

2010-07-08 10:02:39 阅读1 评论0 字号:

一、散热器温控阀的构造及工作原理 用户室内的温度控制是通过散热器恒温控制阀来实现的。散热器恒温控制阀是由恒温控制器、流量调节阀以及一对连接件组成,其中恒温控制器的核心部件是传感器单元,即温包。温包可以感应周围环境温度的变化而产生体积变化,带动调节阀阀芯产生位移,进而调节散热器的水量来改变散热器的散热量。恒温阀设定温度可以人为调节,恒温阀会按设定要求自动控制和调节散热器的水量,从而来达到控制室内温度的目的。 二、散热器的调节特性是由散热器热特性、温控阀流量特性及阀权度共同决定的。 温控阀在某开度下的流量与全开流量之比G/Gmax称为相对流量;温控阀在某开度下的行程与全行程之比l称为相对行程。相对行程和相对流量间的关系称为温控阀的流量特性,即:G/Gmax=f(l)。它们之间的关系表现为线性特性、快开特性、等百分比特性、抛物线特性等几种特性曲线。 对散热器而言,从水利稳定性和热力是调度角度讲,散热量与流量的关系表现为一簇上抛的曲线,随着流量G的增加,散热量Q逐渐趋于饱和。为使系统具有良好的调节特性,易于采用等百分比流量特性的调节阀以补偿散热器自身非线性的影响(1)。 阀权度对调节特性的影响。可调比R为温控阀所能控制的{zd0}流量与最小流量之比: R=Gmax/Gmin Gmax为温控阀全开时的流量,也可看作是散热器的设计流量;Gmin则随温控阀阀权度大小而变化。在散热器系统中,由于温控阀与散热器为串联,故可调节比R与阀权度的关系为:R=RmaxKV0.5(2) 以某型号的温控阀和散热器为例,散热器的流通能力为5m3/h,温控阀的阀权度为88%,实际可调比为28,对应的流量可调节范围{bfb}-4%。散热器在不同进出口温差下散热量的实际可调节范围见下表。 进出口温度差(℃) 25 20 15 10 5 可调节范围(%) 100~11.6 100~13.5 100~16.1 100~20.2 100~28 有表可知,当散热器进出口温差较小时,散热量的实际可调节范围也见小。但散热器进出口温差小于10℃时,温控阀的最小可调节散热量约为标准散热量的20%,温控阀的有效工作范围减小。 此外值得注意的一点是,温控阀的高阻力是由散热器的调节特性决定的,设计时必须考虑温控阀的这一特性,以免出现资用压力不够的情况。 三、温控阀的安装位置 1、散热器恒温阀一般安装在每台散热器的进水管上或分户采暖系统的总入口进水管上。尤其是对内置式传感器不主张垂直安装,因为阀体和表面管道的热效应可能会导致恒温控制器的错误动作,应确保恒温阀的传感器能够感应到市内环流空气的温度,不得被窗帘盒、暖气罩等覆盖。 2、为了减少投资,提出在户内系统(一户一个供暖系统)上只装一个温控阀的方案。 通常的情况下,应该每一组散热器(即每个房间)上安装一个温控阀。为了减少投资,提出在户内系统(一户一个供暖系统)上只装一个温控阀的方案。下面首先分析单管系统的热特性,即流量与室温的变化规律,并指出温控阀的安装方法。 2.1 单管户内系统只在末端房间装一个温控阀。利用热网工况模拟xxxx对一个五层楼的上分式单管顺流系统(也适用于户内单管顺流系统)进行计算,其结果见表1。表1为供水温度恒定的情况,这种情况较符合一个大的供热系统出现流量分配不均的实际工况,因而具有代表性。在设计外温下,凡实际流量小于设计流量的(相对流量小于1),均出现上层热、下层冷的现象;凡实际流量大于设计流量的(相对流量大于1.0)都发生上层冷、下层热的情形。 表1:上分式单管顺流系统供水温度恒定时流量与室温变化 室温(℃) 5层 4层 3层 2层 1层 相对流量(%) 1.80 18.5 18.7 18.9 19.3 19.6 1.00 18.6 18.3 18.2 17.7 17.5、 0.48 17.8 16.8 15.8 14.8 13.5 0.24 17.3 15.3 12.3 9.9 8.6 注:供水温度81℃ 上述室温与流量之间的变化规律,具有普遍性。 当室外温度不等于设计外温时。这种变化规律仍然存在,所不同的只是在设计外温,即气温最冷时,系统垂直失调最严重,也就是{zg}层与{zd1}层之间的室温偏差{zd0};随着气温变暖,垂直失调也逐渐趋缓。单管系统发生这种垂直失调现象的原因,主要是流量变化与散热器表面温度的变化不一致所造成的。一般而言,散热器的散热量主要取决于散热器的表面平均温度。在设计状态下,散热器传热面积的选取,都是根据设计工况下,各层散热器的设计表面平均温度计算的。但在实际运行中,由于流量分配不均,各层散热器的表面平均温度的变化比率将与设计工况发生差异。当立管实际的流量小于设计流量(即相对流量小于1.0)时,立管的供、回水温差即大于设计时的温差,此时上层散热器的表面平均温度比下层的散热器表面平均温度更有利于散热,因而出现上热下冷现象;相对流量大于1.0时,情况正相反。 单管系统垂直失调的特点是流量愈大,末端房间室温愈高;流量愈小,末端房间室温愈低,根据这种热特性,对于单管系统,每户一个温控阀,应该按如下原则按: (1)对于单管顺流的户内系统,一个温控阀应该装在该户内系统最末端房间的散热器上; (2)对于带跨越管的单管户内系统,一个温控阀应装在户内系统的入口供水管或回水管上,该温控阀的远程温度传感器需放在户内系统最末端房间里; (3)对于旧建筑的上分式单管顺流系统,每根立管的一个温控阀,应装在{zd2}层房间的散热器上,此时,供热量应采用热量分配器计量。 应该指出:这种温控阀的使用方法,其优点是既提高了供暖系统的调节性能,又能减少工程的初投资;其缺点是每户各房间的室温为同一标准,不能随心所欲的进行调节。 2.2 双管户内系统一个温控阀装在户内入口处。双管系统的垂直失调,是由于自然循环作用压头的变化引起系统流量变化而产生的。这种系统,最理想的方案是在每个散热器上都装温控阀。一些房地产开发商不愿意增加投资,取消了所有的温控阀,尽管在户内系统中,不会出现严重失调现象,但必然导致楼内各层之间的垂直失调。在工程实践中,也证明了这一点。 为降低造价,又不影响供暖系统的调节功能,在双管户内系统中,在户内入口处装置一个温控阀,其远程温度传感器可放置任何房间。这一方案,虽然每房间的室温调节缺乏灵活性,但却改善了楼内各层之间的冷热不均,比较符合目前国内的经济状况。 四、散热器恒温阀在采暖系统中的节能作用 散热器恒温阀正确安装在采暖系统中,用户可根据对室温高低的要求,调节并设定温度。这样就确保了个房间的室温恒定,避免了立管水量不平衡以及单管系统上下层室温不均匀的问题。同时,通过恒温控制、自由热、经济运行等作用可以既提高室内热环境舒适度,又实现节能。 恒温控制——随气候的变化动态的调节出力,控制室温恒定,即可节能。同时,xx温度的水平和垂直失调,也能是有利环路减少能量浪费,同时使不利环路达到流量和温度的要求。 自由热——阳光入射、人体活动、炊事、电器等热量称为采暖自由热,这部分热量由于不确定性而没有在设计运行中予以充分考虑,仅作为安全系数考虑。实现室温控制后,这部分能量可以取代部分散热量,同时,不同朝向的房间温差也可以xx,既提高了市内热环境的舒适度,又节省了能量。 经济运行——办公建筑、公共建筑在夜间、休息日无需满负荷供热。住宅用户也以尽量做到无人断热,以节省能量和热费。甚至在不同的房间可以实行不同的温度控制模式:当人员集中在客厅时,卧室温度可以降低设定,客厅温度可以提高设定;在睡眠休息的时间里,卧室温度可以提高设定,客厅温度可以降低设定等等。这些措施都可以通过散热器恒温阀来实现,已达到节能目的。

