

2010-07-05 09:29:59 阅读0 评论0 字号:

1、安全阀应直立安装并靠近被保护的设备或管道。如不能靠近布置,则从被保护的设备或管道到安全阀入口的管道总压降,不应超过安全阀定压值的3%。   2、安全阀宜设置检修平台。布置重量大的安全阀时要考虑安全阀拆卸后吊装的可能,必要时应设吊杆。   3、安全阀入口管道应采用长半径弯头。   4、安全阀出口管道的设计应考虑背压不超过安全阀定压的一定值。对于普通型弹簧式安全阀,其背压不超过安全阀定压值的10%。   5、当排入放空总管或去火炬总管的介质带有凝液或可冷凝气体时,安全阀的出口应高于总管;否则,应采取排液措施。   6、排入密闭系统的安全阀出口管道应顺介质流向45°斜接在排放总管的顶部,以免总管内的凝液倒流入支管,并可减少安全阀背压,   7、当安全阀进出口管道上设有切断阀时,应选用单闸板闸阀,并铅封开,阀杆应水平安装,以免阀杆和阀板连接的销钉腐蚀或松动时,阀板下滑。当安全阀设有旁路阀时,该阀应铅封关。

“ The installation of safety valves and piping design elements ”是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国安全阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 、 等。

Protection of the safety valve is a safety valve, its opening and closing of pieces of external force in a normally closed state, when the equipment or piping Nei's medium pressure rise, exceeds the set value automatically open, through the medium outside the system to prevent discharge within the medium pressure piping or equipment exceeds the value. Automatic valves safety valves are mainly used for boilers, pressure vessels and pipelines, the control pressure does not exceed the specified value, on personal safety and protection equipment operation play an important role. Flap valve by valve opening height can be divided into Weiqi safety valve and safety valve, safety valve opening stroke Weiqi height: ≤ 0.05d0 (minimum discharge throat diameter); safety valve to open height ≤ 0.25d0 (minimum discharge throat diameter). Divided according to the structural form of safety valve, to be divided into vertical hammer, lever, spring type, and pilot type (pulse); by body structure to points, can be divided into two closed and not closed. Closed valve that is not ruled out media leaks, all along the exit discharge to designated locations, usually used in the toxic and corrosive media. For air and steam safety valve, safety valve and more use of non-closed. The selection of products for safety valve, pressure to determine the basis of the actual seal. For the spring-loaded safety valve, in a nominal pressure (PN) within the working pressure with some level of spring type safety valve when ordering Unless otherwise indicated, names, media and temperature, the valve sealing pressure is still to be specified Otherwise, the maximum sealing pressure by supply. Installation and maintenance of safety valves should note the following: Various safety valve should be installed vertically. Safety valve outlet should be no resistance, to avoid pressure phenomenon. Safety valve should be specifically tested before installation, and check its official seal. The use of safety valves should be regularly checked.

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