[转载]如何说服你的客户需要一个品牌形象并不是一个标志_武汉品牌形象 ...
Coca-Cola logotype







避免标识的华丽炫耀。不要仅仅仅使用将标识; 标识通常是抽象想法的表现。显示商标想法怎么与品牌体验相联系。显示一个概念怎样在其他情况下使用,而不是固定的形式。想法越好,他就越独特,越有适应性,你就可以收取越高的费用。只献身于设计标识的设计师是没有价值的,而做品牌识别的设计师提供更多的价值也能更好的吸引他们的客户。


The following advice has been excerpted from the May/June 2010 issue of , and was written by brand identity designer .

How to convince your clients they need a brand and not just a logo

Explain that you should be employed to find a brand idea that will form the basis of all the company’s branding (and perhaps even future business decisions) of which a logo should only be one expression, an idea that is likely to form the basis of a the brand’s overall approach. Such an idea may already be a defining characteristic of the business waiting to be celebrated in the branding.

Point out other brands your client admires that can be identified by branding elements that are not the logo. Some well-branded businesses can be identified by their color, typeface, photographic, illustration, or even copywriting style alone, or (more commonly) a carefully selected combination of these elements. Try to point out the underlying idea that determines all these other brand elements.

Your client’s success is your success. Sell a process to your client; a process you’ll guide them through and that will enable you to decide on a brand identity solution together. This will help you to establish a long-term relationship with your client. If you deliver good ideas they will be more likely to consult you again to develop the brand ideas even further.

Avoid references to the word “logo,” rather talk about the marks of a brand of which there should be a primary “brand mark” (two words). Replace “logo” with “brandmark” (one word). This will help you and your client to think about the overall experience of the brand and not just the logo in isolation. Logos are only meaningful in context and they should be seen to add value to that context. It is unlikely that a logo alone will be able to add sufficient value to a business. Logos are best employed in a system of brand marks that determine a unique brand experience.

Avoid logo beauty parades. Don’t only show different logos; logos are usually abstract expressions of an idea. Show how the logo idea relates to other brand expressions of the same idea. Show how an idea works in other situations, not just on stationary. The better the idea, the more unique, adaptable, and valuable it will be, and the higher the fees you can justifiably charge. Dedicated logo designers are a dime a dozen whereas brand identity designers offer far more value and often dramatically improve business for their clients.

What do you think?

I’m sure Andrew would love to know what you think of his advice. I would, too.

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