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1, radiator thermostatic valve of the structure and work principle Users control the indoor temperature through the radiator temperature control valve to achieve. Radiator temperature control valve is a thermostatic control, flow control valve and a pair of connectors, of which the core component is the temperature sensor controller unit, that warm package. Ambient temperature sensor package can be caused by temperature changes of volume, driven spool valve shifts and adjusts to changing water radiator heat radiator volume. Thermostatic valve can artificially adjust the set temperature, constant temperature control valve will set requirements and adjusting the water cooler, so to achieve the control room temperature. Second, the regulation characteristics of the radiator by the radiator thermal characteristics, temperature control valve flow characteristics and the degree of co-decision right valve. Thermostatic valve opening degrees in a fully open flow of traffic and the ratio of G / Gmax called relative flow; thermostatic valve opening degrees in a full travel itinerary and the ratio of l as the relative travel. Travel and the relative relationship between therelative flux as the flow features thermostatic valve, namely: G / Gmax = f (l). They show a linear relationship between characteristics of fast opening characteristics, such as the percentage of properties, characteristics of several parabolic curve. On the radiator, the heat from the water stability, and is scheduling perspective, the relationship between heat load and flow rate performance curve for the cluster on the throw, with the flow rate G increases, heat dissipation Q is gradually saturated. In order to adjust the system has good features, easy-to-use features such as the percentage of flow control valve to compensate for its nonlinear effects radiator (1). The right degree of the adjustment valve characteristics. Adjustable ratio R for the temperature control valve can control the maximum flow and minimum flow ratio: R = Gmax / Gmin Gmax for the temperature control valve fully open when the flow rate can also be seen as a heat sink design flow; Gmin is right with the thermostatic valve size and degree of change. In the radiator system, due to temperature control valve and radiator for the series, so it can adjust the right than the degree of R and valve relationship: R = RmaxKV0.5 (2) To a certain type of thermostatic valve and radiator, for example, the flow capacity of the radiator 5m3 / h, temperature control valve of the valve power of 88%, the actual variable ratio 28, the corresponding range of flow can be adjusted {bfb} - 4%. Radiator heat emission under different import and export of the actual temperature range of adjustable table below. Import and export of temperature difference (℃) 25 20 15 10 5 Adjustable range (%) 100 ~ 11.6 100 ~ 13.5 100 ~ 16.1 100 ~ 20.2 100 ~ 28 A table can see, when the radiator temperature difference is small, the import and export, the actual amount of heat can also see a small adjustment range. However, the import and export radiator temperature is less than 10 ℃, the temperature control valve can adjust the minimum standards for thermal heat dissipation is about 20%, temperature control valve reduces the effective scope of work. Also worth noting is that the high temperature control valve resistance is determined by regulation characteristics radiator, thermostatic valve must be considered when designing this feature to avoid the situation of capital with enough pressure. 3, temperature control valve installation position 1, radiator thermostatic valve is usually installed on each heat sink inlet or individual heating system on the total entry into the water. Especially not in favor of built-in sensors installed vertically, because the heat pipe body and surface effects may lead to wrong action thermostat, thermostatic valves to ensure that the sensor can sense the temperature of the air circulation in the city, not to be curtain boxes, Heating cover such coverage. 