2008-07-25 14:46:09
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传真:0769-86958905 QQ:646022850
E – mail: Luohebin86@163.com
产品参数 LAG-120B covers 10Hz to 1MHz in 5 ranges with a dial accuracy of ±3% + 1Hz Sine or square waves selectable with low distortion sine waves (Iess than 0.05% from 500Hz to 20kHz) and fast-rise square waves (200ns) Output attenuation is 0 to 50dB in 10dB steps with continuous vernier control Provision for external synchronization The low distortion LAG-126 covers 5Hz to 500kHz in 5 ranges and provides either sine or square wave outputs with low sine wave distortion (less than 0.005% from 20Hz to 20kHz) and fast rise square waves (200ns) Dial accuracy is ±3% + 1Hz Output level is set in increments of 10dB (7), 1dB and 0.1dB with a calibrating vernier for sine wave operation Output remains flat within ±0.2dB from 5Hz to 20kHz Built-in 600 ohm load can be switched across the output On/off output switch facilitates S/N measurements |
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