什么是生熟分开普洱茶区别? « City life wiki 城市百科





然而,似乎从来就没有这样的复杂的个人生活茶任何种类的茶从未如出现任何茶叶的茶是一种简单,粗面公园发生变化,所以“什么是茶,”它看起来简单的问题,其实并非如此简单。 “”地方标准的定义问题,有这么些:















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识别,也称为“茶的审查,”茶的质量,档次,评价已知确定茶叶的价格。因此, ,在茶产区的流通是一个专业的必要从非。-专业的角度,基本技能,工作非常重要的审查,确定我们的茶叶,无论是检测仪器缺乏,而且缺乏专业知识,只有对凭借感官经验,以确定如何确定非专业型的茶叶。,我做了什么,从个人的经验谈,希望得到专家Zhijiao。




















网址: / / www.upweb.net/index235-img/showlog.php?id=46872&partname =


2 。暖锅聚酯:将在清水中煮茶叶,主要是发挥作用的温度和锅,同时可以用温水清洗杯。






What is difference between raw and cooked Pu’er tea?

raw and cooked Pu’er tea What’s the difference?

What is Pu’er tea

“Pu’er tea in Yunnan local standards” is defined as: Pu’er tea is based on a certain region of Yunnan Province Yunnan Green Mao Cha Ye kinds of sun as the raw material through the post-fermentation processing into loose tea and pressed tea. Brown-red color of its shape; endoplasmic liquor color red thick and bright, with a unique flavor Chen Xiang, taste mellow back to Gan, bottom of leaves brown-red.

First, we make efforts for the definition of the experts and scholars to express my sincere respect.

appears, however, has never been any kind of tea such as tea complicated personal life has never been any kind of tea such as the appearance of tea is simple and rough endoplasmic Park-changing, so “What is tea,” it looks simple question, actually not that simple. “local standards” is defined as the problem, there Zheme Xie:

1, is not conducive to the protection of origin. Would like to Yunnan Green Mao Cha Ye kinds of raw material drying carts carts pulled African American processing, tea do not do things? However, heard Maotai to open branch in other provinces do? Moreover, large-leafed species of Yunnan, can introduced to African American, you say that others are not producing Pu’er tea? But why Yiliang production Baohong Yunnan tea is lobular types of processing technology is completely Longjing process, aroma index was highest in green tea, why people will not let you call Longjing tea?

2, processing technology of the question: “After the fermentation process into a” here refers only to artificial fermentation, that is, first fermentation and then finished shape; In fact, the fermentation process itself is;

3, Pu’er tea cakes cooked green tea sub - two types: if only cooked Pu’er tea is called, that artificial fermentation technology is only available in 1973, is not it in 1973 not previously Pu’er tea?

4, if admitted in 1973 before there is a tea, (which I think no one embarrassed negative), but should not be called tea but green tea or green tea (which is plausible), but this means that Either we cut off history, or historical mistake? The only one, if the name derived from the Pu’er tea place names (with a lot of argument discussed in another paper), but the artificial fermentation technology is engaged in Kunming out, why not call in Kunming tea, it is necessary to ask someone to tea?

5, if only cooked Pu’er tea is called, that green cake, brick tea is not called, then a walk on the market, you will immediately find that this argument is nothing respect for reality; red or yellow and India you say it is green tea green tea, merchants would certainly say you are a tea-blind - the same time, which in turn means that either we ignore the reality, or is the reality wrong.

6, “brown-red color appearance; endoplasmic liquor color red thick and bright, with a unique flavor Chen Xiang, taste mellow back to Gan, bottom of leaves brown-red.” Such words to say is that the effect of good quality tea, if indeed the tea (although that is the definition of cooked tea), but the more times the quality of tea, liquor color can red thick, but not necessarily bright ; “Chen Xiang” word, we do not see much difference between this and black tea have.

7, whether natural or artificial, is not a one-time completion of the fermentation process; from production and processing to distribution storage, until it is consumed at the last minute, not even for a moment to stop fermentation; Therefore, “gets better” is the difference between the other teas in tea most important feature, without which there is no tea like this today, but there will not be tomorrow, could be keen to see the glory.

said that for a long time, then they will ask: You say that others did not say clear tea, then you Tell me.

