翻译论坛-译网情深- 查看话题- 关于水处理的一些单词和句子的翻译求助

6. The ion exchanger equipment will consist of three trains (one standby) with activated carbon towers at the beginning, three strong cation exchanger, a CO2 remover tower common to three wakd/strong anion exchanger and three final mixed ben polishers also common to the ultrapure water storage tank.离子交换(设备)(包含)三个(序列)(一个备用):开始是(各)吸附塔(应直译为活性碳塔)、然后为(三)个强阳离子交换器、一个(供三个弱/强阴离子交换器共用的)二氧化碳脱离塔和三个(与超纯水蓄水池共用的最终混合ben精加工设备)。


7. the specification of CO2 is trace 在这里是指单位吗?

8. the transmission planning is concerning with the medium to long term performance of the transmission system. 输电计划的编制涉及输电系统的中—长期性能。

8. Transmission line ratings, rating 是不是额定值的意思?

9. the open access transmission tariff 译成开放式输电电价,可以吗?
10. one-line diagram 中,one-line怎么翻译?
11. it is common to consider different scenarios for load growth covering average expectations and lower and upper bounds.


Angela Wen

[编辑文章 2 次, {zh1}修改: 于 2010-7-8 3:00:02]
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