污染源继续使用活性炭一直是哈尔滨市居民xx了饮用水的水质保护 ...



随后,视察组还审议哈萨克斯坦高科白天鹅,哈尔滨制药达药业伊拉克。目前,这两家企业已通过环境影响评估,并建成了污水处理,污水处理设施也正常运行。哈高科白中医药排污渠天鹅,视察了水样组,初步结果xx达标。国家督察巡查了10多个重点企业总数,并将重点放在报告测试结果。 06.9.21

Sources of pollution continue to use the activated carbon has been the eradication of Harbin residents have the protection of drinking water quality

Today, in 2006 illegal sewage remediation company to protect the health of the masses of environmental protection special action兵分两路National Inspectorate哈市wading spot checks of key enterprises. This reporter learned that, Harbin First, Second, the source of water plants have been eradicated surrounding pollution sources, and activated carbon adsorption of water pollutants are still using, Harbin public drinking water is also fully consistent with national standards. Journalist with the Inspector

Group first came to Kazakhstan for water drainage group and one Factory Factory. Journalist note that the original threat to water quality at the source of the river island of cattle have disappeared, a Linjiang the resort also has been closed. During the inspection, the reporter also learned that哈市one or two of water to a sewage outfall of all protected areas closed to protect the region’s two-point source pollution are among the step-by-step treatment. Bards residents in order to guarantee the quality of drinking water safety, standards, the two sources of water plants still persist in the water intake before adding powdered activated carbon, the amount of 1 ton for 1 day. At present, the water quality of the company’s center in accordance with the national drinking water standards 35 indicators to meet the standard completely.

Subsequently, the Inspectorate also examined Gaoke Kazakhstan White Swan and Harbin Pharmaceutical达药业Iraq. At present, these two enterprises have passed environmental impact assessment, and have built sewage treatment, the sewage treatment facilities are also normal operation. White Swan in Kazakhstan Gaoke Pharmaceutical sewage outfall, the inspectors took water samples Group, Preliminary results meet the standard completely. The National Inspectorate inspected a total of more than 10 key enterprises, and will focus on reporting test results. (06-9-21)

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