2, in order to reduce investment, made in the indoor system (one of a heating system), only install a temperature control valve solution. Under normal conditions, each group should be cooler (ie per room) to install a temperature control valve. In order to reduce investment, made in the indoor system (one of a heating system), only install a temperature control valve solution. The following first analyzes the thermal characteristics of a single pipe system, that changes of flow and temperature and that temperature control valve installation method. 2.1 Single-tube system for indoor installation only room at the end of a thermostatic valve. Network conditions using thermal simulation software on a five-story building on the fractional single-pipe system (also applicable to indoor single-pipe system) to calculate the results in Table 1. Table 1 shows the water temperature is a constant situation, which more in line with a large flow of heating system in the uneven distribution of actual working conditions, and therefore representative. In the design outdoor temperature, where the actual flow is less than the design flow (relative flow is less than 1), showed the upper heat, lower the phenomenon of cold; where the actual flow is greater than the design flow (relative to flow is greater than 1.0) have taken place in the upper cold, lower heat situation. Table 1: the fractional single-pipe system water temperature is constant flow and temperature changes Room temperature (℃) 5 Layer 4 Layer 3 Layer 2 Layer 1 Layer Relative flow rate (%) 1.80 18.5 18.7 18.9 19.3 19.6 1.00 18.6 18.3 18.2 17.7 17.5 0.48 17.8 16.8 15.8 14.8 13.5 0.24 9.9 8.6 17.3 15.3 12.3 Note: The water temperature is 81 ℃ The temperature and flow rate changes between the law of universal. When the outdoor temperature is not equal to the design when the outside temperature. This variation still exists, the only difference lies in the design outdoor temperature, the temperature of the coldest, the most serious system of vertical imbalance, which is the highest level and lowest level of the maximum deviation between the room temperature; as the temperature warms, the vertical imbalance gradually slow down. One-pipe system, vertical imbalances occur mainly because the radiator flow changes and changes in surface temperature caused by inconsistency. In general, the amount depends on the heat radiator radiator average surface temperature. In the design point, the radiator heat transfer area of selection, are based on design conditions, the design of each layer radiator average surface temperature calculation. However, in actual operation, because of the uneven flow distribution, the average temperature of the surface layers of radiator rate of change will occur with the different design conditions. When the riser is less than the actual design of the flow of traffic (ie, the relative flow of less than 1.0), the stand pipe for, backwater temperature difference that is greater than the design temperature difference, then the upper radiator average surface temperature than the lower radiator average surface temperature is more conducive to heat, cold, under which the phenomenon occurs on the hot; the relative flow is greater than 1.0, to the contrary. One-pipe system of vertical imbalance is characterized by the greater flow, the higher end of the room temperature; flow smaller, lower end of the room temperature, according to which thermal characteristics, for one-pipe system, each household of a temperature control valve, according to the following principles should be by: (1) For indoor single-pipe system, a temperature control valve should be installed in the indoor system, the radiator on most end of the room; (2) across the tube with a single-tube indoor system, a temperature control valve should be installed in the entrance to the indoor water supply system or return water pipes, the temperature control