

2010-07-08 10:00:46 阅读3 评论0 字号:

从80年代起,我国开始组织骨干企业引进国外阀门同类产品的设计、工艺等先进技术和加工设备,使我国的阀门制造技术和产品质量得到了迅速的提高。目前,国内阀门生产骨干企业已能按ISO国际标准、DIN德国标准、AWWA美国标准等国际标准设计制造各种阀门,部分厂家的产品达到了国际先进水平。虽然过去几年阀门行业的整体水平有了较大的提高,但质量上还不够稳定,如跑、冒、滴、漏现象在国产阀门中经常出现。另外,我国阀门的配套能力也与发达国家相比尚存在一定的差距。 阀门是利润率低的产品,市场竞争非常激烈。就阀门市场的分布,主要是依据工程项目的建设,阀门的{zd0}用户是石化行业、电力部门、冶金部门、化工行业和城市建设部门。石化行业主要应用API标准的闸阀、截止阀和止回阀;电力部门主要采用电站用高温压闸阀、截止阀、止回阀和安全阀及一部分给排水阀的低压蝶阀、闸阀;化工行业主要采用不锈钢闸阀、截止阀、止回阀;冶金行业主要采用低压大口径蝶阀、氧气截止阀和氧气球阀;城市建设部门主要采用低压阀,如城市自来水管道主要采用大口径闸阀,楼寓建设主要采用中线蝶阀,城市供热主要采用金属密封蝶阀;输油管线主要采用平板闸阀和球阀;制药行业主要采用不锈钢球阀;食品行业主要采用不锈钢球阀等。阀门在 水处理行业中使用量较大,主要以低压阀门产品为主,如蝶阀、闸阀、止回阀。据了解,目前市场上具有一定规模的阀门企业有2000余家,大多数分布在江浙及中原一带。由于产品技术含量要求相对较低,因此,竞争更为激烈。 一方面,我国阀门产品面临着良好的发展机遇。随着石油开发向内地油田和海上油田的转移,以及电力工业由30万千瓦以下的火电向30万千瓦以上的火电及水电和核电发展,阀门产品也应依据设备应用领域变化相应改变其性能及参数。城建系统一般采用大量低压阀门,并且向环保型和节能型发展,即由过去使用的低压铁制闸阀逐步转向环保型的胶板阀、平衡阀、金属密封蝶阀及中线密封蝶阀过渡。输油、输气工程向管道化方向发展,这又需要大量的平板闸阀及球阀。能源发展的另一面就是节能,所以从节约能源方面看,要发展蒸汽疏水阀,并向亚临界和超临界的高参数发展。 电站的建设向大型化发展,所以需用大口径及高压的安全阀和减压阀,同时也需用快速启闭阀门。成套工程的需要,阀门供应由单一品种向多品种和多规格发展。一个工程项目所需的阀门,由一家阀门生产厂家全部提供的趋势越来越大。 但另一方面,我们不得不认真对待阀门市场中的许多问题。由于我国阀门市场已基本形成国营、集体、合资、股份及个体民营并存的局面。在激烈的市场竞争中要求得稳步发展,企业都在关注着以下问题:努力降低生产成本、着眼于提高产品性能和效率;开发上档次的高新产品或生产单件小批的非标产品;通过阀门产品的xxxx认证;阀门产品应向环保、节能方向发展。但难免有个别以赢利为目的,不惜损害他人利益的不法厂商,在扰乱着正常的阀门产品市场发展。 从总体来说,我国阀门市场价格比较平稳,每年虽然略有升降,但幅度都很小。从华北阀门市场看,就发现了许多企业为赢利以次充好,严重的扰乱了阀门市场。阀门市场主要存在的问题为:一、部分经营者购买无厂名厂址的阀门,打印知名厂家的xx及合格证,对合格阀门企业的声誉造成严重危害。二、翻新阀门,部分经营者通过对废旧阀门重新油漆后第二次销售,给工程质量带来严重的安全隐患。 透过对阀门市场的分析不难发现,我国阀门产品市场有着良好的发展前景,但必须通过规范市场秩序和严格的管理,xx恶性竞争,这里呼唤同业者的良知和政府的质量监管。

“ China valve market trend analysis and prospects ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电动阀门网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、、 、 等。

