3D sublimation technology on flip-flops or slippers or sandal or garden shoes - with patent protection Our company (SME) patent research and development the 3D Vacuum Thermal Heat Image Transfer / Sublimation machinery, since going on the market, in the shoes material transfers in the image transfer market to have the very high appraisal, mainly uses in the PVC, EVA, TPR garden shoes and the person character tows the numerical code to transfer India to process, water slide image transfer who compares the tradition has by the inferior characteristic. Main feature: 1) The design localization is more accurate 2) All around transfers the design clearly not to be easy to distort 3) Produces the population to be few, the efficiency high 4) The technical process is simple, and the environmental protection 5) Prevent some limitation and weakness for commonly usage methods of Pad printing, Waterslide or Hand Print. Synthesis says, the product besides may have stable and the high innate nature design transfers image, more company brings the cost benefit! Detailed Description: This Vacuum Thermal Image Transfer Machine applied an NEW technology which may replace the old method of Water Image Transfer on suitable curved products surface. This technology has the good features for saving the materials cost and men power and getting more beautiful outlook image. Suitable Products to be applied: The curved products surface such as notebook computer, mobile phones, luggage, MP4, garden shoes, sleepers, suitable household products and decoration materials etc. We will provide the whole service and training to customers how to perfectly use this machine. New 3D image sublimation technology on flip-flops or slippers or sandal or garden shoes, getting more colorful and durable image. 鎴戝叕鍙?/font>锛?/span>SME鑿熀锛変笓鍒╃爺鍙?/span>鐨勭珛浣撶湡绌虹儹杞嵃鏈烘锛岃嚜涓婂競浠ユ潵鍦ㄩ瀷鏉愯浆鍗板競鍦轰笂鍏锋湁寰堥珮鐨勮瘎浠凤紝涓昏鐢ㄤ簬PVC,EVA,TPR鑺卞洯闉嬪強浜哄瓧鎷栨暟鐮佽浆鍗板姞宸ワ紝鐩告瘮浼犵粺鐨勬按杞嵃鍏锋湁浠ヤ笅绛夌壒鐐?/span>. 涓昏鐗圭偣锛?/span> 1锛夊浘妗堝畾浣嶆洿鍔犲噯纭?/span> 2锛夊洓鍛ㄨ浆鍗板浘妗堟竻鏅颁笉鏄撳彉褰?/span> 3锛夌敓浜т汉鏁板皯锛屾晥鐜囬珮 4锛夊伐鑹烘祦绋嬬畝鍗曪紝涓旂幆淇?/span> 缁煎悎鑰岃█, 浜у搧闄ゅ彲鍏锋湁绋冲畾鍙婇珮璐ㄧ礌鐨勫浘妗堣浆鍗板, 鏇翠负鍏徃甯︽潵鎴愭湰鏁堢泭!
More colorful and sharp image transfer on suitable curved products surface