绿色照明庭院灯,创造美国« oursolo.net




Green Lighting Garden lighting to create the United States

Tim老城厢will be the new light source, LED (semiconductor lighting) is expected to Yuyuan Games. Journalist from yesterday organized by the World Expo in Shanghai semiconductor lighting applications seminar was informed that the core region Yuyuan light overall transformation of the subject has just been approved by the Shanghai Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research Center to assume, for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, China’s LED lighting large-scale application of “beating the former station.”

engineering believe that the World Expo 2010 conference will be wide-scale adoption of semiconductor lighting, announced that humanity has entered a new era of green lighting. According to the Shanghai Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Research Center proposal, Lupu Bridge and Nanpu Bridge available LED landscape lighting, creating a dynamic contrast to the effect of static one; Expo Square, the lighting, the landscape along the river belt, logo and intelligent guidance system, indoor and outdoor venues The LED lights are useless; underground passage also use LED technology to create “Light Art Theater”; Living on behalf of the future direction of best practices in urban areas, but also should be the same color of LED lights.

2005 Aichi Expo in Japan, chief lighting designer will be reminded that Miss Shi Jing, the brightest and the most gradual change between the dark, in fact, are the best source for the creation of the United States. And uncontrolled use of energy, blind pursuit of brightness, it is no good. (07-12-17)

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