From the 80's, the backbone enterprise in China began to introduce similar products of foreign valve design, technology and other advanced technology and processing equipment to China's valve manufacturing technology and product quality has been improving rapidly. At present, the domestic production of key enterprises have been able valve according to ISO international standards, DIN German standard, AWWA U.S. standards with international standards such as design and manufacture all kinds of valves, some manufacturers of the products reach the international advanced level. Although in the past few years, the overall level of the valve industry has been greatly improved, but the quality still is not stable enough, such as run, run, drip, drain phenomenon often occurs in the domestic valve. In addition, our ability to complete the valve compared with developed countries, there are still some gaps. Valve is a low margin product, market competition is fierce. The distribution of the valve market is mainly based on the construction project, the largest user of the valve is the petrochemical industry, power sector, metallurgy sector, chemical industry and urban construction departments. Petrochemical industry applications API standard valve key, and check valves; power sector mainly uses high pressure power station gate valve, globe valve, check valve and safety valve and part of the low-pressure valve to the drain valve, gate valve; chemical industry mainly uses stainless steel gate valve, globe valve, check valve; metallurgical industry mainly uses low-voltage large-diameter butterfly valve, oxygen valve and the oxygen valve; urban construction sector mainly uses low pressure valve, such as city water main pipe with large diameter gate valve, House Apartments construction mainly butterfly valve, the main city of heating metal sealing butterfly valve; oil pipeline mainly flat gate valve and ball valve; the pharmaceutical industry mainly uses stainless steel ball valve; food industry mainly uses stainless steel ball valve and so on. Valve in the water treatment industry, with higher usage, mainly in low-pressure valve product-based, such as butterfly valve, gate valve, check valve. It is understood that the market has a certain scale valve enterprise with more than 2,000, most located in Jiangsu and Zhejiang and the Central Plains area. As the product is relatively low technical content requirements, therefore, be more competitive. On the one hand, China's valve products are facing good opportunities for development. With the development ofoil fields and offshore oil fields to the mainland the transfer, and the power industry under the 300 thousand kilowatts of thermal power to more than 300,000 kilowatts of thermal power and hydropower and nuclear power development, and valves should be changed based on device applications to change their properties accordingly and parameters. Urban systems typically use a large number of low-pressure valve, and to the development of environmentally friendly and energy-saving, that is, from low iron gate valve used in the past gradually turned to environmentally friendly plastic sheet valve, balance valve, metal sealed butterfly valve and sealing valve middle transition . Oil, gas transmission pipeline in the direction of the development, which in turn requires a lot of flat gate valve and ball valve. The other side of energy development is energy conservation, energy saving so from the side, the development of steam traps, to the sub-critical and supercritical parameters of the development of the high. Construction of power plants to large-scale development, so Xu Yong large diameter and high pressure safety valve and pressure relief valve, while also used as a rapid opening and closing valves. Need to complete the project, the supply valve to the many varieties of single species and multi-standard development. Valves required for a project, by a valve manufacturer to provide all of the trend is growing. On the other hand, we have to take seriously many of the problems in the valve market. Since China valve market has basically formed state-owned, collective, joint venture, and private individuals coexist. In the fierce market competition have steadily called for the development of enterprises are concerned about the following issues: efforts to reduce production costs, focusing on improving product performance and 效率; development of both quantity and quality of high-tech products or small batch production of a single piece of non-standard products; Tongguo valve products in the international quality certification; valves should be environmentally friendly, energy-saving direction. But it is inevitable that individual for profit, at the expense of the interests of others the illegal vendors, disrupting the normal valve in the product market. Generally speaking, China's valve market prices relatively stable, although slightly down year, but the magnitude is very small. View from the North China valve market, it found that many enterprises profit shoddy, serious disruption of the valve market. Valve market main problems: first, a part of the site operator to buy the valve without the make, print, well-known manufacturers of brand-name and certificate of qualified valve serious harm to the reputation of business. 2, valve refurbishment, some of the operators of waste through the valve to re-paint the second time after the sale, to the quality of the project has serious security risks. Through the analysis of the valve market is not difficult to find, our valve products have good market prospects, but it must regulate the market order and strict management, eliminating unhealthy competition, where the conscience of those who call for the industry and the government's quality control.

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