老外厨房» Kimchi Pancakes韩国泡菜饼

My wife introduced me to a new recipe. We tried it before at a Korean restaurant in Shenzhen, but never thought about making it ourselves. But we had to figure out what to do with the almost 10 pounds of kimchi that a friend gave my wife. We both like kimchi, but it’s difficult to eat that much.


While I was at work the other night, my wife found a recipe for these kimchi pancakes. Though not as good as the ones we had the restaurant (I think the restaurant used a lot more oil to fry the pancakes), I was impressed.


We made one change to eating the kimchi pancakes: we had a dipping sauce. The best way to balance the sour and spicy flavor of the kimchi is to dip it in a Thai sweet chili sauce. The pancakes taste good on their own, but the sweet chili sauce makes it even better.



1/4 lb. of kimchi (more or less depending on your taste)?1/4磅的韩国泡菜(可以根据个人口味酌情增减)
2 cups flour?2杯面粉
1 cup water?1杯水(根据面粉的分量,可以自行调整,关键是面糊不要调的很稠,这样烙出的饼口感不好)
5 Mushrooms 五个蘑菇
1 small onion 一个小洋葱
1 egg?一个鸡蛋
Cooking oil?烹饪用油
Chili powder, salt, pepper, sugar?辣椒粉,盐,胡椒粉,糖

1. If you’re using larger pieces of kimchi, chop it into small pieces. Place it in a bowl and be sure to include the sauce.


2. Mix the flour, water, and egg with the kimchi. Stir the mixture until it is smooth and there are no chunks of flour remaining. Add the chili powder, salt, and pepper to taste. Add a dash of sugar and mix.


3. Heat the oil in a large pan. Pour in 1/4 of the kimchi mixture and spread it out in a circle. Be sure that it isn’t too thick or thin.


4. When the mixture looks solid in the pan, flip it. If you make smaller pancakes, this is much easier. Let the pancake cook for another 3-5 minutes, or until slightly burnt.


5. Continue this process until you use the entire mixture. It should make four large pancakes.


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