本文主要介绍了该系统生成的背景及Visual Basic 6.0和Access的一般原理。阐述了整个机动车租赁管理系统的结构及工作原理;分析了系统实现中的特殊性、难点和重点;设计实现了系统用户管理、基本信息管理、业务管理、会员管理等程序模块;分析并解决了现实中的若干技术问题。
关键词 数据库 Visual Basic6.0 机动车租赁管理
In recent years, the computer technique has become more and more ripe; the database technique develops constantly and the application of the information management system has stretched into every field of our society. Combining the methods and steps of the information management system and basing on the theory of it, I developed a small information management system-- the automobile lend-lease management system.
The management of automobile lending and leasing is a necessary part of the company's daily operation. Traditional way is a waste of human resources and time, and it is complicated and often runs with mistakes. Based on the computer technique, the perfect automobile lend-lease management turns those complicated data calculation and information processing into simple instructions.
It realized the electronic management of data information completely. It liberates people from the human management entirely. After hard work, I finally realized my design as expected, and developed this practical and valuable automobile lend-lease management system. Using it will raise the working rate, reduce the cost and raise the economic benefit of the company.
This paper mainly introduces the develop background of the system and the basic theory of Visual Basic 6.0 and Access Visual. It tells the structure of the automobile lend-lease management system and its working theory; it analyzes the specialty, difficulty and important things in system realization. The design realizes the management of the system users, the basic information, the business, and the members' management.
Keywords: Database Visual Basic6.0 The automobile lend-lease management
2、销售商信息: 包括销售商信息的添加、修改、删除、查询、查看销售汽车。具体信息包括销售商的公司名称、联系地址、联系电话、传真、邮政编码、电子邮箱、联系人、备注;
为规范操作流程,降低劳动强度使租赁业务走向标准化和科学化, 设计开发了这套管理系统,它的使用将有利于提高租赁公司的劳动生产率,节约生产成本,增加经济效益,希望它能为业内人员的工作提供一定的帮助。
7、会员类型: 包括会员类型的添加、修改、删除。具体信息包括类型名称、折扣率;
3、保险公司信息: 包括保险公司信息的添加、修改、删除、查询、查看保险汽车。具体信息包括保险公司的公司名称、联系地址、联系电话、传真、邮政编码、电子邮箱、联系人、备注;
8、汽车租赁: 包括汽车租赁信息的添加、修改、删除、租赁审核、续租、续租审核。具体信息包括合同编号、车牌号码、客户编号、租赁模式、工作日数、xx数、出车公里数、租车时间、还车时间、租车费用、经办人、享受折扣;
6、会员信息: 包括会员信息的查找、修改、注销。具体信息包括(1)基本信息,有客户编号、姓名、性别、年龄、身份证号、电话、工作单位、地址、邮编、EMAIL,(2)驾驶证信息,有驾驶证号、驾照类型、驾龄、发证日期、失效日期,(3)抵押担保信息,有抵押证件、担保人、担保人身份证、担保人单位,(4)会员信息,有会员类型、享受折扣;
1、类型信息: 包括汽车类型的添加、修改、删除;汽车保险类型的添加、修改、删除。具体信息包括分类名称、具体描述;
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