出生地:產房 國籍:地球 性別:不中不西 身高:足夠跟女人接吻的高度 最喜歡的顏色:情色 甚麼時間結婚:當街上的女人不再望我的時候 最喜歡的人:自己(不是自戀) 最認識的事物:自己的事 最不滿意自己的地方:錢包 最難忘的時刻:收到稅單 最喜歡做的事情:看存款 最喜歡去的地方:銀行 最喜歡的說話:批評接受,規矩照舊 最喜歡國家:叔貪娼廉的國家 最喜歡過的生活:BB生活,吃喝玩睡,大哭大笑 Touch Wood!!! 大吉利事 如有雷同,實屬天意。



化妆品因为人体长期使用与接触,必须确保不会有刺激、毒性以及变异的反应,所以,制造厂通常是动物实验来证实安全无虞,然后才 进入人体临床实验。现今的动
物实验是极为残酷而不得要 领的,为了化妆品及其它非生存必需品所做的动物实验是极不道德的。而且,动物实验的结果,从来就没有阻止任何产品问世。
Draize眼睛刺激性测试」,是用来衡 量某种产品可能对人类眼睛的刺激程度。兔子,总是被拿来做这种测试的动物,因为他们没有泪水,所以不会因为泪水 把测试物质从他们的眼中冲洗掉。这些兔子们一只只被锁住并绑起来, 他们的下眼睑被拉开,滴入测试物质,然后他们的眼睛立刻被人强迫紧闭,好让测试物质的刺 激性达到最强。像这样的测试物质甚至包括洗洁剂、发胶及指甲油。
进行Draize测试的兔子 (照片:PETA)

