忘关燃气阀 姑侄俩中毒 [转贴 2010-07-07 10:33:15]   

原文:Forget both off poisoned gas valve Gu Zhi
5:30 yesterday morning, who lives in Chaoyang District Road home district of Ms. Lee (a pseudonym) and his niece was rushed to hospital because of an oversight, after dinner last night, Ms. Lee forgot to switch off gas valves, gas leak both resulted in Guzhi intoxication was Ms. Lee's husband returned home early in the morning to discover and call 120 for help. Yesterday afternoon, reporters found that two out of danger.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Forget both off poisoned gas valve Gu Zhi


是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海天阀实业有限公司还生产 及不锈钢法兰电磁阀,两口两位直动式电磁阀,锻钢加长端闸,ZCF塑料王电磁阀,ZQDF-A通用电磁阀,欢迎您的选购。)


忘关燃气阀 姑侄俩中毒
昨天早上5点半,家住朝阳区道家园小区的李女士(化名)和自己的侄女被紧急送往医院抢救,因为一时疏忽,前晚晚饭后,李女士忘记关掉燃气阀门,泄漏的燃气致使姑侄俩中毒,幸好李女士的老公清晨回家时及时发现并拨打120求救。   昨天中午,记者了解到,两人已经脱离危险。

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