Togo is a country what?? « China trip 中国行

Togo is a country what??

name: Togolese Republic (The Republic
of Togo, La Republique Togolaise)
Independence Day: April 27 ( 1960)
National Day: April 27 (1960)
flag: rectangular, length and width ratio of about 5:3. By the three green and two yellow bar and white bar with the composition of the upper left corner of the flag is a red face square, the middle has a white five-pointed star. Green on behalf of agriculture, but also a symbol of hope; yellow symbolizes the country’s mineral resources, also said that the confidence of the people and concerned about the fate of the motherland; the red symbol of the good faith of mankind, love and devotion; white symbolizes purity; five-pointed star symbol of national independence and people’s new life .
National Emblem: The Center for the oval-shaped logo, placed in a green coat. The middle of the oval there is a small shield “RT” words, this is the abbreviation for the Republic of Togo; small shield on both sides of Togo is the national flag, written in French ribbon on the “
labor, freedom of the motherland”; below for two hold the bow and arrow, standing lion, a symbol of strength and courage on behalf of the Togolese people to defend the homeland, the determination of independence and freedom.
national political figures: the new Tony Faure (Faure Gnassingbe), 2005 years 4 was elected president, took office on May 4; Prime Minister Edem Kodjo, serving in June 2005.

Physical Geography: 56,785 square kilometers, is located in western Africa, south the Gulf of Guinea. West and neighboring Ghana. The east by Benin, Burkina Faso at the junction of the North. 53 kilometers long coastline. Throughout the long and narrow, more than half for the hills and valley areas. The southern coastal plain; central to the plateau, 500-600 m above sea level to mountain heights Atacora; northern lower plateau. The main mountain range for the Togo Mountains, Baumann peak 986 meters above sea level, the highest point for the country. More inside the lagoon. The main rivers are the Mono River and the Oti River. The south has a tropical rain forest climate, is the northern savannah climate.
Population: 4,700,000 (2001 estimate), there are more than 40 tribes, in southern Egypt in the Uygur and Mina-dominated, respectively, of the country’s population of 22% and 6%; central阿克波索, such as阿凯布group accounted for 33%; the northern part of out family cabu 13%. The official language is French. Ewe in the national language and the more general language cabu out. About 70% of residents believe in fetishism, 20% Christian, 10% Muslim.
capital: Lome (lome), population 802,000.
administrative divisions: The country is divided into the coastal zone, the plateau areas, the central area, karaoke grassland areas and five economic zone. Economic zone for the concept of geo-economic, not administrative agencies. There are 30 provinces and four zones. Under the town of the province (rural), the village. A Brief History of
: the distribution of the ancient territory of Togo are many independent and small tribal kingdom. AD 15th century Portuguese colonists invaded the coastal zone of Togo. Become a German colony in 1884. September 1920, Togo West, the eastern part of being British and French were occupied. After World War II, from Britain, France, respectively, “Trust.” Independent Ghana in 1957, the British-hosted Ghana into western Togo. In August 1956 the eastern part of the French Community of Togo become the “Autonomous Republic”, April 27, 1960 independence, the country will be known as the Republic of Togo. April 1961 general election, President-elect Olympus Europe. January 1963 military coup, was assassinated Olympus Europe; in May, his successor, President格鲁尼茨基. January 13, 1967 the armed forces chief of staff of the Eyadema格鲁尼茨基a military coup to overthrow the government, in April as president Eyadema. Eyadema to power, the dissolution of Parliament, the abolition of the constitution, banned political parties. November 30, 1968, the establishment of the National Rally of the Togolese People party only. December 30, 1979, the National Constitution through a referendum. Founded in 1980, the National Assembly. October 30, 1990, Eyadema declared their acceptance of a multi-party system.
