

2010-06-07 15:25:48 阅读5 评论0 字号:

埋地天然气阀门应满足的选型要求 1 材料耐腐蚀 管线输送的天然气在脱硫前含有大量的硫化氢(这是一种有毒且腐蚀性极强的气体,它和铁反应生成硫化铁,呈片状剥落,腐蚀机械设备)。即使经过 脱硫等工艺处理的天然气,仍有残存的硫化氢。因此,管线阀门选材要选抗硫的耐腐蚀材料。 2 结构合理 埋地燃气阀门应为全通径设计,降低流阻,便于通过管道清扫器或管道探测器,同时节约运行成本;尽可能降低结构高度以便节约安装成本;阀门顶部应装有全封闭的启闭指示器,便于操作者随时看清阀门所处状态,以避免误操作。 3 密封性好 天然气阀门的泄漏量要求十分严格,CJ3055-95《城镇燃气阀门的实验与检验》标准规定:软密封阀门在1.1倍公称额定使用压力下不允许有任何察觉的内泄漏、硬密封阀门在1.1倍公称额定使用压力下允许的内泄漏量小于0.3DNmm3/s。至于外泄漏是{jd1}不允许的。通常埋地和较重要的阀门都采用阀体全焊式结构。为了保证管线阀门的密封性能,要求密封垫具有优良的耐腐蚀性、
耐磨性、自润性及弹性。 4 操作方便 地下管线阀门绝大多数为人力启闭,因此要求阀门的启闭扭矩小, 全程转圈数不能太多,便于事故发生后能够尽快切断气源。 5 维护简单 阀门的零部件设计应考虑采用少维护、免维护结构,尽可能减少检修保养的工作量,减少因阀门检修保养而封闭道路,影响交通的情况发生。

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Underground natural gas valves should meet the selection requirements A corrosion-resistant materials Pipeline transportation of natural gas desulfurization ago contains a lot of hydrogen sulfide (which is a highly toxic and corrosive gases, it is the reaction of iron sulfide and iron, spalling fracture, corrosion mechanical equipment). Process even after the desulfurization of natural gas, there are still remnants of hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, the pipeline valve selection to choose sulfur corrosion resistant materials. 2, reasonable structure Buried gas valve should be full bore design, flow resistance, easy cleaning, or pipe through the pipe detectors, while saving operational costs; minimize the height of the structure in order to save installation costs; valve at the top should be fitted with fully enclosed The opening and closing indicator, easy to see the valve operator at any time in which state, in order to avoid misuse. 3, good sealing Valve leakage of natural gas requirements are stringent, CJ3055-95 "town gas valve experiment and test the" standard provides: Soft sealing valve rated at 1.1 times the nominal pressure does not allow the use of any detection of internal leakage, seal valve doors rated at 1.1 times the nominal pressure to allow use of the internal leakage is less than 0.3DNmm3 / s. For the external leak is absolutely not allowed. Usually buried and all the more important of the valve body with welded structure. In order to ensure the sealing performance of pipeline valves require gasket has excellent corrosion resistance, wear resistance, self lubrication and flexibility. 4 easy to operate Underground pipeline valves open and close most of the manpower, so opening and closing the valve required torque is small, full revolutions can not be too easy to cut off as soon as possible after the incident gas source. 5 simple maintenance Design of the valve components should be considered low-maintenance, maintenance-free structure, repair and maintenance to minimize the workload, reduce maintenance and road closure valve maintenance, affecting traffic incidents.

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