Sugar? ? ? ? ? « Industry info 工业信息

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candy of what the advantages and disadvantages? ? ? ? ?

more sugar than smoking is hazardous to the existence of a larger

sweets for us is always a temptation. World Health Organization (WHO) conducted a survey of 23 causes of death in the country’s population, concludes: addicted to sugar are harmful, rather in the smoking, long-term consumption of foods with high sugar content will make people’s life expectancy was significantly shorter, and made a “Quitting sugar” slogan. But in recent years, Chinese people’s consumption of sugar high, sugar harm more people have not yet been recognized.
complete rejection is a difficult task sugar, then in their daily lives, we are in the end how much sugar to eat, what kind of sugar is more healthy?
best not more than 40 grams per day
“sugar” the concept of broad and narrow sense. Broad sense, refers to a variety of digestible carbohydrates of sugar, including sugar and no sweet sweet starch; the narrow sense refers to refined sugar, white sugar and food and beverage syrup commonly used in processing. Sugar harm the human body is mainly the latter.
almost all sweet foods are rich in sugar or syrup made with sweeteners. So, for some like to eat sweets, biscuits, snacks, drinks children and young women, the daily intake of more than 100 grams of sugar is a very common thing. However, nutritionists have recommended total daily intake of sugar approximately 30-40 grams, that is, not to exceed the daily intake of total carbohydrates 10%.
30-40 grams of sugar is what is mean? In people who eat sweets, one tablespoon jam of about 15 grams of sugar, a Coke cans at about 37 grams sugar, 3 small pieces of chocolate is about 9 grams of sugar, an ice cream cone is about 10 grams of sugar, a few About 10 grams of sugar cookies … … if we do not pay attention to words ,30-40 grams of sugar is very easy to break through quantitative restrictions.
too much sugar can cause fracture
refined sugar is very high purity can reach more than 99%, which means that almost no other nutrients which, only a lot of energy. To eat sweets more, people will arise due to intake of too much energy satiety and affect the other rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber intake of food. The long run, will lead to nutritional deficiencies, developmental disorders, obesity and other diseases.
the other hand, the metabolism of sugar in the body need to consume a variety of vitamins and minerals, therefore, often sugar can cause vitamin deficiency, calcium deficiency, potassium deficiency and other nutritional problems. Japan nutritionists that children eat too many sweets is a rise in the rate, causing a fracture of the important reasons; U.S. nutritionists have also pointed out that the children eat sweets fracture is higher.
nutrition survey also found that, although sugar may not directly lead to diabetes, but long-term high consumption of sweets cause excessive insulin secretion, carbohydrate and fat metabolism disorders, disorders caused by the human body environment, thus contributing to a variety of chronic diseases, such as heart cerebrovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, age-related cataracts, dental caries, myopia, the incidence of rickets. Eat sweets will also tend to make human blood acidic, is not conducive to the blood circulation and weakened immune system defenses.
sweet with the drug have the same physiological responses
reluctant to part with sweets also may cause physical and psychological dependence. A study revealed that the human sweet taste after birth the first to accept and pursue the taste of people like to eat sweets are a kind of instinctive reaction.
medical experiments have shown that, in a sense, contains large amounts of sugar, sweets on the brain are similar to the role and effect of drugs. If we allow animals habitually intake of sweets, they stimulate their brains in the production of opioid substances to make them happy. Once stopped the supply of sweets, they will feel pain, irritability, brain chemicals out of balance. This phenomenon of drug addiction is very similar to the reaction.
when the sugar
to eat sweets while a large number of harmful, but if a small amount of food at the right time, health also has certain advantages. For example, the blood glucose concentration decreased when a small amount of sugar can be an emergency supplement. Patients with low blood sugar when you feel hungry black eyes, limbs become soft, the best way is to drink a cup of sugar right away. Delicious breakfast bad people, close to noon, has often feel drowsy and unable to concentrate their attention, decline in thinking ability, when if eat sweets, will be able to quickly restore brain function.
In addition, the sports medicine research confirmed that athletes in strenuous exercise prior to add a small amount of sugary drinks, if you can help them improve their athletic performance; timely complement of sugar after exercise can reduce fatigue. If the bath before the ordinary people, hunger, the need to increase attention, when a small amount of sugar is also beneficial.
brown sugar to eat more healthy
What to eat sugar is optional, if you want to find a balance between sweet and healthy, it is best to eat the following sugars:
brown sugar. It is also called “brown sugar”, “brown sugar”, contains more iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other minerals, has a high nutritional value, but also help the body acid-base balance. TCM believes that there is blood circulation scattered silt brown sugar, warm in the cold-dispelling and so on. But the brown sugar and warm, often lit, and parched people should be eating.
oligosaccharides. Such as fructo-oligosaccharides, oligosaccharides lactose, isomaltooligosaccharide so. They heat very low, with the “adjustment ecological balance” role, and some have been known as the “bifidus factor”, can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in vivo, inhibit the proliferation of intestinal pathogens and spoilage bacteria.
sugar alcohol sweeteners. Including xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, etc., slightly lower than sugar sweetness. Their energy is low, does not cause tooth decay, does not increase blood sugar, sweeteners are healthy. The daily consumption better not more than 20 grams, because they will promote intestinal peristalsis, excessive consumption can cause mild diarrhea.

against women eat more sweets big

middle-aged women should not hamper Excessive consumption of sweets, so as to avoid excessive concentration of glucose in the blood, causing hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis and other diseases, thereby endangering the health. World Health Organization has pointed out: “addicted to sugar, tobacco is more frightening than that. The long-term addicted to high-sugar foods, their average life span shorter than the normal diet of people 10-20 years.”
U.S. researchers found that 50-year-old women to eat sweets too much will lead to gallstones. An excessive amount of sugar into fat itself can affect the normal appetite, prevent vitamins, minerals and other nutrients intake, leading to human obesity. Obesity does not make all people the growth of stones, but for middle-aged women, it is a hotbed of gallstones incurred. Therefore, the middle-aged women to eat sweets.
excess sugar can cause urinary calculi, has been proved by experiments. Sugar in a large number of elderly people, after a sharp increase in the amount of calcium in the urine during this period are easy to form urinary stones. If the day before going to sleep drink a glass of thick syrup, then the risk is even greater risk of urinary stones.
eat sweets but also precipitate breast cancer. According to the research, long-term intake of high sugar foods, make the blood insulin levels often at a high level within the state, and early breast cancer cell growth, is in need of a lot of insulin. Breast absorbed by a large number of insulin, growth and reproduction of breast cancer cells plays a role in fueling.
a long-term sugar overdose, but also accelerate the aging of cells, so that the human ability to adapt the environment is poor, white hair turn yellow. Sugar remain in the mouth, bacteria will be formed by some of the large population of organic acids and enzymes, direct destruction of teeth decalcification, corrosion, the formation of dental caries. Therefore, middle-aged women not to eat sweets.

around the world and did not advocate prohibition of sugar, only to promote smoking, how can say that sugar is more harmful than smoking? More sugar is not good, but if the sugar harmful, and that grain, starch, fruits can not eat, and humans to eat?


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