valve for remote temperature sensors need to be placed within the system, most end users room; (3) for the old buildings on the fractional single-pipe system, one of each riser thermostatic valve should be installed in the radiator on the bottom of the room, this time for heat to be measured by the heat distributor. It should be noted: the use of this temperature control valve, the advantage of not only improves the performance of heating system regulation, but also reduce the project's initial investment; its drawback is that each household room temperature for the same standard can not be arbitrary regulation. 2.2 pairs of pipe systems for indoor installation of a thermostatic valve in the indoor entrance. Dual system of vertical imbalance is due to natural cycles of change in pressure head changes caused by traffic generated by the system. Such systems, the ideal solution is to install temperature control valve for each radiator, both. Some real estate developers are reluctant to increase investment, removed all the thermostatic valve, although in indoor systems, no serious imbalances, but it will inevitably lead to the vertical imbalance between the layers inside the building. In engineering practice, has proved this point. To reduce costs, without affecting the regulatory function of heating systems, indoor in the dual system, installed in the indoor entrance to a temperature control valve, the remote temperature sensor can be placed in any room. This program, although the room temperature control for each lack of flexibility, but improving the buildings between layers Enthusiasm, more in line with the current domestic economic situation. 4, thermostatic radiator valves in the heating system, energy-saving effect Thermostatic radiator valves in the heating system is properly installed, users can request, based on high and low temperature, adjust and set the temperature. This ensures a constant temperature room to avoid the water riser pipe system imbalances, and lower room temperature single-issue uniform. Meanwhile, constant temperature control, free heat, such as the role of economic performance can not only improve the indoor thermal environment of comfort, but also save energy. Temperature control - with the dynamic regulation of climate change efforts, constant temperature control, energy saving can be. Meanwhile, the elimination of the horizontal and vertical offset temperature can also be beneficial to reduce energy waste loop, while loop to flow to negative and temperature requirements. Free hot - the sun incidence, human activities, cooking, electrical appliances as heating free hot heat, this part of the heat because of uncertainty not fully considered in the design and operation, only as a safety factor to consider. After the realization of room temperature control, this part of energy can replace part of the heat dissipation, while the room temperature in different direction can be eliminated, not only enhance the city's thermal environment of comfort, but also saves energy. Economic performance - office buildings, public buildings at night, without a rest day at full capacity heating. Residential users to make no one as far as possible off heat to save energy and heat costs. Can be implemented in different rooms or even different temperature control modes: When staff are concentrated in the living room, the bedroom can lower the temperature setting, room temperature can increase the setting; in the rest of the time sleeping, the bedroom temperature can increase the setting, room temperature can reduce the set, etc.. These measures can be achieved through the radiator thermostatic valve, has to save energy.

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