Journal of Global TOP100 « Mujidun's Blog
By mujidun

1. . TIME era. .


Even it in this year’s U.S. “National Journal Award” did not get a nomination, speech, and habitual and brand Zhuantong to cover the red line Goucheng of all kinds continue to maintain the accumulation of “age” status. Indeed, this supreme quality of precipitation is the most valuable heritage magazine, the end of each “Person of the Year” Award perhaps always the most glorious moment. .

 2?£.National Geographic1ú?òμ?àí?ó???£.

Founded in 1888 the United States http://www. . Nationalgeographic. . Com /. .


 3. . FORTUNE wealth. .


The world’s known for two magazines operating brand “Fortune Forum” and “500″ still continue to maintain their hegemony in the financial field of discourse. Journal of ontology operations were still people do not see any of their old state, even in previous years, all those committed to changing the face of new economic magazine “Fortune” remains a valuable fresh. .


Founded in 1892, the United States http://www. . Vogue. . Com /. .

老牌VOGUE的时尚集团地位已不容置疑,在学者中,VOGUE亦已化身为时尚影像历史的代表物。VOGUE在意大利获得更值得称道的发展,结合ITALY人的时尚与热情诞生了时尚杂志超级模范,VOGUE ITALIA发展至今已经建立了5本同样出色的子刊,昭示着VOGUE的惊人魅力。.

 5. . The Economist economist. .


The rigor has to be this era’s most trusted political and economic observers. In the global structure of the observer team of superior quality and, in its annual full-year forecast issued in early formed a strong front; formation of the various research institutions in all economic areas to monitor the business environment and living environment, are scattered The magazine’s voice. .


Founded in 1952, the United States http://www. . Playboy. . Com /. .

仍然是知名度极高的老牌杂志,有着51年历史的成人杂志,如今更有改版做主流男人杂志的决心,值得尊重的xx创始人海夫纳是否在考虑PLAYBOY品牌难得,资源优势不应是耗在与《阁楼》以及新兴的MAXIM上?应该更明确地去追逐主流广告商? 。.

 7. . VANITY FAIR Vanity Fair. .


Still good to play “from the star to star,” the world’s most magnificent stage for the role of provider, even more admired, it in the National Magazine Awards in the best magazines, photography, columns, essays, and reviews the nominations were . This beautiful world is floating on the solid content of ontology construction business magazine praiseworthy intentions. .


Founded in 1933 the United States http://www. . Newsweek. . Com /. .


 9. . . .


International versions of up to 70 amazing expansion capabilities, representing the strongest Hachette Group strength. VOGUE and Baar relative to the younger style, and close to the fashion needs of young women nowadays, with “all the young women in line” mentality Coincidence natural law, is the world’s flowering date are reflected in the economic strategy of influence. .


Founded in 1993, the United States http://www. . Wired. . Com /. .


 11. . FHM FHM. .


The pace of expansion in recent years, the global magazine one of the most rapid of the magazine, the British magazine group Emap pioneer, dripping with the most fun idea editors quickly draw the reader’s interest in men, becoming men of reading the market the past two years the most prestigious member of the new recruits. Like a TV mode of transmission of new ideas magazine editor has now greatly sought after. .

 12。.THE FACE脸孔。.

United Kingdom Founded in 1980 http://www. . Ukmagazines. . Co. . Uk /. .

以颠覆效果著称的英国青年时尚文化杂志,在1980年到2003年间坚持不懈地在青年文化运动中作着The Face式的发言。今年更在Neil Stevenson领导下进行改版试验,显示这本最代表英伦风格的杂志应对时尚全球化的全新编辑思路。.

 13. . ROLLINGSTONE Rolling Stone. .


Was the generation of leftists who love rock music magazine’s endorsement, on behalf of the magazine the authority of media voices in the music field. Hired former editor of FHM magazine this year 埃德尼达姆 adjust to the new revision brewing interesting reading strategies, can be seen to maintain its “Rolling Stone” as the cultural heart of representatives endless. .

 14。.The New Yorker纽约客。.