- well, no problem, define the purpose is to determine the nature of; although the definition itself does not determine the definition. However, a definition should not only reflect the essence of things, but also uphold the unity and logic and reality; at least, should adhere to three principles:

1, history and reality of a unified principle: We respect the objective reality, not cut off history; (here, by the way said, “Traditional and Modern Pu’er tea,” the sub is not good. intentionally or unintentionally, this view of history cut the so-called tradition is not just part of history: If the tea is a traditional folk workshop manual, the machine rolled the machine where the pressure is not pie in the modern ?

2, the principle of practical reason: there must be conducive to the protection of origin;

3, convention, principle: “people who actually have the bin.” History and reality Yes, Green tea cake is also true. Health & Poor’s, cooked & P to say we have accepted, is a fact, but different from other tea products, tea each piece is truly finished until it is consumed the moment.

So, what is tea?

- Pu’er tea in Yunnan Province of history since the formation of specific the local tea. is based on the origin of the big-leaf Yunnan kinds of drying green tea and its re-processed two series: direct re-processing into finished products for health & Poor’s and artificially accelerated fermentation of cooked and then processed Pu, type system, they are located on the two types of tea and pressed tea; finished product still ongoing, after the natural aging process, with that gets better with the unique quality

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Yunnan Pu’er tea appreciation

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1. to see the appearance

look at the appearance, first of all look at the tea bar, bar is complete, Ye Lao, or tender, old leaves larger, thinner leaves; smell the smell and look dry tea color and dry tea net-degree, high-quality loose tea in Yunnan Pu’er tea and dry Chen Xiang revealed (some may contain bacteria dried incense, medicine incense, dried longan incense, dried mold incense, camphor incense, etc.), the same, as miscellaneous flavor, color tan, or brown-red (liver-colored), with oil lubrication shiny, reddish brown in the (commonly known as red cooked), stout and strong cord to cut off the broken tea less; quality while meeting or only slightly Chen Xiang Chen gas, even with acid, rancid flavor , or other miscellaneous taste, thin tight cord incomplete, color dark brown, dry dark dull.

2. look at liquor color

mainly depends on the depth of liquor color, bright, high-quality loose Yunnan Pu’er tea, bubble tea out of red thick and bright, with the “Golden Circle”, Tom appears to have the oil above the bead-shaped membrane. quality times, tea instead of thick red and less bright, often there will be dust-like material and suspended them, and some even black , hair Ukraine, commonly known as “soy sauce soup”.

3. smell the smell

mainly take the heat and cold sniff sniff, hot smell the aroma of pure look different, cool fragrance smell to see the durability; high-quality thermal Chen Xiang significantly strong smell, and pure, “air sense” a strong, cold smell CHEN Xiang-long, is a willing cool taste. Chen quality of times there are fragrant, but the mixture of acid, rancid smell, rust water taste , or other miscellaneous taste, while others had “musty smell”.


mainly from the smooth texture, back to Gan and feel a sense of flu and throat. Nongchun taste of high-quality, smooth mouth, Run throat, back to Gan, tongue Sheng Jin; quality while meeting taste of plain, non-slip mouth, not go back to Gan, base of the tongue on both sides of feeling unwell, and even lead to “Shibuya Ma” feeling.

5. look at bottom of leaves

Main color is to look at bottom of leaves, leaf quality, see bubbles come out of the bottom of leaves finished incomplete, is not it also maintains flexibility. high-quality color brown red, uniform light, miscellaneous little flowers, leaves Zhang integrity, the quality leaves a soft, non-corruption, non-hardening; quality times while mixed color flowers, hair Ukraine owed to light, or leaf mass corruption hardening.

Pu’er tea differential

identification, also known as “tea review,” the evaluation of tea quality, grade, to determine the price of tea. Therefore, circulation of tea in tea is a very important review of the work of a professional the basic skills necessary. from a non-professional point of view, we of tea identification, both the lack of testing instruments, but also a lack of professional knowledge, only by virtue of the experience of the senses to identify. on how to identify non-professional type of tea, I made a little talk from personal experience, hoping to obtain expert Zhijiao.

one measured with

sensory evaluation of tea, water, water must rely on experience. grab a handful of tea leaves in the hands clenched a little harder, feeling thorn tea in hand, and can hear the crisp sound of broken tea, with your fingers to twist into the Sui Mo, for the dry tea, or high water content. According to the subtle differences in feel and experienced tea master can accurately determine water content of tea.

