铅中毒 隐形的健康杀手_抗衰老xx_新浪博客






  铅中毒通常是由于长期处于含微量铅的环境诸如家中、工作场合等造成的,也可能在人体接触高浓度的铅时快速发生。近半年来,儿童铅中毒事件在国内频频发生,向我们敲响了警钟。 孩子们所接触铅的最常见的来源是含铅的颜料以及粉尘、泥土中的铅,一些玩具及首饰中有的会含有高水平的铅。铅中毒将对儿童造成多器官系统尤其是神经系统的损伤,在儿童的生长发育过程中导致行为、听力、学习、发育迟缓等方面不可逆转的伤害,造成孩子智力低下、xxx下降等等。对于成年人来说,铅中毒也会导致极为严重的健康问题,包括高血压、xx、呕吐、恶心、肌肉无力、易怒、情绪及个性上的改变、睡眠模式的改变、难以集中注意力、记忆力下降、健忘等。




     1、最常见的铅的来源是含铅的油漆、涂料以及粉尘、泥土中的铅。例如剥落、刮掉的油漆会悬缀于房间的粉尘中或者污染房屋周围的泥土。油漆中的铅水平以百万分率【parts per million (ppm)】为测算单位,而油漆的铅浓度可以判断应用后的风险度。目前,600PPM的铅浓度是被许可的。




    5、含铅水晶、 铅釉陶器









 Lead Poisoning


What is lead poisoning?

Although it is not normal to have lead in your body, a small amount is present in most people.

Lead poisoning occurs when you absorb too much lead by breathing or swallowing a substance with lead in it, such as food, dust, paint, or water.

 Lead poisoning is usually caused by months or years of exposure to small amounts of lead at home, work, or . It can also happen very quickly with exposure to high concentrations. The most common source of lead exposure for children is and dust and soil that are contaminated by it, especially in older homes and buildings. Some toys and jewelry can sometimes contain high lead levels.

Too much lead in the body can cause irreversible problems in growth and development in children, including:

·         Behavior problems.

·         Hearing problems.

·         Learning problems.

·         Slowed growth.


In adults, lead poisoning can cause serious health problems, including and damage to the brain, , , and . In adults, behavioral symptoms can include irritability, mood and personality changes, changes in patterns, difficulty concentrating, and memory loss.

How you get lead into your body?


1.The most common sources of lead are and lead in dust or soil. Peeling or chipped paint is easily crushed into dust in the home or into the soil around the house. Lead levels in paints are measured in parts per million (ppm). You will need to find the concentration of lead in your paint to determine the level of risk. Currently, 600 ppm of lead is allowed in paint, since this much should not produce toxic levels in a child who eats it. If a chip contains 5,000 ppm or more,

2. Lead paint can be found on some toys, too.

3.Certain traditional or natural medicines or contaiminated supplements

4.cosmetics , such as surma, also called kohl, used in some mascara.

5.Leaded crystal or lead-glazed pottery.

6.Food, such as vegetables grown in lead-contaminated soil or food from lead-soldered cans. Some cans  may have lead soldering.

7.Water from faucets in homes with lead or lead-soldered copper pipes.

8.Polluted air, particularly near lead smelters or other industries that use lead.

9.Some printing materials, such as ink used in print on plastic bags.

10.Jobs or hobbies that may involve working with lead or being exposed to fumes from lead include:

Lead smelter work, auto repair, precious metals refining, construction, particularly remodeling or renovating, abatement work (such as asbestos removal or hazardous waste-related work), battery manufacturing or recycling,radiator repair and fishing (if lead weights are used).


  Blood Lead limit level

.The standard elevated blood lead level (BLL) for adults' set by the Center for Disease Control in US is 25 micrograms per deciliter (25 µg/dl) of whole blood. This level recognizes that every adult has accumulated some lead contamination.


The level for a child is much lower, currently it is 10 micrograms per deciliter (10 µg/dl) of blood.  But newest research shows that  blood lead concentrations, even those below 10 µg/dl, are inversely associated with children's IQ scores at three and five years of age and associated declines in IQ are greater at these concentrations than at higher concentrations.















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