Logistics express layers of meaning of these words? « Industry ...

Category:Logistics and warehousing

logistics express layers of meaning of these words?

should be clear why the composite industry, the status of the logistics industry?
based on the logistics industry analysis of the problem, right at the early stage of development of modern logistics industry in mainland China, as it relates to economic development at all levels and areas need to be guided from the macro level, to provide a reasonable policy support should be an indisputable reality, to give logistics industry development of the relevant industry position is difficult and must be addressed. The characteristics of modern logistics development and trend analysis, logistics management activities and logistics management technology application has penetrated into all fields of economic activities and links related to agricultural and industrial production, commercial distribution to transportation, warehousing, information services and various industrial and economic and business fields. Therefore, the logistics industry to serve as an industry, with the past has a relatively independent development of traditional industries that interface should have a markedly different. Logistics management exists in all economic sectors and various enterprises in all sectors of the real characteristics of economic activities, as well as the logistics difficult to exist independently of the basic facts, determined that the logistics is defined as the composite industry, more in line with its industrial characteristics. The so-called composite industry, refers to both a local independent estate forms, but also a whole has a common technology used in the medium of cross-cutting and integration of multiple industry specific industry to industry. Logistics has both the business point of view from the provision of services to the independent service industry characteristics, but also has the production and marketing within the enterprise management from the perspective of the non-independent industry to industry, but also has the result of the use of logistics technology, logistics services through the production and marketing companies outside of the supply chain management integration, sharing of economic benefits embodied in the phenomenon. Logistics development needs in the industry on the level of progress, but the logistics industry is essentially a kind of penetration into almost all economic sectors and all business activities within the enterprise and the coincidence of the cross-industry patterns, generate economic benefits and economic benefits from the perspective of a clear characteristics of the compound. The specific characteristics of the logistics of the compound shown in the logistics industry, specialized business, industry, agriculture, commercial circulation enterprises such as logistics management technology and logistics of the operation of the social division of labor and so on. First, the logistics technology as a means of professional business service firms (including transportation, warehousing and third-party logistics companies, logistics information service enterprises) engaged in economic activity posed by the logistics industry is determined by multiple industries and a variety of service mode constituent Yetai. In accordance with industry standards connotation and is actually independent of the industry, the difference is that logistics activities are cross-regional, cross-sectoral, cross-sectoral, cross-enterprise and multi-link features, services, Ye Tai, and the diversity of types of services characterized by a significant . The second is from the industrial and agricultural and commercial distribution of logistics activities in the field of analysis, its logistics activities, not simply an independent business activities, often associated with these enterprises purchase of raw materials, production organization, sales organization, product distribution and so closely integrated into the management of such enterprises to improve their and improve the efficiency of an important technical means and tools. Third, from a social point of view of division of labor and logistics activities of the Organization only in the scale of operation and network operations, based on in order to produce the expected benefits. Therefore, the agricultural and industrial and commercial circulation enterprises to seek external support or logistics services to build the supply chain has become a trend. Logistics Management and professional integration of logistics operations and infiltration, will feature the logistics industry in identifying factors related to further weaken the economic interests of all parties access to, often through the supply chain optimization and to the interests of the redistribution of the product.
⑴, development of appropriate strategies for the development of the logistics industry in mainland China
necessary for the development of modern logistics in order to establish a modern logistics service system, set up an enterprise organization and management of modern logistics system, build efficient regional logistics network and improve the overall objectives of the international intermodal transport system for and, under the guidance of the overall goal to develop appropriate development strategies, including the creation of an appropriate enterprise logistics and logistics enterprise development environment; to promote the rational distribution logistics system; to accelerate the development of logistics planning and logistics policy formulation. The logistics industry in various management-related industries or industry sectors, from the development of modern logistics of the overall height, from the composite industry needs a high degree of coordination of economic operation and altitude, breaking the separation of departments to develop in line with the establishment of a socialist market economic system of mutually supporting and operable sectors and regional logistics policies for the promotion of the development of the logistics industry, the key to accelerate the formulation of the development of logistics planning and related logistics policies.
⑵, to establish a correct idea of the logistics industry in the policy
