On the way » 五款{zss}的电子书阅读器
Not all ebooks are created equal, different format for different books. Each of the ebooks uses different format and some of them use a format that are exclusive to that reader. And if you buy a digital song or digital book or digital movie, you want it to work on any devise, so that’s something to think about when you buy a ebook.
It holds open format books. It’s e-pub books. It does have wireless download. And it has something that I’d like to call ‘sharing feature’. So I can lend you a book for fourteen days that will show up on your Nook and then come off your Nook, come back to my Nook in fourteen days.
{dy}种电子书阅读器Nook是由美国{zd0}的实体书商Barnes & Noble出品的,它的{zd0}优点就是支持所有标准电子书格式的文件。可以无线下载。还有你可以把自己的电子书通过Nook借给朋友,但是你不用担心像纸质书一样到时候收不回来,Nook有一个很贴心的设计,借出去的书14天之后会自动返回到你的机器上。另外通过Nook购买到的电子书,你也可以放到其它阅读器上看。所以应该说Nook是非常包容的一款机器。
It has a longer battery life. It also holds 1,500 books and this is the Kindle that set the standard for ebooks. This is the one we all know in love. But Kindle has DRM(Digital Rights Management) on their books. so when you buy a Kindle, you can only read your books on your Kindle.
Sony Pocket Reader Edition doesn’t have touch screen, but Sony Reader Touch does. Sony Pocket Reader Edition is relatively cheap, so if you want to try out the digital readers, it’s a good choice. The Sony readers can access Google books and also your local library’s books. So you can check out books for free for 21 days, if your library’s participating. The downside is you can’t take notes on it and you have to put the pages a lot because of its small screen display.
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