Draize测试」发明于1944年,使用至今而无任何改变。科学上许多实验方法只是因为「习 惯」,缺乏动力去发展或使用更人道且科学的方法, Draize测试」是诸多此类实验之一。许许多多的兔子因为痛苦挣扎而折断了脖子,而受过测试的兔子所得到的痛苦包括眼睛刺痛、溃烂、出血 而至失明。他 们得不到任何医疗,而在实验结束后,所有的兔子,不论健康与否, 全部都会被杀死。
「皮肤刺激性测试」,则是观察某种测 试物质可能对人类皮肤的影响。而兔子仍是最常被拿来做实验的一种动物。人们将动物一部份的毛皮剃光,然后擦上测试物 质。当动物们的皮肤发炎或破皮溃烂,实验结果就会被记录下来。同样的,在实验结束后,所有的动物都会被杀死。
LD50」,长久以来一直是测试物质是否有毒的标准实验。这种实验最常用到的动物是--老鼠,每一种测试总是要用到上百只动物。测试的 方法包括强迫喂食 或直接用管子插入胃中,有时则是用皮下注射或是强迫性吸入。按每 种测试物质的不同,动物们会产生许多不同的病症,其中包括惊挛、呕吐、腹泻、瘫痪、甚至七 孔流 血。直到一半(50%,故名LD50) 的动物死亡后,实验才会结束,而幸存的动物也一样会被杀死。
替代实验:「Eytex」(一种用豆类制成的物品)以及「Skintex」(一种用南瓜皮制成的物品),可以拿来做5000种有毒物质的体 外测试。除了能 使兔子及其它 的动物免于痛楚及折磨,「Eytex」及「Skintex」也具有极高的 经济效益,因为它们只需动物实验一半的花费,并且还能得到更客观的统 计数据,而不是只由兔子xx发炎的眼睛作主观的判断。
另一类替代实验则是使用「Testskin」--一种用人类细胞在人体外培植而作成的人造皮肤。这种人造皮肤可用来测量皮肤受刺激的 程度、吸收的状况、日 晒的伤害,以 及乳液、除皱面霜、放晒用品、肥皂及洗发精对皮肤的影响。「Testskin」也同时用做xx病患皮肤移植之用。
除了动物实验外,许多其它的实验方法也都能测试新产品。拜高科技所赐,未来这些其它的实验将能彻底取代动物实验,但是首先,必 须有市场需求及经济效益,才 能得到充裕的 资金作进一步的研究。并且,只有人们不再购买、使用动物实验的产品,制造商们才会停止使用动物实验。在人们停止购买之前,这些厂商仍会持续用 残酷而不人道的 动物实验,来换取他们的利益。当你购买非动物实验的产品时,一个强烈人道的声音就能传到社会中。请大家支持「免于残酷」(Cruelty free)--不再使用 动物实验的产品。
哪些化妆品不用动物实 验?
在 台湾,法令上把化妆品分为二种:一为含有医疗或毒剧药品化妆品(简称含药化妆品),否则列为一般化妆品。(注一)依我国法令,一般化妆品虽然没有规定须 经动物实验,但是由于化妆品原料大都来自进口,而消费者还不具有动保 意识,因此厂商并没有刻意选择免于动物实验的化妆品原料。另外,含药化妆品则不论为输 入或国产,均须向卫生署办理查验登记(其中须附有多种动物实验报告),经核准发给许可证后始得输入或 制售。
换 言之,消费者若要选择「免于残酷」(Cruelty free)的化妆品,只好选择属于一般化妆品的外国品牌了。为了让爱美又仁慈的女性(或男性)朋友们有「人道」选择的机会,本会特地搜 集在台湾上市之化妆 品品牌,并根据PETA(美国人道对待动物协会)所 提供的资料,一一比对之后拟出「免于残酷」(Cruelty free)的化妆品品牌。
以 下所列出的美容、保养、化妆品品牌或公司,乃经过PETA之所认证,不论在原料、制程或成品……各方面皆没有使用动物实验,也未委托给任何机构做动物实 验。 这些「免于残酷」(Cruelty free)的美容商品,在台湾也都 买得到:
Body Shop美体小铺、Revlon露华浓、Chanel香奈儿、Avon雅芳、Aveda肯梦、Mary Kay玫琳凯、Clinique倩碧、Yardley雅礼、NuSkin如新、Decleor思妍丽、Clarins de Paris克兰诗、Estee lauder雅诗兰黛、Bobbi Brown芭比波朗、Eureka雪俐、Dr. Hauschka德国世家、Orlane幽兰、Aramis雅男士、Origins品木宣言、Nature shop自然小铺、Hard Candy硬头甜心、Kiehl’s契尔氏、Nutri-Metics新姿美缇、Crabtree Eyelyn瑰珀翠、StilaM.A.C.Pure destinyUrban DecayPaul MitchellTommy HilfigerEssential OilWeledaH2O Plus
相 对的另一方面,本会也列举使用动物实验之化妆品厂牌,希望透过消费者的觉 醒, 促使这些厂商能够放弃不必要的动物实验,改用不伤生害命的替代方法(已经发明出很多了)来测试化妆品的安全性。请大家避免使用这些「残酷商品」--因 为,使用它们,一点都不美丽:
Shiseido资生堂、Johnson & Johnson強生、L’Oreal欧莱雅、Lancome兰蔻、Olay欧蕾、Vidal Sassoon沙宣、SKPonds旁氏、Polar宝露、Nov娜芙、Max Factor蜜丝佛陀、Lancaster兰佳斯、Sally Hansen莎莉、Cover Girl封面女郎、佳丽宝、花王、狮王、欣兰、NeotericMennenNoxell,以及台湾、日本制造之化妆品品牌。

注一:含药化妆品与一般化妆品之区别 在于:一般化妆品包括香水及修饰用化妆品,如粉底、粉饼、粉膏、修容饼、眼影、眼线、胭脂、眉笔、睫毛膏、唇膏等;或 不含有医疗或毒剧药品之化妆品(洗发精)、头发用化妆品(发油)、面霜等均属之。含药化妆品则包括:染发剂、烫发剂、及含有卫 生署公告之「化妆品含有医疗 或毒剧药品基准」之成分,其含量以不超过该基准者为范围(含量超 出基准者则以药品管理);若其效能宣称防止黑斑、雀斑、皱纹、及去头皮屑等内容者,亦列入 含药化 妆品管理。

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a company get on the list?
Companies listed either signed PETA's statement of assurance or provided a statement verifying that they do not conduct or commission any animal tests on ingredients, formulations, or finished products and that they pledge not to do so in the future.

How do I know that these companies really don't test on animals?
To a degree, the statement of assurance is a matter of trust. However, companies are putting their integrity on the line when they respond to consumers. A company that has publicly announced an end to its animal tests and states in writing that it doesn't test on animals would face a public relations disaster (and potential lawsuits) if it were caught testing on animals. Companies are well aware that consumers are serious about the issue of animal testing, and they know that it would ruin the public's confidence in their products if consumers discovered that companies were being dishonest about their animal-testing policies.

