
2010-07-07 23:18:23 来自: (广纳贤才)


CIC是中国{lx1}的专业从事互联网、社会化媒体以及网络口碑(IWOM)研究的咨询公司,为客户提供定制化研究咨询服务、标准化行业报告、技术解决方案以及在线数据分析平台等产品和服务。作为网络口碑行业的{ldz},CIC自2004年起率先投身于网络口碑领域中,定义并诠释了“IWOM-网络口碑” 这一概念,帮助客户认知社会化媒体及互联网文化的发展,以更好地将其运用于品牌公关、行业竞争分析、消费者研究与产品开发、营销沟通、媒体策划及执行、营销效果评估等领域的商业需求和战略创新,为客户和行业提供客观的第三方视野。






- 对社会化网络媒体以及所服务的客户行业/品牌/产品相关知识的持续了解和积累
- 根据客户要求和上级指导,拟写研究方案设计和研究咨询建议书
- 根据项目设计,启动和执行研究项目,协调技术方面的准备工作
- 独立或者和其它团队成员一起高质量高效率地准时完成研究报告
- 参与研究报告的演示,和客户一起讨论沟通研究成果和营销建议
- 积极参与网论资讯整理,行业研究等临时小组,以及公司和团队的活动

Job Description:
? To have an understanding and strong interest in Internet media as well as assigned client industry/brand/product related knowledge
? Design of research plan and research consultation proposal under project managers' guidance and clients requirements
? Responsible for preparation work before the start of the project according to the project requirements
? Assist other team members complete research projects on time with high quality and efficiency;
? Participate in report presentation and communicate with clients about the research results as well as provide marketing suggestions
? Participate in online information reorganization and industry research groups as well as join in company and team activities.


- 本科或以上学历,市场营销,企业管理,社会学,新闻学,心理学,广告学,电子商务,计算机信息系统等相关专业为佳;
- 拥有6-12个月以上相关网络分析或市场研究的工作或实习经验
- 了解网络媒体及网络产业,并有浓厚兴趣和持续的研究热情;
- 热诚好学,品性坚韧,团队协作能力和沟通表达能力强
- 乐观积极,突破求新,勇于面对挑战,能承担高压力的工作,责任心强;
- 具有良好的数据分析和多项目管理能力,对自己的分析和报告要求严谨;
- 可以根据项目要求和上级指导,独立完成项目研究和报告撰写;
- 非常熟练的英文交流和写作能力,能用英语自如的拟写,演示,和沟通研究成果;
- 良好的电脑应用能力,熟练使用各类办公软件;
- 经常参与BBS论坛讨论,广泛使用各类网络社会化媒体,和持续撰写个人博客的优先;
- 具有在传统市场调研行业(包括定量分析和定量调查,问卷设计,面对面访谈等),市场

- College degree or above, major in marketing, business management, sociology, journalism, psychology, advertising, e-commerce, computer information system preferred
- Above 6-12 months of related network analysis or marketing research work or internship experience
- Understand and has strong interest in Internet media and Internet industry as well as enthusiasm for research
- Diligent with good morals, good team cooperation ability and communication skills
- Innovative, must take on challenges, work hard and take ownership;
- Good data analysis and multi-task management ability, strict in one’s work and expectations
- Ability to complete research projects and write simple reports independently according to project requirement and project managers' guidance;
- Good English speaking & writing skills, can use English comfortably in writing, presentation and discussing research results.
- Good computer application skill, understanding of basic database applications and familiar with statistic software preferred.
- Regular participation in BBS forums, use network socialization media widely and Blog writing is a plus
- Experience in traditional market research (qualitative and quantitative research, survey design, one-on-one interviews, focus group etc.), marketing, media, e-business preferred

Position 2: 研究咨询师(北京)


- 持续不断的积累对互联网以及所服务的客户的行业,品牌和产品的丰富认知
- 分析客户需求和行业背景,设计研究方案,拟写研究咨询建议书
- 根据项目设计,独立启动和完成研究项目,协调技术方面的准备工作
- 独立高质量的完成各类研究报告,并就研究结果为客户提供有价值的咨询建议
- 独立负责所服务的客户的日常联络和沟通,及时有效地回复客户的疑问和咨询
-- 积极参与各类项目研究报告的演示,和客户一起讨论沟通研究成果和营销建议
-- 参与多个不同行业客户的研究咨询服务,进行客户资料,合约,支付等各项客户服务管理
- 基本了解公司各类网络口碑分析技术及其原理,了解其如何解决客户需求;
- 积极参与网论资讯整理,行业研究等临时小组,或公司及团队的活动

Job Description:
? Continually accumulate cognition in Internet media as well as served client industry/brand/product related information
? Able to analyze client requirements and industry background, design research plan and write research consultation proposal
? Responsible for preparation work before the start of the project according to project requirements
? Able to complete research projects independently for clients in a timely fashion with high quality, and can provide clients with valuable research suggestions
? Responsible for daily contact and communication with clients and can attend to clients’ queries and provide consultation effectively and promptly.
? Participate in all related project’ report presentation and communicate with clients about the research results as well as marketing suggestion s
? Able to provide consulting and research service to different industry clients, good client service management skill as customer material, contract and payment management.
? Understanding IWOM techniques and principles and using them to solving clients needs
? Participate in online information reorganization and industry research groups as well as join company and team activities.

- 本科或以上学历,市场营销,企业管理,社会学,新闻学,心理学,广告学,电子商务,计算机信息系统等相关专业为佳;
- 拥有1-2年以上相关网络分析或市场研究经验和客户服务经验
- 了解网络媒体及网络产业,并有浓厚兴趣和持续的研究热情;
- 热诚好学,品性坚韧,拥有优秀的团队协作能力和独立解决问题的能力;
- 乐观积极,突破求新,勇于面对挑战,能承担高压力的工作,以结果为导向,责任心强;
- 优秀的数据分析和多项目管理能力,对自己的分析和报告要求严谨,力求xx;
- 可以根据项目要求和客户需求,独立完成整个项目研究,并提供相应的客户咨询服务;
- 优秀的中英文口头和书面沟通表达能力,能用英语自如的拟写,演示,和沟通研究成果;
- 良好的电脑应用能力,熟练使用各类办公软件;熟悉统计分析和定量分析者优先;
- 经常参与BBS论坛讨论,广泛使用各类网络社会化媒体,和持续撰写个人博客的优先;
- 具有在传统市场调研行业(包括定量分析和定量调查,问卷设计,面对面访谈等),市场营销,媒体传播,电子商务等领域工作经验者优先。

- College degree or above, major in marketing, business management, sociology, journalism, psychology, advertising, e-commerce, computer information system preferred
- Above 1-2 years related network analysis or marketing research work and client service experience
- Understanding and strong interest in Internet media and Internet industry as well as Research enthusiasm;
- Diligent with good morals, good team cooperation ability and communication skill as well as independent solving problem ability
- Able to innovate; must welcome challenges, can take high pressure work, take the result as the guidance and take ownership;
- Excellent data analysis and multi-task management ability, be rigorous to self analysis and report, strive to perfect
- Ability to complete whole research projects and reports independently according to project requirement and project managers' guidance as well as to provide corresponding research service to clients;
- Good spoken & writing skills in English, can use English comfortably in writing, presentation and discussing research results, familiar to statistical analysis and quota assayer preferred;
- Good computer application skill, understanding of basic database applications and familiar with statistic software preferred.
- Regular participation in BBS forums, use network socialization media widely and Blog writing is a plus
- Experience in traditional market research (qualitative and quantitative research, survey design, one-on-one interviews, focus group etc.), marketing, media, e-business is preferred


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