2, observing shape from the shape

tea color, shape, the whole broken, Clarity four part test. put tea into the tea tray in both hands Toppin, clenched right corner, flat screen roundabout turn move more than a decade, the disk will be according to the severity of the tea, the size at different levels to focus on the tray. physique big, body bone tea light floating on top, called “face Zhang tea”; small compact set of real weight in the middle, known as the “middle of tea”; broken bits on the disc at the end of Shen, called the “lower part of tea.” with the clutch from side Chang tea, watching weight, color and net miscellaneous level; look at the middle of tea, fine tight, tenderness and re real degree of tenderness is to look at the amount of bud and leaf quality Laonen the extent to which cents more than buds, leaf quality tender for the good; look at the tea Sui Mo content of the following paragraph. “middle” tea buds are mostly to small, tight, heavy, actually good; “face Zhang tea” because of rough, leaf quality of old, the body light and views of bone; ” Lower tea “mostly Suimo, old stems, sand and the like impurities. Therefore,” the middle of tea “the greater the proportion, the better the quality of tea. a comprehensive upper, middle and lower segment ratio of tea, tea could be assessed by the level of appearance. Also worth mentioning is: Do not forget to grab a handful of tea leaves, facing the light to see whether the white Haomao. no Haomao to clarify the bubble tea is the drink of waste tea, Haomao little to clarify the when you rub over tea processing, or dried after exposure and dry; Hao Mao uniform all persons must be upper Jiapin.

Tuocha identification is also important to note: strip tea with tight straight, heavy is indeed good; loose , hook music, buoyant for the times; round of tea is better to round the tight, loose multi-block for the poor; flat to flat straight smooth tea is better, short of pure pine rough worse.

3, endoplasmic

Tea ER test, mainly: smell their fragrance, quality of its flavor, and watch his color, look at bottom of leaves.

specific method is: Take a pinch of tea into the cup, with boiling water, brewing, covered with lid. brew green tea with 80 ℃ water, black tea brew with 100 ℃ water. 5 minutes later to lift the lid slightly, first sniff aroma cup, look at a bowl liquor color, and then tasting tea flavor, and finally put into the hands of a cup of tea, Observation bottom of leaves tenderness, color and evenness to determine the merits of each factor ER. smell fragrant smell when the first hot, then cold smell and concentrate on identifying the level of aroma, strength, flavor is normal, there are non-smoking, coke, mold, rancid or otherwise unpleasant smell; taste is a product of its taste of tea, tea being imported, with the shallow sip tea in a way that repeated shocks tongue taste nerve, so that lingual taste cells carefully the concentration of tea flavor, mellow, such as sweet or bitter. Pu’er tea needs to brew the identification of three to five times observe the level of tea-resistant foam.

to really Pingchu tea, it is necessary to participate in tea tasting, understanding the characteristics of each grade of tea, tea parties regularly to understand advice, keep accumulating experiences. will be able to identify a tea master.
International Online reports: After years of research on tea drinks, Japan, Asahi Asahi beer and beverage companies recently discovered that tea originated in China, the maintenance of weight loss have a very prominent role.

Under normal circumstances, people can lose weight simply by dieting. However, eating a little relaxation, weight, weight loss will return to the situation before, so-called “weight rebound.” researchers said that this is because the only diet to lose weight without exercise makes muscle atrophy, leading to a basic reduction in calorie consumption. Therefore, after the success of dieting to lose weight, even if the normal calorie diet can also cause excess body weight followed a rebound.

order to seek suppression “rebound weight” approach, researchers can inhibit the absorption of fat was studied tea drinks. Researchers to the four group of rats fed lipid-rich type of food so that they gain weight. a period of time, turn to these mice fed normal food, food for rats in each group were added to tea, jasmine tea, oolong tea and tea mixes four kinds of tea powder.

The result is exciting. In addition to food mixed with jasmine tea powder feeding the mice 11 days after the appeared to reduce the weight of the temporary growth, the rats fed the other tea powder did not increase the basic weight. in particular, adding tea powder feeding rats, weight lo…

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