Founded in 1925, the United States http://www. . Newyorker. . Com /. .


 15. . Forbes Forbes. .


List of human-made clock reports Forbes, a “rich list” enough to eat four this magazine. The most striking is that in recent years in strengthening the voice of the Asia-Pacific region, keen on the “China Rich List” published and “The Global CEO (chief executive) meeting”, aimed at the Hong Kong also show its true intention. .


Founded in 1974, the United States http://www. . People. . Com /. .


 17. . ID. .


Identification of the most magazine publications in the field, half-closed eyes has always insisted on the cover of the magazine has become a much-told story. Although the recent edit of conventional thinking somewhat fall into their own, but still a solid grounding in fashion photography coverage in the youth culture with a keen eye occupy among the best youth culture established position of one of fashion magazines. .

 18。.Business Week商业周刊。.

Founded in 1928, the United States http://www. . Businessweek. . Com /. .


 19. . Wallpaper * Wallpaper. .


This is to represent the cutting edge of interior design quality, focus on building furniture before the magazine went through the Bible, founder Brule left the incident, determined to revision, as a more comprehensive fashion taste magazine. After the transfer policy of Wallpaper, have been able to occupy a higher position in this list, unfortunately. .

 20。.Brutus Casa。.

Japan http://www. . Magazine. . Co. . Jp /. .

日本杂志资讯搜集能力的升级版:添加了主题运作之方略。每期无处不在的搜刮技能和无微不至的主题编辑思路加上取经Wallpaper*的全球“设计感报道领域”同盟的策略,Brutus Casa已经在亚太地区建造最受建筑界、设计界、时尚界和出版界瞩目的杂志。.

 21. . DER SPIEGEL mirror. .


The most representative of Germany’s most mainstream current affairs journal in Germany, a masterpiece is that, even veteran current affairs magazine, will still remain subject to the new area of concern to sensitive reporting, now is the people perceive the U.S. current affairs journal, another one must know the most sound. .


U.S. Launched in 1987, http://www. . Premiere. . Com /. .


 23. . LIFE life. .


The magazine has ceased publication of the list. Ranking of the reasons is still the continuation of its influence on board cover has become a classic temple LIFE pass. Now turn to the development of network services and video album publishing business, LIFE, because of its classic legend and image editing, the authoritative status of the global box office power remains. .


Founded in 1948 in Germany http://www. . Stern. . De /. .


 25. . PARIS MATCH Paris Match. .


As the largest circulation magazine in France, although the meeting was interesting for the aesthetic with the right wing, but still its current affairs coverage in the French style of rigorous field, not missing court Milu, movie stars supermodes life attitudes of the report, occupied French magazine camp in the strongest current affairs magazine. .


Founded in 1952, the United States http://www. . Gq. . Com /. .


 27. . COLORS. .


Benetton stores have been published beyond the role of COLORS, now is a model for the magazine industry magazine, and a reflection of a series of deeply moving themes in the humanistic spirit of Habitat, race, AIDS, hunger is a global topic on the shaping Datong topic influence. COLORS main this year’s “Hunger” is the high-profile operation, together with the United Nations. .


Founded in 1991, the United States http://www. . Visionaire. . Com /. .


 29. . Esquire Gentleman. .


The 70-year old man magazine, insists: First, do not do it to boys to men to see, two, not in the bikini on the cover. The world’s most orthodox thinking man magazine, is under the corresponding Haast Cosmo Group’s strategic product, although too old-fashioned style, but still established position. .

 30。.Time Out。.

United Kingdom Founded in 1968, http://www. . Timeout. . Com /. .

它与超级城市相互寄生,35年的创办历程,以实用、专业、xx与切入城市生活的命脉作风逐步占据全球超级城市的首席城市生活指南杂志地位。今年,Time Out杀入北京,更显示其影响力开拓的步伐。.

 31. . DETAILS details. .


This year’s “American Journal Award” Best Design Award winner, which shows the layout and design deep skill. And “GQ” as Conde Nast’s two men magazine, Details achievements in the United States has been well known, the remaining work is how to export the brand overseas edition of the publication. .


