

2010-07-05 10:17:07 阅读8 评论0 字号:

原文:Gas valve was broken grinding Baishazhou Boulevard flame
The road is a gas valve sudden flame, the flame for one hour, gas companies and fire officers and men together, turn off the switch after the gas transmission pipeline fire with a water gun, the final rule out the danger. White matter near the section of Sha Chau Road, Tsing Ling police station. 10:30 yesterday, the reporter on the scene saw, circular gas wells have been opened, emitting half-meter-high flame, covers marked "Southern Gas", six fire engines parked on the roadside, fire officers and men to plan out of about 10 meters, 3 meters wide warning area. Witnesses said at 10 am, a large truck, after passing in issuing office, where flames suddenly emerge. At this point, pedestrians hurriedly dialed 119. Reporter observed that a great white sandbar Avenue traffic flow through time within a minute had five large trucks through. Field Road, Wuhan City Fire Brigade in the detachment of a responsible person, who came to the scene, gas valves have been burned, and may leak due to high temperatures spontaneous combustion of natural gas, causing flames. Fire officers and soldiers introduced it easy to fight fire, but worried about fire fighting, the result of excessive pressure, resulting in tempering into the pipe network, leading to pipeline explosions, so together only in consultation with the gas company personnel. 10:46, gas company, one staff of the scene investigation the circumstances of both parties, the company off the main gas valve, fire fighting. 9 minutes later, two firefighters holding a multi-function water gun, the flame extinguished. At present, believed to have caused the accident because of road damage, the gas was exposed after heavy goods vehicles rolling rupture, leading to spontaneous combustion of natural gas leaks.
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

原文:Gas valve was broken grinding Baishazhou Boulevard flame


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马路上{yt}然气阀门突现火苗,火苗持续一个小时,天然气公司与消防官兵通力合作,关掉管网输气开关后用水枪灭火,最终排除险情。   事发白沙洲大道青菱派出所附近路段。昨日上午10时30分,记者现场看到,圆形燃气井盖已经打开,冒出近半米高的火焰,井盖上标明“江南燃气”,6辆消防车停在路边,消防官兵划出长约10米、宽约3米的警戒区域。   目击者称,上午10时许,一辆大卡车从事发处驶过后,该处突然冒出火苗。这时,路人便急忙拨打119。记者观察到,白沙洲大道车流量极大,通过计时一分钟内就有5辆大卡车经过。现场武汉市消防支队中山路支队一负责人称,他们赶来现场发现,天然气阀门已烧坏了,可能是泄漏的天然气因高温天气自燃,从而引起火苗。   消防官兵介绍,明火很容易扑灭,但担心明火扑灭后,因压力过大,产生的回火进入整个管网,导致管网爆炸,因此只得与燃气公司人员一同协商。上午10时46分,燃气公司一工作人员赶到现场,勘察情况后双方协商,燃气公司关掉总阀,消防人员灭火。9分钟后,两名消防人员拿着多功能水枪,将火苗扑灭。   目前,事故原因初步认定为因路面破损,裸露的天然气遭重型货车碾压后破裂,导致天然气泄漏自燃。

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