I would like to ask the province in which Panlong Gap (city ...

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Panlong in Guangdong Deqing Gap.

盘龙峡eco-tourism zone is located in Deqing County, north-west, 28 kilometers away from Deqing county, there are special roads through scenic areas, transportation is very convenient.盘龙峡its unique eco-tourist area of mountains, water, forests and other natural ecological resource endowment, the successful design and development of the canyon rafting, tourist path along the cliff, waterfall tour, Canyon goods oxygen, a large natural swimming pool steps, the country’s largest group of water National Peak style huts most resorts, the only remaining ancient weaving Lingnan Village,溜索high-altitude, off-road karting and so eco-tourism and leisure products, and opening up since 2001, favored by tourists and became the province of Guangdong tourists Tour will travel fine lines, Guangdong and Guangxi region is actively promoted by travel agencies drift, one of观瀑line. Valley Falls盘龙峡size of more than 100, divide the terrain, and a “rare in Asia, Guangdong first” group of the wonders of the Falls, the “Warriors in China the first drift,” said Warriors drift and “casual ease,” the Happy Summer is drifting drift盘龙峡main product, and in 2002 the first winter drifting in the country, become the only way to carry out the activities of the four seasons of scenic spots drifting in Guangdong Province, many of them thriving scenic rafting, enjoy a high reputation.
the盘龙峡is how it got its name? Deqing is the hometown of the mother dragon, the dragon mother raised five sons, the youngest son-long special naughty spot, often playing in the Xijiang River play in the water, then stir up trouble at the time of the rise, disturbed people’s lives on both sides of the West River will not be at peace, the dragon of a mother angry, then sent to the spot山青水秀long, deep canyon of trees, so long in this practice spot, think over, the dragon, after all, somewhat worried mother spotted a dragon, the dragon will have to spot to watch Big Brother Qinglong it, and Blue Dragon, Dragon grouper山青水秀see here, the environment elegant, it entrenched in this, from time to time for people near the Moore Stephens sowing rain, there was this canyon盘龙峡the names.
盘龙峡eco-tourism area covers an area of 3 million total, of which the center area of 650 hectares. Long canyon terrain, and the world generally the same latitude desert region, contrary to the geographical distribution of dry land, there is a rare waterfall group, and four water continuously, the biggest drop of the falls more than 80 meters, in Guangdong Province, the largest waterfall drop. As the scenic waterfalls in the large number of waterfalls crash down the rock have a lot of air ions, the concentration of 100,000 / cm3;盘龙峡towering old trees, winding vines, many rare plants, and the Jurassic era (since一亿八千万年) and at the same time the growth of dinosaurs and rare plants such as Alsophila spinulosa; and valuable herbal medicine all over the mountain Mountain wild Polygonum multiflorum, Morinda officinalis and other wildlife can be seen everywhere. Attractions

introduced a


盘龙峡Falls waterfall scenic spot is the first group of the Guangdong Provincial Tourism Bureau has been recognized for more than 10 Falls tourist area, the falls group known as “rare in Asia, Guangdong first. ” Scenic waterfall with large and small, up to more than 100, of which the most famous, most worth a visit is the “Dragon飞瀑, Master飞瀑days, misty rain飞瀑” three natural wonders:
Master graceful waterfall beautiful day, such as antiquata Sha, pure green mountains reflected outside the Green Bi. Falls Tenglong
powerful momentum, such as in the days游龙down飞流, sound such as the lion roar. Rain falls
fly碎玉, enchanting misty rain. Curtain falls three
fly like wild horses, such as fly, looked up,千尺飞流, hanging like a huge白练the飞流down, the sky白雾being released into the atmosphere. Canyon outside view of the Falls momentum around沁人filled with heart and lung of the Aura, is filled with emotion. Seven Wonders of the landscape as this stunning masterpiece.

Canyon Canyon rafting

water as a result of more radical turn, stimulate盘龙峡experience is a good place for rafting. Warriors盘龙峡drift into the drift and drift Xiaoyao two. Known as “China’s first drift Warriors” Warriors of the drift, a total length of 3.8 kilometers, a difference of百余米,橡皮筏down by the river, when the next emergency Bay, who fly down raft, white water surfing, so straight feel really thrilling than a roller coaster also, but also fun. Happy drift and it is a decent romantic, gentle streams Shun橡皮筏has been drifting to the Pan Longhu, the carefree Weizai can feel the fun of travel, but also enjoy the beautiful rural scenery of the landscape. Winter
2002, first introduced in the country盘龙峡drifting winter items, wearing winter clothing drift diving, it is another to stimulate the taste. trapeze


relative飞瀑Shuanglong盘龙峡two mountains, there is a span of more than 200 meters, 200 meters high溜索, it is known as the “first flight” of the flying trapeze projects to thrilling, exciting, novel, unique in its kind nationwide survey of first-class projects. 2 steel cables across the canyon, the use of linked belt pulley and the hoisting of the hoisting of the formation of double-insurance claims as a slide tool to automatically speed up, slow down. Tourists to fly in the valley, the Castle green, flowers, Water Flowing Down飞瀑unlimited panoramic scenery.