Founded in France in 2000 http://www. . Numeromagazine. . Com /. .


 33. . Conde Nast Traveler travelers. .


2003 “American Journal Award for” Best Cinematography Award winner, beating rivals including National Geographic, GQ and Vanity Fair. By “Departed,” the concept of a purely geographical concept magazine and travel magazines to find a balance between, and to “50 must travel to” appeal to find the most likely form their own point of purchase location. .

 34。.Sports Illustrated体育画报。.

Founded in 1954, the United States sportsillustrated. . Cnn. . Com. .


 35. . Cosmopolitan city. .


Since founded in 1996, a collection of sales, marketing, exhibition, fashion show of “Cosmopolitan show” in the fashion world has been “the best marketing and sales activities” reputation. Group’s flagship magazine as Haast, with bold, humorous style of the United States debut with COSMO in the world has a “successful and stylish women,” the common language of open market access. .

 36。.Reader’s Digest读者文摘。.

Founded in 1922, the United States http://www. . Readersdigest. . Com /. .


 37. . MAXIM Proverbs. .


British Journal of yet another drop in the United States by the representatives, Dennis Publishing honors contributions. This was born April 1, 1997 the “Fool” magazine is now the unique culture of male fashion magazines, popular style of bold young men welcomed in the United States sales of 250 million U.S. even more other similar magazines shame. .


United Kingdom Founded in 1993, http://www. . Ok-magazine. . Com /. .


 39. . U. . S. . News U.S. News And World Report. .


One of the three major U.S. news weekly, because of its over-emphasis on the U.S. mainland and overseas promotion strategy for the incident report errors, out of influence has been limited. Is best known for its annual depletion of effort produced the “list of America’s best universities,” the authority of their position and cut into the American education has become an annual event. .

 40。.The New York Times Magazinexxxx杂志。.

United States http://www. . Nyt. . Com /. .


 41. . Marie Claire Marie child. .


In 2002, the magazine broke the women’s 14-year males do not cover the “destruction” of traditional moves (perhaps David Beckham is worth an exception), see their thirst for “unruly” in the new style. Over 30 countries worldwide over the region, and , Baar and other magazines, like women’s fashion magazine also hit the mainstream consumer market. .

 42。.France Football法国足球。.

Founded in 1947, France http://www. . Francefootball. . Fr /. .


 43. . Entertainment Weekly Entertainment Weekly. .

美国1990年创刊 。.

http://www. . Entertainmentweekly. . Com /. .


 44. . ESPN. .


An entertainment oriented sports magazine, may be relative to the upright, “Sports Illustrated” and adopted different marketing strategies, but it seems to bring more growth to meet the spirit of the times and efficiency, in 2003 more in the “America’s Best Periodical Award” “Outstanding Journal Award” (circulation of one million to two million category) as awards shows his strategy for success. .


Founded in 1994, the United States http://www. . Instyle. . Com /. .


 46. . Stuff. .


Market operations aimed at young men one of the most successful magazine, editor Greg Gutfeld has a magazine editor, “movie” of new ideas, the article is the strength of lean and practical, focusing on physical and digital lifestyle products, to avoid the cut and thrust of the general mainstream men’s magazine fashion consumption, even more resourcefulness Dennis Publishing. .


Founded in 1972, the United States www. . Style. . Com / w /. .


 48. . Dazed & Confused bewildered. .


2002 has just passed its 10-year celebration, The Face and iD as to break the monopoly of British culture, a new fashion magazine, Dazed’s a little bit further Rave Rave decadent taste of “strange chicken” means the world to add “a sense of apprehension,” today also launched the Japanese version can be synchronized in the East-West spread Dazed culture. .

 49。.Figaro madame费加罗夫人。.

Founded in 1980, France http://www. . Lefigaro. . Fr /. .


 50. . UOMO Vogue. .


