To Wellington and Back
Day Three: Finale
第三天:大教堂,大炮,Te Papa博物馆
I don’t think I’m that kind guy who’s exceptionally good at keeping
promises. I mean, last night I promised myself that I’m going to go
for a run six o’clock in the morning, but immediately after that
promise I realized that I was just lying to myself. Well, it wasn’t
technically my fault that I couldn’t go for a run: the hotel alarm
clock is notoriously hard to set and in the end, I realized I
couldn’t do it.
我这个人好像不太习惯遵守我的那些承诺。昨天晚上我答应自己要明天一大早跑步的,但是不幸的是,答应完了以后, 我马上发现我其实仅仅给自己撒了一个谎而已。而且这个宾馆的闹钟我根本不知道怎么设,后来这个计划也就不了了之了。
It was rather unfortunate that when I ‘tried’ setting the alarm clock, I somewhat managed to set the clock one hour forward—which consequently meant that we were awake an hour before we should, thus losing one hour of precious sleep and thus meaning mum was growling at me for at least an hour. I think I’d rather leave the running till I’m back in Auckland. After all Wellington does have some pretty high winds and I’d prefer not getting blown off the harbor.
Our first stop was at the St. Mary of the Angels Cathedral (or
church, but the building was seemed so majestic and ‘holy’ that it
deserves to be called a cathedral; least that’s what I think). Now
you might be quite surprised by this, but our group is technically
a catholic group (even though the behaviors of some of the
‘Catholics’ are rather upsetting) and we have church on Sundays. I
rather liked this stop at the St. Mary of the Angels Cathedral,
because every thing seems to have a spiritual quality to it, a
tranquil, almost mystical atmosphere that made the whole process of
worshipping and praising the lord a heap more meaningful. Mum said
that if I pray at a church that I’ve never been to before, my
prayers will most likely be answered. I hope she’s right!
我们今天‘玩的’{dy}站是新西兰很有名的一座大教堂:St. Mary of the Angels大教堂(好像仅仅是一个教区教堂而已,但是看起来十分的宏伟而且极其庄严)。事实上,我们这个旅游团是一个‘天主教团体’,不过这些‘信徒’在教堂里的表现就不敢恭维了。我们在这里做了一台弥撒,心里感觉非常的舒畅,在如此漂亮的教堂里祈祷,感觉就是不一样。老妈说如果在一座新的教堂里祈祷,所祈求的东西上帝肯定会给的。我希望我的梦想成真!
(Coincidentally, we actually found Father Barry here! Father Barry
has been the priest of the St. Mark’s Church not far from our house
and we used to go to his service every weekend—too bad I didn’t
recognize him and it was mum who realized it was him)
我们在这里居然碰到了以前在我们教区工作的神父,Father Barry,他居然转到这里来了,真是巧合!我看他觉得有些面熟,但是没看出来。老妈一眼就看出来了,向他打招呼——与此同时我已经在大巴士里打瞌睡了。
Our next stop is at the ‘highest point of Wellington’ where they commemorate a guy called ‘Byrd’. This guy apparently helped setting up the Treaty of Antarctica and invented the Wind-Temperature Relationship Chart (or at least I think that’s what it’s called). I was wearing shorts and a T-shirt when I was climbing the hill and the wind literally sheared away any body heat I had left, so when I reached the summit I was basically a chilly hunk of meat dressed in clothes. The view was fantastic: you could see the azure ocean, the bustling metropolis, the rolling hills and the dimming contours of the South Island, though it’s too bad that I could only take one look because the wind was literally blowing into my face! It felt much better when I went back down the hill and I found the time to take a photo with a cannon—a cannon that used to be fired everyday at midday to keep the time.
If there’s a place in Wellington that I’ve always wanted to go to,
it’s the Te Papa Museum. They are currently holding an exhibition
with artifacts unearthed from the ruins of Pompeii and we decided
that this was going to be the piece de resistance, so to speak!
There was even a woman playing on a hand accordion just so that we
feel as if we’re in Italy (though I doubt they had hand accordions
back then).
惠灵顿有一个地方我非常想去,那就是Te Papa新西兰国家博物馆。这个月Te Papa正在举行一个庞贝遗迹博物展览,我相信一定会很精彩。博物馆好像还雇了一个人来拉手风琴,感觉还真的有点像意大利呢!