Politics: September 27, 1992, citizens voted in favor of the Constitution of the Fourth Republic. December 30, 2002, the Parliament of the provisions of the Constitution was amended in part. The implementation of the provisions of the Togolese Constitution, semi-presidential system. President of Heads of State and supreme commander of the armed forces, elected directly by voters, a majority winner, a five-year term, may be re-elected; the president the right to dissolve Parliament, Parliament enacted laws and amnesty. Prime Minister from the parliamentary majority, appointed by the President, the Prime Minister to Parliament, the Parliament can be a no-confidence vote against Prime Minister, by two-thirds majority of Parliament can request the appointment of new Prime Minister. The Constitution in accordance with the President and the Parliament to amend the proposal by the parliamentary vote or referendum. More than a bicameral Parliament, by the National Assembly and the Senate. National Assembly to exercise legislative power and supervise the work of the government. Members are directly elected for a term of five years, may be re-elected.
economy: the United Nations announced in one of the world’s least developed countries. Agricultural products, phosphates and re-export trade is more than the three pillar industries. The main mineral resources are phosphate, is Sub-Saharan Africa’s third-largest producer, has proven reserves: 260 million tons of quality ore, containing a small amount of carbonate of about 10 million tons. There are other minerals of limestone, marble, iron and manganese. Togo weak industrial base, the main industry categories are mining, processing of agricultural products, textiles, leather, chemicals, building materials and so on. 77% of industrial enterprises to SMEs. 67% of the national workforce are engaged in agriculture. Arable land area of about 3.4 million hectares, cultivated land area of about 1.4 million hectares, the area under cultivation of food crops and about 85 million hectares. The main food crops are maize, sorghum, cassava and rice, and its output accounts for 67 percent of agricultural output; economic crops accounts for about 20%, mainly cotton, coffee and cocoa. Focused mainly on animal husbandry in the central and northern regions, the output value of agricultural output value accounted for 15%. Since the 80’s, Togo rapid development of the tourism industry. The main tourist spots are Lome, Togo Lake City帕利梅scenic and karaoke.
Press and Publications: “Togo Business News” as the official daily newspaper, founded in 1962. Years 1972-1991 have been renamed “The new road is reported.” October 14, 1991 to restore original name. Since 1990 there has been more than 20 private newspapers, there are: “Democracy Forum”, “a weekly forum,” “democracy,” “Sentinel”, “Crossroads,” “Crocodile”, “awakening the people”, etc. . Togo
national news agency, founded in 1975, is responsible for editing Collecting domestic and foreign news international news agency, issued a week five, “Daily News”, the main domestic news. Radio Lome
was built in August 1953, the use of Chinese, English and German radio, and Ewe, cabu out, such as the national language news broadcast. Karaoke radio was built in 1975, is responsible for broadcasting the northern region, mainly in French broadcasting, and also cabu out Ewe language broadcast news, advertising. Togo
TV was built in 1973, only the official television station. Broadcast mainly in French, Ewe, and from time to time with language broadcast news cabu out. Karaoke TV was built in 1993.
diplomacy: to pursue a peaceful, neutral, non-aligned policy, advocates of equality and mutual benefit, mutual respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries with the establishment of friendly relations and cooperation. relations with China
: September 19, 1972, China established diplomatic relations with Togo. In February 2006, Togolese President Faure state visit to China.

Africa “sparrow hawk”: Togo coach

: Shi-Kai

the best World Cup record: first

advance to the final qualifying lap record: the African qualifying Group A (7 wins 2 draws, and 1 loss)

title index: ★ ★

Comments: This team of “sparrow hawk” and said that although strong, such as forests in Africa, this is not a team very eyes, but in the qualifiers has shown a strong fighting capacity, 7 wins 2 draws, and 1 loss record, but also most of the African zone qualifying, and the group there are teams such as Senegal. Nigeria team coach Shi-kai in the interpretation of the success of the team highlighted the “unity” of the factors, with a lot of strong in Africa, the team strength and the strength of some unknown but very talented, is key to the success of the team .


国名:多哥共和国 (The Republic
of Togo, La Republique Togolaise)
国家政要:福雷·纳新贝 (Faure Gnassingbe),2005年4月当选总统,5月4日就任;总理埃德姆·科乔,2005年6月任职。








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