Steven Klein is all because a group of super-sexy “Beckham’s private life” image, so that people do know UOMO Vogue. VOGUE system was born in Italy, this same nature, and adhere to best view the images from the story, insist on high-end men’s magazine has become a way of making today the most prestigious and influential men’s magazine. .

 51。.The Atlantic大西洋月刊。.

Founded in 1857 the United States http://www. . Theatlantic. . Com /. .


 52. . Far Eastern Economic Review Far Eastern Economic Review. .


This compared to the financial magazine “Fortune”, “Forbes” is the strength: It really rooted in the Asia-Pacific economic, financial and economic policies of Asian countries published reports and statements are not without influence. Magazine as Asia’s economic status upgraded to increase their discourse forces. .


Founded in 1880 the United States http://www. . Sciencemag. . Org /. .


 54. . O The Oprah Magazine Oprah Magazine. .


It is a cultural phenomenon as a symbol of Zhanju seats on this list, which the big names from the ABC teion network show host Oprah Winfrey and He Site zhijituan jointly launched magazine, it is because of its reputation with celebrities complement each other promoting industrial development in leaps and bounds. .


Founded in 1996 the United States slate. . Msn. . Com. .


 56. . Martha Stewart Living Martha Stewart Living. .


Middle-class leisure lifestyle magazine with a focus family support guide category. Martha is not just magazines, but also a collection of teion media and the Internet to create comprehensive e-marketing system, even more surprising is that the expansion of its business plan is a huge commodity circulation of the Kingdom of the middle class, no wonder that Martha I can place out the nation’s “strong woman of 50,” the ninth. .


Founded in 1946 in Germany http://www. . Geo. . De /. .


 58. . METROPOLIS will. .


Highly creative architectural magazines, rare is it not just for industrial design, architecture, industry reports, and is looking for design, construction and urban, people, space the edges between anzeiger clues and keep Yejie of position of authority. Develop ideas for this year’s “Best Creative Ranking” more show its flexible and open architecture magazine editor in thinking. .


United States http://www. . Nylonmag. . Com /. .

源自纽约跨文化精神的年轻时装杂志,它永远在展示其特别年轻之处,比如可以邀请超模Helena Christensen做创意总监,年轻然后更年轻,它极其看重青少年市场,推出NYLON男生版便是明证。倡导大都会颓废流行风格的NYLON已经独具其话语势力。.

 60. . The Weekly Standard The Weekly Standard. .


Flagship of the U.S. conservative media, claiming the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century neo-conservative “intctual heir”, but also because the ruling Republicans and the Bush administration’s praise, in the U.S. foreign policy, a great voice, thinking that “U.S. foreign policy mainstream strategy “of the” Weekly Standard “policy has become very powerful today magazine. .


Japan Founded in 1980 http://www. . Magazine. . Co. . Jp /. .

一本适合男士阅读场的流行资讯杂志,日本主题结集式周刊最杰出代表,内容主题式操作与广告营销浑然一体,并已在多年经营中建立属于自身表达方式的潮流报道处理手法,诸如Cross Over、特集、列举等手法都娴熟不已,已是日本杂志中的资讯搜集首席高手。.

 62. . Four Four Two 442. .


Originator of the sales from the biggest soccer football magazine was first published 10 years, “442″ reported that the professional has been highly appreciated by the industry, it has created a unique fashion, contain wisdom, life philosophy and a new football writing style, coverage and image quality quality of both, that made this magazine to read high-quality soccer efforts. .


The United States since 1969 http://www. . Penthhouse. . Com /. .


 64. . The Nation State. .


Impressive simple type cover is non-binding nature of its appearance, take liberal of it has been non-partisan political opinion the United States a fortress, 2003, by using sharp language column defeat, “New Yorker” to win “American Journal Award for “Best Column Award. .


United Kingdom Founded in 1988 http://www. . Hello-magazine. . Co. . Uk /. .

隶属西班牙出版大亨Eduardo Sanchez Junco,却在英国打拼,全因此处有最出色的“狗仔队工业”。15年来坚持xx名流私生活,甚至影响了后来者《OK!》使用买断策略,如今的境况是后者在xx中的口气更大,去年更以“道格拉斯婚礼官司案”败北自找负面影响。.