What about a product whose label says, 'No Animal Testing,' but whose manufacturing company is not on PETA's 'Don't Test' list?
Labels can be deceiving, so be careful. No specific laws exist regarding cruelty-free labeling of products, so companies can take liberties. While it is unlikely that a company would put blatantly false information about its animal-testing practices on its products,
the statements that it does make might not be fully informative and might indeed mislead consumers. For example, the label on Clairol's Herbal Essence shampoo states that it is not tested on animals; Clairol, however, does test other products on animals. Many
animal-testing companies have some cruelty-free products, but we must boycott all the companies' products in order to pressure them into stopping all animal tests. If the label on a company's product says that it is not tested on animals and the company isn't on
either of PETA's lists, please share the company's contact information with PETA so that we can formally inquire about the company's animal-testing policy. Likewise, if you communicate with a company that claims to be cruelty-free but is not on our list, please
ask for a statement in writing and send a copy of the statement to PETA. We will communicate with the company to see if it meets all our cruelty-free criteria. Meanwhile, PETA recommends purchasing products made only by companies on our "Don't Test"

Why do some companies' product labels say, 'No Animal Ingredients,' when, in fact, they contain beeswax, lanolin, whey, etc.?
Some companies are not educated about or sensitive to the suffering of animals in the production of certain products that do not involve the actual slaughter of animals. PETA attempts to educate these companies, but some have persisted in inaccurately labeling
their products as free of animal ingredients even though it is a fact that honey, lanolin, etc., are animal products. Our advice is always to read the entire label before believing such a statement, and we encourage you to voice your complaints to these companies as
well. For our list of "Animal Ingredients and Their Alternatives," please visit CaringConsumer.com.

How often are PETA's product lists updated?
PETA's "Do Test" and "Don't Test" factsheets are updated approximately every month to reflect additions (e.g., if we are informed of a new company's policy prohibiting animal testing), deletions (e.g., if a company that doesn't test on animals is purchased by an
animal-testing company or if a company goes out of business), changes in contact information, etc. These factsheets are based on the most current information available at the time of printing. Companies might have changed their animal-testing policies after this was printed.

PETA reserves the right to choose which companies will be included, based on companies' policies. Inclusion on any list is not an endorsement by PETA of a company or any of its products. Please contact PETA if you have any questions about the status of listed companies or if you know the address of a company that is not listed.  

The following companies manufacture products that ARE NOT tested on animals. Those marked with an asterisk (*) manufacture strictly vegan products—made without animal ingredients, such as milk and egg byproducts, slaughterhouse byproducts, lanolin from
sheep, honey, or beeswax (for a list of animal ingredients and their alternatives, please contact PETA or visit CaringConsumer.com). Companies without an asterisk might offer some vegan products. Some of the company names are followed by the name of their
parent or subsidiary companies or by examples of products manufactured by that company.


* The company makes or sells strictly vegan products.
? The company's products can be purchased through the online PETA Mall at
PETAMall.com, and PETA will receive 5 to 10 percent of every purchase at no
additional cost to you.


Companion-Animal Food Manufacturers

What's wrong with pet food?
Caring consumers might never guess that thousands of dogs, cats and other sensitive
animals are confined in laboratories for years on end and subjected to cruel experiments
in order to test dog and cat food.

To expose this tragedy, PETA conducted a nine-month undercover investigation of a
laboratory that performed cruel animal tests for Iams and other major companion-animal
food companies. What our investigator uncovered, including the following, would
outrage anyone with a heart:

? Lonely dogs driven mad from confinement to barren steel and cement cells
? Dogs dumped on cold concrete flooring after having chunks of muscle cut out of their
? Experimenters who severed dogs' vocal cords in order to keep them quiet
? Sick dogs who were languishing in their cages without veterinary care  

These animals suffered so that Iams and other companion-animal food companies could
slap "new and improved" labels on their products. The following companies make top-
quality food for dogs and cats—without harming animals in laboratories. Please help us
drive animal abusers out of business by buying only from these companies. Companies
not on this list either responded that they do conduct laboratory experiments on animals
or they failed to respond to our numerous inquiries and are assumed to conduct laboratory
experiments on animals.  

For more information about how dog and cat food is contaminated with cruelty and to
find the most up-to-date list of companies that don't test on animals, check out

郑重声明:资讯 【化妆品的丑陋面(化妆品与动物实验)】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库qiyeku.com)证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku # qq.com)或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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