group of the nation’s largest water dragon

in the upper reaches of the canyon area, with China’s largest group of funny water. Found down the river, the water of all sizes up to 62 units, and to rely upon the river, moving along the Road, one after another, vitality and momentum of a very magnificent spectacle. Water resulting from the Three Kingdoms period, when the early-made for irrigation, for the shell when in the Northern Song, Chun-meter is the southern area of civil society with the original production of natural hydraulic tools. There are a variety of water, according to different functions, can be divided into the irrigation water, water meters, such as piling. Liberation, water production tools of the traditional rural areas in Deqing County, as long as the streams all over the place everywhere, and after the liberation, with the production and technological progress, there has been advanced irrigation tools, now the oldest production tools trace has been rare.盘龙峡scenic spots in the country can be called the largest and most funny group of water can be brought into the ancient times you experience the agricultural folk customs. National

most unique wooden Peak Resort

group in the vicinity of funny water, that is, characteristics of China’s most squatter areas of the Peak Forest. Squatter area resort near 50, all in accordance with the standard three-star hotel decoration. Linhai around everywhere, the environment elegant, and well-equipped inside, the standard hotel-style room and一室一厅,两室一厅suites. Hotel facilities, and growing, the club style, viewing authentic farm food restaurant, hotel specially prescribed by the local food kitchen cooking up山珍to let you enjoy the mountain side of the side dishes can watch through the glass floor water group style really happy life. When Haoyue early, rich entertainment for you and offer, groups bonfire dance, karaoke OK,踩高跷, even more charm, quite reluctant to let you leave. In addition, the hotel also Foot Massage services such as beauty salons, to you while climbing into a Shu bones, radiant. Living in here, away from the hubbub of city life, the morning of the call can hear birds, see the sunrise盘龙峡the evening enjoy the quiet atmosphere here, listen to the sounds of insects, you can really feel that live in deep forests the fun.

came to the path along the cliff

Tourism盘龙峡, is the main transport path along the cliff path, the path along the cliff there盘龙峡9999, Deng had dragon symbolizes the path along the cliff官运亨通people will, skyrocket . Panlong the path along the cliff on the construction, near the village there is a legend of magic. It is said that the Rainbow Falls盘龙峡will be formed to work together here, to see the people here will certainly rich. The yuan is here and can see the rainbow over the lake, eight, when in September, and the rainbow appears here to be a bit higher frequency. Huang Daopo

cloth weaving village of Huang Daopo

village already has 700 years of history, legend, when Huang Daopo mission here, the village received her warmly, deeply moved by Huang Daopo out of their own learned from Hainan unreservedly weaving technology to the village women. Since then, Huang Daopo weaving techniques taught to date on the spread. You can watch the scene of China’s ancient textile spindle machine technology, Thinking back to the “chirp chirp complex, weaving households when Mulan” scene. two spots



region in the upper reaches of盘龙峡wadi areas, there is a peach-themed leisure and cultural attractions - Peach Village. Walled in the peach trees have a large peach tree more than a century of wild ancient forest, a forest into a film, a magnificent view, each year between March and April, when the peach blossoms in full bloom colors, Qi蜂蝶dance, quietly gurgling streams淌过Peach plexus between the stones. Walled peach is the villa area of Guangdong Province of the most high-end business travel accommodation, villas and some waterfront buildings and mountains, hidden in the jungle trees, the villas are provided with independent observation platform, fishing units, between the villa Water connecting the path along the cliff, forming a unique landscape, is the pursuit of modern people, “servant back to simplicity, return to nature”, close to the first choice of nature, where visitors can forget about trouble and fully enjoy the elegant poetry of life. Ryukoku


it is the scenic盘龙峡found another new bright spot in a deep valley here Lin Micronesia, singing all the way gurgling water, birds whisper, simple and elegant embellishment which the pavilion. You can explore the “footprints of the dragon” was to watch the turtles Ryuko the true face of guiding, into the mountains, forget all the noise, enjoy the quiet of a better life.
Reference: http://www.dqtourism.com/jq/plx/



一 期 景 点 介 绍

瀑 布 群














二 期 景 点

桃 花 寨



参考资料: http://www.dqtourism.com/jq/plx/

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