 66. . Harper’s Baar Harper fashion. .


The concept of intctual women-led, self-promotion on the clothing, fashion culture speculation, reflection, journal temperament than the other mainstream women’s performance is more restrained fashion magazine, high spirit, you as the world’s oldest fashion magazine, from 1867 until today it is not easy, but unfortunately see in today praised “young that fashion”, and the phase are old fashioned. .

 67。.TV Guide电视指南周刊。.

Founded in 1953, the United States http://www. . Tvguide. . Com /. .

50年历史,美国詹姆斯达电视指南公司主办。每每位列美国杂志销售榜前列的TV Guide,实际上是美国肥皂电视文化的纸媒代表物,庞大的电视消费群拉动这本紧贴电视业发展电视节目最热状态的刊物一路行情看涨。.

 68. . BUSINESS 2. .0 Commercial 2. .0. .


“2. .0″ This combination is obviously in the name, no wonder in that year will be named the “new economy media, the first dark horse”, in 2001 to Time Warner merger and acquisition opportunities with eCompany, the new version of the report to the traditional commercial return and to excel at traditional companies and the integration of new technology enterprises reported as a intermediary role, just very receptive. .

 69。.The New York Times Book Reviewxxxx书评。.

Founded in 1896, the United States http://www. . Nyt. . Com /. .


 70. . Purple Purple. .


Can be described as the world’s most elegant magazine, a unique small octavo format, simple and elegant design to bring out the beauty of Purple-style images. Another Purple prose version, even more refined. Has now become a style of pubs, cafes most magazines on behalf of their grade books. .


Founded in 1972, the United States http://www. . Money. . Com /. .


 72. . SPOON. .


Almost a regular issue of the fashion photography album, by the visual impact throughout the first fashion magazine images constitute the logic. SPOON more exaggerated in his early days, tried to make the cover of metal, and now return to the mainstream of binding (especially the banner format remains the magazine), indicating that the occupation of commercial fashion photography magazine best position to incite Force Journal of Heart. .

 73。.Focus焦点 。.

Founded in 1993 in Germany http://www. . Focus. . De /. .


 74. . Seventeen 17 years of age. .


17 years is a very good sales age of readers. Seventeen will do this for the name meaning a woman of their youth ideas and suggestions, which relates to interest girls idol, fashion apparel and emotional suggestions. In such a precocious age, Seventeen in fact no longer a naive magazine, the sound of even into the adult world. .

 75。.Mother Jones琼斯母亲。.

United States http://www. . Motherjones. . Com /. .


 76. . HARPER’S Magazine Harper’s. .


Founded in 1850, this super-old political commentary magazine “American Journal Award” regulars, this year it won “best feature writing award.” “Harper’s” up to now is still the directory placed in the magazine’s cover is already worth upholding the tradition of respect. Publisher 约翰麦克阿瑟 now become old magazine this side of the new flag. .

 77。.Nonno与Mens Nonno侬侬、男人侬侬。.

Founded in Japan in 1984, http://www. . Nonno. . Com /. .


 78. . ARENA Arena. .


One of the classic British men’s magazine, was once a male economists to study the observation of media consumerism. Arena has called “the largest men’s fashion coverage, the highest magazine quality”, and stick can be “curious” to describe the image to build global lifestyle. .

 79。.New York纽约杂志。.

Founded in 1968, the United States http://www. . Newyorkmetro. . Com /. .


 80. . Maclean’s McLeans. .


This magazine is a political news magazine vulnerable countries to build the brand model, to a certain extent, Maclean’s magazine as Canada’s field Menlian in current affairs. Defined as “relating to all Canadians,” in Maclean’s in this year’s report on SARS, it preceded the U.S. current affairs magazine North American neighbors, colleagues, and even earlier than the earlier outbreak in China. .


United States http://www. . Allure. . Com /. .


 82. . Ray Ruili. .

日本 。.