I must say that I’ve already seen a lot of the objects at the Pompeii exhibition from those books and websites I read and visited back when I had to do a research project about the Roman Empire. It was however, a lot different when I looked at the real thing, for those objects sitting in front of you are actual things they used thousands of years ago and they seemed charmingly familiar. Romans were brilliant architects of the plumbing system and were masters of making life comfortable, therefore many artifacts shown are reminiscent of the kind of things we use in everyday life (I could take one home now and it wouldn’t feel out of place—except for the fact it’s been buried in volcanic ashes for thousands of years, of course), such as vases, bowls, oil lamps and even a section of lead pipe that was used to transfer water from the aqueducts to the homes of the Romans.
We entered a darker room that contained the plaster casts of the
victims of the Mt. Vesuvius eruption. The only light came from the
tiny lamps that illuminated the plaster casts themselves. For me it
was a rather disturbing experience to see how agonizing it really
would have been for those poor people to have died to suffocation.
They were obviously either trying to run for it, or were trying to
cover their face with their tunics, before they were buried under
layers and layers of ashes and molten rocks. Their last impressions
on this planet are forever preserved in plaster, as if time had
stood still at the moment they came to their demise. I was
One of the good things at the Te Papa Museum is that almost every
single exhibition is free (though the Pompeii exhibition did ask
for a fee as most of the objects are from Italy) and mum and I took
the time to explore the museum in full. There was an exhibition
about the formation of New Zealand and how seismic movements
created the contours of our nation (there was even a house that
shook from side to side to give you the experience of going through
an earthquake—it was gay). Another exhibition told of the history
of the animals in New Zealand and how unique they are from the rest
of the world. The colossal squid exhibition was slightly
disappointing, because once you get up and close, the squid doesn’t
look so colossal after all.
到Te Papa博物馆参观的好处就是这里大多数的展览都是免费的,我就干脆把这里的展览看了个遍。这里的展览很多,包括:地震展览(不过地震体验屋感觉很差劲),新西兰动物展览,还有世界{zd0}的乌贼展览。老实讲乌贼根本没有想象的那样大,而且看起来都有一点腐烂了,悲剧呀。
I think the real highlight of our visit to the museum has
got to be the modern arts section. I really do think that
art is dying. People are just no longer aware of the kind of crap
they’re producing. For me, art is supposed to express in a way that
is most acceptable (or understandable) so that the public can
understand what you’re trying to actually express. Picasso made his
paintings difficult to understand, but at least they’re still
understandable—what I saw here at Te Papa was completely
meaningless. Someone (renowned artist as they say) painted a couple
of strips on canvas and calls it art. Someone else drew a cross on
a black background and says that is the most brilliant creation
he’d ever thought of. People like them should be sent to an asylum,
at least that’s what I think. Make your art understandable! Or
don’t be an artist at all.
The ‘Reactive Architecture’ exhibition really opened my eyes to how
future architecture would look like. A couple of students from the
University of Auckland thought of producing a façade that can
change color to suit the mood of the room. An architecture office
in Berlin produced a wall (at least that’s what I think it was)
that allows light in or out depending on how much light is received
by the individual ‘umbrellas’ that makes up the wall itself. My
favorite one was that of an apartment block that is mounted on a
giant sail-like structure which rotates so every room could receive
the sun at any time of the day.
Te Papa was our last stop at Wellington. We headed towards the
Wellington Airport and the flight back was incredibly quick
(compared to our long, if not almost agonizing train trip) and by
eight o’clock, we are back in Auckland. The great adventure was
Te Papa是我们的{zh1}一站。从惠灵顿飞回奥克兰的飞机一个小时就到了,不像火车做了整整{yt}!
* * *
My trip to Wellington has been a bittersweet one. On the sweet
side, I found that Wellington is probably more suitable for me than
Auckland is—in terms of the metropolitan lifestyle, of course. Just
thinking of going for a run in the morning, coming back for a
coffee and spending the morning taking a good read at the National
Library (then it’s socializing in the afternoon) excites me, but to
be honest, Wellington is too small for me and even though it is an
exciting place, it’s not the best place for me to live in.
It’s just not big enough.
On the bitter side, I was stuck with a group that has literally no manners whatsoever and I realized that people like me are ending up taking the blame because the locals can’t differentiate between loudmouthed travelers who pretty spent the first fifty years of their life in villages stuck in poverty and people like me. Perhaps it was wrong of me to go traveling with a huge group in the first place. Next time, just me and a couple of friends should do. I’ll be more than happy to be the guide.
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