

Ceramic, glass and concrete artists from all parts of the world are invited to participate part in the 3nd International Triennial of Silicate Arts. This international event featuring some of the world's finest artists will be based on celebrating the traditional values while creating new directions and fields in the silicate arts for the 21st Century.
The aims of the triennial are to stimulate both fine and applied artists to create works which give scope to the industrial and artistic application of new materials and technologies, encouraging the widening of directions in 21st century silicate arts.
The works must be in clay, concrete, porcelain or glass and artists are free to choose the technical methods and approach to the given theme. The objects must be original works and not previously prizewinning works in any international competition.
The venues for the Triennial are based in Kecskemét, a large market town 80 kilometres south of the Hungarian capital, Budapest. The county town of Bács-Kiskun, Kecskemét has long been renowned for its support of cultural events and has a long tradition of artistic endeavour. The Triennial exhibition will take place in the Cifrapalota (Ornamented Palace) a classic Art Nouveau art gallery in the centre of the town.
International Triennial of Silicate Arts. Kápolna u.11, Kecskemét, H-6000 Hungary (报名表于六月底能在网上下载)

Information and application forms for the 3rd Triennial will be available on our website from June 2010 and the application deadline will be 30th DECEMBER 2010. (申请截至2010-12-30,网上申请)

2008年 第二届国际硅酸盐艺术三年展 首奖作品(材料:水泥)



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