Abstract:Complementary MOSFET is used widely in power switch circuits. There are two types of drive circuits that often used here to drive MOSFET, optocoupler device and the transformer-isolated device. However, the former needs auxiliary power supply and response slowly, so we take pulse transformer instead. There are some problems to be solved in the applications of the latter, such as the release of energy stored in the inductor, the idealization of the waveform, the range of the duty, etc. This optimized design of the transformer-isolated gate drive circuit of MOSFET is completed with the OrCAD software, the simulations and verifications are carried out to confirm whether these problems are solved. Then, the circuit is manufactured with actual devices, the tests show that the results of the simulations and verifications meet the actuality much close. Key words:Complementary MOSFET, Pulse transformer, Transformer-isolated gate drive circuit