.

  148. The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:12 pm 

    re: sturmtruppen on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 11:39 am

    You ask me, “”"Please kindly refrain from dumbing down fellow singaporeans or other forumers.

    All of us are different in our points of views/perception/understanding but we do agree to disagree and live it at that respectfully.”"”

    So now you get hurt by all my hurling, right. Then why don’t you people feel the same for a family of elderly people when you hurled at them as hijacker, criminal, uncouth, etc.

  149. CHN PR Veteran on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:26 pm 

    to reply those who commented on mine unproperly.

    I think most of you are blinded by your emotion and anger,which makes you fail to have a deep and correct thinking and understanding …

    am I trying to argue in favour of those PRC chinese who were reported by your news paper or the links you put as your proofs? No, absolutely wrong if you think so. You don’t need to tell me there’re so many bad chinese in Australia or whatever other foreign country. I believe those things happened and are happening just as I believe every country has its own assholes. but you ask why so many PRC chinese? one reason: the absolute number of PRC immigrants is much much more than the immigrants number from all other countries; the other reason you can’t deny is ideological and political discrimination and biased western media. I was so naive in the past to trust everything they said from western society, their democracy,their media and their political propaganda. but now I only trust my own eyes and analysis from my brain. all politics are dirty!

    if those chinese immigrants violated the laws of that land they went to,let the laws of that land punish them. but this is not a good excuse for you to shout emotionally or crazily here “SOD OFF BACK TO CHINA!” or whatever equivalent dirty. Do you know how many S’poreans in Shanghai,Beijing and other parts of China? aren’t they making money from the PRC chinese? are they all good that no one committed a ccrime? Do you guys hear me ever shouted “SOD OFF BACK TO SG!”. PRC chinese come to Sg to make their living, what’s the fault? You don’t know that before they can come, each one has to pay your Sg agent for 5000-8000$? and what is their pitiful salary? Haven’t you heard the news that some employers bullied them, embezzled their salaries…or even set traps for their blood and sweat agent fee and then threw them away?

    I have been in Sg for enough long time,don’t be irritated when I tell you that the many god-damned behaviours and immoralities that you found on PRC chinese with a magnifying glass, are seen on some S’poreans. You can’t deny this unless you are a ostrich burying your head in sand. So, when you criticizing strictly the others, watch your own back yard!

    regarding what you proposed, we immigrants, got to say “thank you”, “sorry”, “excuse me” and “please”. I tell you YES,WE DO. if you have time to read the posts I put here, you will easily find these courtesy words. However, this does not mean we have no rights to protect our human/civilian rights when we are offended, does not mean we must wrap ourselves as sheep or sycophants in Sg. We make our earns by our own hands,We don’t have rights to enjoy those cakes that your gov only gives to citizens. but We survived and succeeded. I challenge some of you who always in shouting,blaming,complaining and condemning status, dare go to china and see if you can find a job and survive there?!

    So you said Sg is not a democratic nation? then how? you go to China lah! as you told me that China is more democratic than Sg. So funny and so lovely are you!,China welcomes you! then what’s the hell you still stick in Sg? Don’t you have vote right? and practical GE? I tell you I never voted in China! at least you got a chance to vote. But why each GE, the winner is always PAP? because Majority S’poreans voted PAP! why so many your lovely fellow mates did not follow your call to vote PAP out? well well well… I know you are going to give me a long list of how the PAP plays sorts of ’sweet or bitter tricks’ to ‘lure’ S’poreans or they feel so scared ….Then whom else you should blame? BUT why always PRC chinese be condemned, are all S’gaporeans involved always so innocent, nothing to be responsible for and they are always victims?

    I also thank you for telling about stories of opposite parties and their leaders. actually I have been watching them for quite long time. WOW, you have two good opposite leaders cum MPs! keep on going! but frankly I don’t see anyone in your opposite camps are better than your PM Lee or some other PAP leaders. oops, you are saying those who are supper good haven’t had chances or dare not show up? enh, sorry I can’t help you guy! I don’t even have a vote right here!

    No matter how, it is the fact that under PAP leadership, Sg has become a famous developed country,though this great success also belongs to you, hard-working S’poreans. I know you want to argue again. but Isn’t the whole world wrong when they appraise Sg? I know some international human rights organizations give poor marks to Sg, heheh, China’s earns even much worse !!! Indonesian’s might be better! so you may go there?

    Someone told me “don’t talk so loud in public spaces”. well,if I didn’t talk loudly, who knows my feelings and opinions? you got to go back to question some of your fellow S’poreans “why don’t you talk loudly in public spaces?”. If you think Sg is not a democratic country yet, oh, maybe you are right, then say something and do something constructive and practical, instead of wasting your precise time endless shaming and spitting onto PRC chinese. this won’t cure your paranoia of ‘Vote PAP out’! and time for next GE is ticking ……

    you advise me to read some good books, thank you. most of them I have read long time before! I often go back to China to visit my parents every year. So no need you to tell me about what happened in china, and particularly no need to tell me about the 1989 tian-an-meng square event. I was in my university at that time! but I would suggest you,on the contrary,to read the history of America! and know how they build up a great democratic nation from a slave society!