Behalf of the Japanese girl and Asian fashion trend of the most outstanding publications Hari. The hands-on models to build Queen, and the embodiment of female magazine readers familiar corner, and then become Ruili “living sign”, which integrates advertising content business model, has indeed reflected in its wonderful. .


Founded in 1978, the United States http://www. . Outside. . Com /. .


 84. . Q. .


Independent, authoritative and refined the essence of pop music as an important base for the British Isles the most famous music magazine, “Q” proud of their operation’s report interviews and exclusive coverage of the unparalleled, so arrogant to do more construction on the extreme seriousness production attitude. .


Founded in 1954, the United States http://www. . Idonline. . Com /. .


 86. . Gas Book. .


The most special is on the cover around the first of several of the figures make a fuss, as the “Japanese version of Visionaire” the existence of established position, rare is the creation of the original remained ecology, has always been the most sought after in Japan as well as the creation of the Asia-Pacific Region Bible. .


Netherlands. .


 88. . Title title. .

日本 。.

In Japan and Brutus in the album production can be a low-life high quality magazine, In comparison, Title to focus on an issue in the quality world, the album often to Europe, coffee and top car for the key words. Title this as a clue in the quality of information enthusiasts quickly occupy an important position. .

 89。.CAR车 。.

Founded in 1962, the United Kingdom. .


 90. . New Republic New Republic. .


Bring color liberal “New Republic” is the nation’s high power of discourse “opinion magazine.” Unfortunately, frequent change in leadership in recent years, but the outbreak of the scandal, deputy editor of the article inaccuracy, not led to the loss of influence of speech writers magazine quality, reputation is on the decline. .

 91。.V Magazine。.

United States http://www. . Vmagazine. . Com /. .


 92. . No. . ABCD. . Z. .

比利时 。.

New style fashion magazine from Belgium, the world’s exclusive AZ clues, each designer name to be reported as the reason the letter, each issue is the voluminous production, in order to fine-consuming effort and a unique style, awesome upstart of Western Europe is, indeed, infected with the new fashion icon in recent years, the design world, “Antwerp Six Gentlemen” in temperament. .


UK http://www. . Emap. . Com /. .

源自The Face、同属英国Emap杂志集团,封面女郎的硬派风格让人印象深刻,无它,因为POP便提倡top-notch的视觉语言。由xx艺术家、知名摄影师和“任性”设计师组成的重量级创作队伍同样拔尖,只是由于每年只出刊两期不免让人遗憾。.

 94. . Village Voice Village Voice. .


This is rooted in New York, Greenwich Village, “Village newspaper,” With the current “Beat” the situation and a reputation, even though this is a New York Lower Manhattan reflects the cultural values and non-mainstream art of the state, plus the rental advertising services The tabloid, but the continuation of its historical impact is still occupying a seat in this list. .

 95。.House & G家园。.

United States http://www. . Condenast. . Com /. .

Conde Nast集团制作,中产家庭园艺情趣的{zj0}读品,内容专注于家庭装修与花园建设,编辑策略是既有高级设计师、建筑师的大家之作又有适合读者亲历亲为的DIY指南。.

 96. . US Weekly. .


And People, as the magazine that the world will always be people concerned about the celebrities who love the action, this is the US addicts. US across all categories of entertainment, gossip and sex scandal involving wear, strength is reported for the celebrity-depth analysis. .


Founded in Japan in 1940 http://www. . . . Co. . Jp /. .


 98. . Stockholm New. .


From Stockholm, Sweden, fashion magazines, you can take on the taste of the Nordic media in a magazine style, its influence can also be considered: in the fashion and design in the field of Nordic wind penetration in the way of life. .


Hong Kong, China Founded in 1992, http://www. . Idnworld. . Com /. .

专注于数码设计界,但奈良美智甚至Cult电影等涉及创作文化的大视觉概念也会进入IDN选题。创刊11年,集中在亚太区发行4个版本,更在香港开出{dy}家Gallery(画廊)做立体传播,决意做真正树立设计行内xx的 。.



Founded in 1997 The Netherlands http://www. . Remagazine. . Com /. .




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