非洲固定电信投资的崛起- 全球视野- zuosixinxi - 和讯博客
非洲固定电信投资的崛起 [翻译 2010-07-09 17:46:51]   







Fixed telecoms investments on the rise in Africa


While being the world’s most rapidly growing market for mobile telephony, Africa is also home to some of the fastest growing fixed-line markets in the world. T he continent still has some of the world’s lowest penetration rates in both market sectors.


The difficulties of rolling out fixed-line networks across its vast land mass have meant that in mid-2010 mobile users constituted around 90% of all African telephone subscribers. However, as lower income groups are being targeted, a price-sensitive market for lower-cost fixed or limited-mobility services is emerging. A surge in demand for Internet access and broadband capabilities is accelerating this fixed-line renaissance in some of Africa's more advanced markets. Despite reasonable growth of the traditional fixed-line markets in some countries, subscriber access to both voice and data services is shifting more and more to fixed-wireless solutions as a substitute for inadequate fixed-line infrastructure.


For over 50 operators across the continent, CDMA-2000 has been the technology of choice to provide fixed-wireless access. It supports full mobility, and converged licensing regimes are now allowing these operators to also move into the lucrative mobile sector in a growing number of countries.


International submarine fibre optic cables have reached several African countries for the first time in 2009 and 2010 or have brought competition in this sector to an incumbent monopoly provider, with more cables expected to go online in 2011. This has started to revolutionise the market by drastically improving the supply and lowering the cost of international bandwidth. Many countries are rolling out national fibre backbone networks to take the new bandwidth beyond the capital cities to population centres in the interior. However, satellite will continue to play a significant role in reaching Africa's extensive rural and remote areas. Foreign investors are scrambling for positions in this very lucrative market as liberalisation continues, national telcos are being privatised and new operating licenses issued.


Fixed lines in Africa and annual growth – 1999 – 2011

(Source: BuddeComm based on ITU, company and industry data)



非洲固定线路及光纤电信市场和基础设施市场研究报告——African Fixed-line and Fibre Telecoms Markets and Infrastructure

南非固定语音连接市场及其收入预测研究报告——Fixed Voice Connections and Revenue Forecast in South Africa to 2015 (Databook)

非洲移动市场预测研究报告——African Mobile Market Forecast to 2013

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