    Don’t you realize If you finally succeed in stirring up a Singaporean VS PRC chinese, the loser is your own? and do you realize How dangerous and severe you are doing so?

  150. Commoner on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:28 pm 

    Anonymous on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 12:34 pm

    The Patriot, is just another imbecile. Just ignore him. Take a look at his replies towards others’ comments. Simply crappy and retarded. First he insist that the PRC got their right over the wheelchair, next moment he says that if he is there, he will settle the issue in 15 mins time by paying for their cab fare. It shows that Patriot have no principal at all. Shouldn’t he fight together with them over the wheelchair issue instead of talking about paying for the cab fare.Or maybe he tring to show us that he’s a carrot king.

  151. The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:59 pm 

    re: Commoner on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 1:28 pm

    First, you dumb asses who claim to have serve the 1st world army and have gone thru’ world class education did not even know how to subdue a small petty quarrel between an elderly woman and a bus driver. But just know how to sit, watch and whine.

    If I could diffuse the whole situation in 15 minutes by paying for the cab fare for the comfort of an old granny and for the convenience of everybody, why not. How does it contradict with my principle.

    How much is the cab fair? How often do you have such an opportunity to do the right thing?

    You see, you dumb asses are prepared to pay millions for a pigeon hole in the air and to splash your hard-earned CPF saving on some conned women, but you can’t spare a few dollars for the cab fare.

  152. The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 2:11 pm 

    Re: Anonymous on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 12:34 pm


    Then I said, “”"”But you do see alot of S’poreans and M’sians involved in drug trafficking and murder cases.””"”"

    Now you retaliate that, “”"”That is another STUPID argument of yours. Do you mean that PRCs don’t commit other crimes in Australia like murder, false insurance claims, rapes and murder only Malaysians and Singaporeans did that?”"”

    But now can I say the same as what you retaliated — “”"That is another STUPID argument of yours. Do you mean that Malaysians and Singaporeans don’t commit other COURT CASES OF FRAUDULENT IMMIGRATION CLAIMS DEFECTED, VISA GOT CANCELLED AND FAILED IN COMPLETE EXHAUSTION OF ALL LEGAL AVENUES in Australia”"”"

  153. wakka on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 2:13 pm 

    “Singaporean first policy”!

    first to kena caught on any sign of “trouble”!

    wait till these PR/new citizen become Singaporeans… and their children will join the ranks of what most of us are on now i believe.

  154. CHN PR Veteran on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 2:17 pm 

    to someone who’s exhausting himself to tell us lots of cheating,tricky or despicable stories that the PRC chinese involved. well done! but it is legal within the law frame, what’s the fault? is there a one among you and me,is not making money from others? if they break laws, then report polices! your duty sir! all or most PRC chinese are bloody suckers, liars, cheaters,murders… while the rest of you in this world are innocent nobles? then what’s hell use of making laws in your country? for PRC chinese? better you arrange a prison visiting to convince me and ‘Patriot’!

    even those pitiful greedy immoral chinese are attempting to earn little money from you SG, all in all, that amount is little money! didn’t you open your eyes and happened to know there’re even much much big crocodiles that had “earned” millions or billions dollars from you? eg, mini bound? or money fraud? from this point of view, I feel so pitiful for those PRC chinese, they just made so little earn but stupidly became the scapegoat and your target. you idiot!!! then you stop doing everything with PRC chinese lah, then you will clearly safe lah!

  155. True Singaporen on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 2:39 pm 

    Listen up WY Lee.

    I will not bother responding to your followup because it is incoherent trash. It is rambling, confused,pointless,
    irrelevant, illogical, and silly.Your followup was as empty of content as to convince the skeptical about the existence of people who are nature’s freaks, in a sense sort of like idiot savants

    The more one read what you wrote, the more one got convinced that you argue for argument sake..

    Don’t get too worked up let your emotions take control of you..Besides , your England is bad.

    Get more practise before coming here to trade insults with Singaporeans.

    Sheesh ! some talented Malaysian Chinese we have here !!!..Bah ..

  156. on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 3:17 pm 

    To The Patriot,

    Just because somebody in this forum do not give you due respect or are nasty does not mean we have to go to that kind of level. Everyone is better then that, you and each individual in the forum. Working things, pointing out unplateable facts or sensitive issues to the level name calling, un-thinking consideration or being nasty just for the sake of being nasty/hard will not solve anything and make it even worse. Worser still if one or all goes away as a mindless fanatic or with the wrong information/facts which will lead to more indirect problems to one and one’s loved ones in the future.

    So how…Where will this all lead to? No constructive resolution, no real thinking and understanding by both or various parties and no improvement in the status quo.

    Once you reach such an awkward or awry position. It is best for everyone just to stop and do something else constructive outside in the real world with one’s own hands and mind.