First, the concept of industrial policy to establish a composite full consideration of modern logistics industry as a complex industry, the special nature of logistics activities in the policy-making mechanism differs from the past, the logistics activities the relative lack of clarity on the industry interface, the industrial characteristics required from the relevant sectoral policies to start the clean-up and adjustment, through the modern logistics industry in all relevant sectors of policy adaptation, to establish a modern logistics system for the purpose of the policy; second is to establish a correct the concept of openness and protection policies, protection spur lagging behind and should be conducive to achieving the objectives the promotion of art, while the all-round opening up, China is not only accelerate the development of logistics industry needs, but also in mainland China to join WTO commitments to fulfill an important guarantee. Third, establish the correct concept of infrastructure construction, we must attach importance to the logistics infrastructure, with particular focus on strategic logistics hub facilities, logistics bases, large shipping group, large-scale integrated hub port in the planning and construction. At the same time, it is necessary for the existing backward transportation, storage and other facilities, development and utilization of the creation of appropriate policy environment and build out the underlying assets and the technological transformation of the reasonable use of the mechanisms simultaneously to minimize the waste of resources and improve the social and economic benefits. Especially in logistics parks and other large infrastructure issue and to establish a logistics base for the development as an economic development project concept. Logistics Park-building is not simply the construction of logistics services with a view to play the role of infrastructure to an integrated logistics technology in the enterprise to drive the rapid development of the logistics industry. Fourth, establish a correct concept of the industry management policies. Force in the country by industry and regulatory mechanisms to ensure the healthy development of the various related industries, but the idea of the traditional planned economy to a certain extent also in the formation of the industry segmentation. Complex nature of modern logistics industry determines the logistics industry development must be based on the various related industries a good communication and coordination based on. Therefore, we must change the past by industry sectors that form a discrete phenomenon, to strengthen macroeconomic management and coordination level, completely changed the management of various industries discrete policy concept.
⑵, actively guide and support the development of modern logistics industry
first is to strengthen the basic policy guidance and support. In the logistics industry, the overall framework of development goals, according to the practical needs of the logistics industry, given the logistics industry, tertiary industry more favorable than that of other land, credit, tax and related supporting policies; assets failed to meet the development needs of exit and backward facilities, technological innovation, and to give more specific financial, taxation, social security policies to define and support; for some special areas, projects, such as regional economic center, and a large shipping center, logistics base, to give greater freedom in the development of , consider granting special areas (domain) range of logistics development zones, free trade zones, bonded and other legislation to ensure that these important areas, the project’s international competitiveness in the training and development potential of the excavation. Second is the development of science integrated transport development policies. Conscientiously implement the State’s “Eleventh Five-year” comprehensive transport modernization development goals, to develop an integrated transport, in order to comprehensively improve the coordination between the various modes of transport, ensuring the smooth flow of logistics in the transport links; actively through comprehensive coordination, handle all kinds of modes of transport and development issues, to change the practice of self-contained a variety of modes of transport to achieve the rational development of various modes of transport in order to enhance the whole society of logistics efficiency and reduce logistics costs. Third is to actively develop new organizational forms of transport and improve transport efficiency. Positive developments in multimodal transport, through the development of intermodal containers, pack back transport, ro-ro transportation, bridge and transportation, so that transportation logistics services in the provision of access to new opportunities for development; according to the modern logistics industry characteristics and needs, to improve traditional transport enterprises operating organization and management methods, freight transport companies to achieve scale and intensive operation in order to enhance the overall level of development of transport and improve transport efficiency and reduce transportation costs. 4 is to improve the logistics industry, the decision-making level of support. To strengthen macro-control on the logistics industry, in particular the role of the State Planning Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission and other comprehensive economic administrative departments of economic construction and operation of the management and coordination functions, strengthen the regulation and control of the logistics industry in the development of strength and control capabilities to enable the development of the logistics industry in a scientific, rational and effective macroeconomic management and trade management and coordination, based on the development of the logistics industry to improve the decision-making levels and decision-making coordination; comprehensive economic administrative departments as soon as possible with the support of the establishment and development of logistics industry in mainland China to adapt to the characteristics of , easy integration with the international statistical system for the logistics industry for the logistics industry to provide information support for decision-making.
⑷, the logistics industry to overcome the obstacles to development. One to overcome the institutional obstacles. At present, mainland China are directly related to the management of the logistics industry is still in the system is divided into departments. The various departments of basic self-contained, split between departments caused by the difficulties of communication and coordination, making decision-making and management efficiency is not high, the system is not conducive to the development of the logistics industry, therefore, must establish the logistics industry until the industrial management from a macro organic systems, to achieve the management of scientific, rational division of labor and management system in order to overcome the obstacles. Second, a mechanism to overcome the problem. In logistics-related management system, the sub-sector management are not the problem lies in the lack of horizontal coordination among regulatory authorities safeguard mechanism, all departments at all levels of administration horizontal communication difficulties, is not conducive to business and industry, horizontal linkages and modern logistics system, the formation of the measures, even the establishment of a unified logistics management departments and agencies, such as without good coordination, but also very difficult to solve the problem. Therefore, from the long-term development of modern logistics industry focus, all levels of government in the management, the management and coordination mechanism for reform, according to the complex characteristics of the logistics industry, starting from the macro-coordination is responsible for regional logistics development in accordance with the internal law of management and operation.


类别: 物流与仓储



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