古董珠宝钟表品牌进入中国市场,宣布Normana « oursolo.net





Normana简介约瑟夫诺德曼先生于1874年在瑞士芬拉夏(拉夏德芬),于1892年成立,Normana创建当时Diamede系列,瑞士绅士集合上层阶级社会仕名人派对显示其先进的技术,以及茶几与花艺设计镶嵌,女士们欢迎的,但可以改变带成为钟表历史的先驱。 1926年,为航空业提供先进的Normana空气计时器,是{dy}个从智利飞往阿根廷的航班也正在使用的计时器Normana。欧洲人最受人尊敬的珠宝手表品牌,Normana强调个性化的制作人员,通过杰出的设计和度身订造的服务,豪华和个性化的珠宝和手表渗透到整个生产过程。

Antique jewelry watches brands to enter the China market, announced Normana

Along with economic development and the rapid rise of China’s new rich class has gradually become a global luxury brand focused consumer groups. A few days ago, the European sector of the legendary jewelry watches, antique jewelry watches famous brand Normana
created initially started production of watches, it has sophisticated technology and the production of the entire staff and world-renowned. As early as in 1926, Normana for the aviation industry has also begun to provide sophisticated air timer, was the first to fly to Argentina from Chile flights Normana is used in the timer. In addition, the famous aviator Antonio Locatelli, also wearing Normana design “Skeleton Nocturne” flight watch, this watch at the time made of the latest element can be used to fast on the chain saw the most accurate time, the technology was later applied for patents for the industry watches are still in use.

as Europeans watch the most respected brand jewelry, Normana emphasis on personalized, tailor-made design and distinguished service, still adhere to the entire hand-made to penetrate into luxury and personalized jewelry and watches the entire production process: in order to seek the integration of art and technology, Normana in the jewelry and watch design are ingenious application of gold, precious stones,古币and rare minerals, such as different raw materials, they combine in harmony with the traditional manual skills, will be turned into unique jewelry existence. Therefore, Normana jewelry watches have a very high collection value, the majority of classic jewelry are the major European museums for permanent collections, and even in Japan and Egypt, the museum can see.

present, Normana total jewelry designer from the United Kingdom royal designer Mr. W Nussberger audience, many of its creative inspiration from ancient Greece, Egypt, Rome and other fairy tales, historical figures, at the same time focus on the elements of nature into the . His works reflect the history and tradition and by the academic style of classical naturalism to the naturalism of modern extension to the history, culture, new romantic nostalgia and popular style of mutual integration, to build everything treasures can be brought a dream and reality are intertwined, ancient and modern world in the singular.

Switzerland Normana brand brand

Normana brief introduction by Mr. Joseph Nordmann in 1874 fen拉夏in Switzerland (La Chaux-de-Fonds), founded in 1892, Normana created Diamede Series At that time, a collection of the Swiss gentry仕celebrity party of upper class society displayed its advanced technology, as well as side table inlaid with floral design, by Ladies welcome, but that can change the strap become a pioneer in the history of watches and clocks. 1926, Normana for the aviation industry to provide sophisticated air timer, was the first to fly to Argentina from Chile flights also are using the timer Normana. Europeans as the most respected jewelry watch brands, Normana emphasize personalized distinguished design and tailor-made services, through the production staff, the luxury and personalized jewelry and watches to infiltrate into the entire production process. (07-12-17)

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