    Thus, moving forward..You should always keep in mind daily to grow and be a better fuller/complete person because you are real and you are have to explore and find out each day with your own understanding of your true self, your values, your perception, your true views and acquire true wisdom of the real world and all peoples/cultures/mind-sets of this world. Be a truely global citizen and be all that you can be. Because no matter what, you and every individual matters [Except those who are masqurading as human beings but are no different from base animals].

    How and why?…ask youself daily…at every individual item/person/issue/etc…example when you look at a cup…it is just a cup…but if ask yourself again and push yourself to another level…it is just more then a cup! Is it ceramic/ what rough temperature is it made…who is it made…looks professionally/artistically made…difficult/easy…can i make it i have the skill set…can i acquire such skill set…how to go about it effectively…can it hold a 70 degrees hot cocoa drink without breaking…based on it’s thickness and material one can approximate whether it will break if it accidently drop onto the floor…can i use it to break a terrorist head before he try to saw me with his serrated to go about it….etc etc…there is so much known and unknown and wonderful in this world…doon’t limit yourself because of others say so…or the PAP memory driven education system etc etc…or some other artifical obstacle created by real losers who try to prevent you to be a better person…you can be more…just live and breath each day afresh…we know how screw up singapore has become, no thanks to some overly so called intelligent folks in charge but truely yours no real true intelligence…dun stop all that you can be…once you are in a better place…you will be so happy that you have found true wisdom and your own freedom…and that is good enough because only you yourself can judge how much positive contribution to this world and humanity once you move on to another plane of existence [hopefully].

    All the best : )

  157. WY Lee on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 3:39 pm 

    True Singaporen on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 2:39 pm


    oh well, a classic sign of a sore loser who loses his cool when he cannot debate anymore!!!

    Dear all,

    please don’t behave like your friend here. A classic loser who can’t stand losing to a malaysian in an argument…kiasu lang sheesh!!! take some loser management classes.

    Is my english still incomprehensible here?
    hahahaha.. pathetic excuse!!! you would want to think wouldn’t you that all Malaysians come from timbuktu? Lol…. you can go and have your own delusions of grandeur!!!

    kamu ini boleh belahlah, pencacai!!!


  158. The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 3:58 pm 

    re: sturmtruppen on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 3:17 pm

    Sorry, don’t understand what you really want to say. I am too lazy to read thru’ your long-winded post. Can you summarize it for me to reply you.

  159. Guna on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 4:59 pm 

    PRC female especially are aggressive…never marry one. Cannot blame them though. They were brought up to report on parents even…they are people with no religion…the Communist Party is their universe.

  160. So how? on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 5:55 pm 

    CHN PR Veteran and The Patriot the same person. Beginning with cap and no cap make no difference is differentiating that both are 1 single person. That’s Pathetic……

  161. on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 6:40 pm 

    To The Patriot

    To go to a baser level…

    We are all HUMAN BEINGS…i cut you, you cut me…anyone is cut…We all bleed the same.

    The positions you have taken in this forum is like one of those terrorist dumb fanatics who go and blow themselves up for their leaders who incidently by the way should lead by example but did not.


    How truely blinded some people choose to make themselves into or be a pawn for others agenda or think they can play god based on some strange justification or past experiences.

    It is not the separate parts that make one a rational person…it is the total sum of the parts.

    You have still a lot of growing up to do. And have to work harder on improving your understanding.

    Please do take the above as negative critism. It is just words of advice after all, up to individual to decide to leverage on or discard : )

    Good Nacht and all the best : )

  162. Anonymous on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 10:48 pm 

    The Patriot on Wed, 20th Jan 2010 2:11 pm

    Your argument, as always, is misplaced. See what you wrote?

    “Now you retaliate that, “”””That is another STUPID argument of yours”

    PLEASE DON’T PUT WORDS INTO MY MOUTH WITH FICTIONAL ADDITIONS. I never said these words ” Now you retaliate that” – you are entitled to your thoughts except that i see “that is another STUPID argument of yours”

    By putting a twist of ” Now retaliate that”, you justify by another quote of my comment elsewhere” JUST as a cover tactic of yours TO CLOSE OFF AN VALID ARGUMENT of my by your usual cynical pretensions.


    It is just debunking your arguments only. You “see” and “interpret” fictions that exist in your mind just like your empty assertions of stance of no logic in support.

    That is why I keep reminding you that your FLAWED arguments attracted a lot of robust rebuttals.


  163. robert on Thu, 21st Jan 2010 12:33 pm 

    i can’t believe that NONE of the Sgs on the bus told the PRC family to STFU and get lost. if they were wasting my time on that bus, i’ll kan dam jia lat jia lat and escort them off the bus with my blue jiao

  164. SK on Thu, 21st Jan 2010 1:36 pm 

    Singapore Police force must do something. If not more of such cases will happen. Then they will “refer” to this case if police want charge them.

Tell us what you're thinking...
and oh, if you want a pic to show with your comment, go get a !

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