xx产业兼并重组政策已上传国务院(中英文) 阿里巴巴luojun1688的 ...

本站首席记者李振群报道 据跨世纪人才研究院记者罗富陇从中国证券报(作者:李若馨)上获悉 工信部起草的“支持行业兼并重组”政策已上传国务院,将主要从金融、财税、资源配给三方面支持大型企业进行兼并重组。所涵盖的行业除了去年调整和振兴规划涉及的汽车、钢铁、纺织、装备制造、造船、电子信息、石化、轻工、有色金属九大产业外,新增了建材产业。








Li Zhenqun, chief reporter group site, according to Talent Education Research Institute reported that Luo Fu Long from the China Securities Journal (Author: Li Ruoxin) learned the Ministry of Industry and the drafting of the "support the industry through mergers and acquisitions" policy has uploaded the State Council, will be mainly from the financial, fiscal and taxation resource allocation to support three large enterprises mergers and acquisitions. In addition to the industry covered by the restructuring and revitalization plan last year involving a car, steel, textile, equipment manufacturing, shipbuilding, electronic information, petrochemical, light industry, nine non-ferrous metals industries, new building materials industry.

Sources 6, exclusive to the China Securities News, said the Ministry of Industry and the drafting of the "support the industry through mergers and acquisitions" policy has been submitted to the State Council, will focus on finance, taxation, allocation of resources to support the three large-scale enterprises mergers and acquisitions. In addition to the industry covered by the restructuring and revitalization plan last year involving a car, steel, textile, equipment manufacturing, shipbuilding, electronic information, petrochemical, light industry, nine non-ferrous metals industries, new building materials industry.

The source said that although the paper covers ten industries, but the description of the specific policies of various sectors is not the same. Such as iron and steel industry, the policy defined the subject of several mergers and acquisitions business, building materials industry, there is no clear reorganization of the main requirements.

Sources point out that large-scale enterprises, especially the central enterprises the level of assets and liabilities of an obstacle to its future mergers and acquisitions. Various industry associations to support the proposed merger and reorganization of the industry policy of appropriate corporate mergers and acquisitions reduced the proportion of profits submitted to the state, but the proposal eventually would become a great policy variables. In addition, the authorities had said it planned to raise the proportion of central enterprises turned over to the profits. Policy may be in the final assessment of the central enterprises, and actively involved in M & A business treated differently. Allocation of resources, the large enterprises give priority to allocation of resources advantage of the proposed enterprise.

SAC will continue to support scientific research institutes and industry group reorganization

Research institutes and industry groups will be the restructuring of central SOEs restructuring this year, a major part. SASAC director of enterprise technology recently in 2010, the central work conference that the SASAC will continue to support scientific research institutes, design firms and industry groups in the consolidation and reorganization, in promoting the efficient allocation of corporate restructuring in the central business and technology resources, enhance the core of large enterprise groups competitiveness.

It's statistics, at present, the central enterprises which also include the Beijing Mining and Metallurgy Research Institute, Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Shanghai Ship and Shipping Research Institute, China Architectural Design Institute, China Academy of Building Research, Beijing Nonferrous Metal Research Institute, Mechanical Science Research Institute, etc., 10 scientific research institutes, industry groups are looking to restructure or reorganization of the object has been basically decided. Recently, it is said that Beijing, a senior Mining Research Institute revealed that more than a dozen enterprises are central issues, and discuss the reorganization of the hospital, including aluminum and Minmetals.

Restructuring of research institutes can be said for the capital markets is a big show. Although a number of research institutes for supervision of central enterprises in the SAC body was smaller, but it has a listed company, whose every move on the holding of listed companies are very far-reaching impact. Mining and Metallurgy in Beijing, for example, the hospital's a total of two listed companies, namely North Mine Magnets and when l technology. Even if there is no scientific research institutes holding companies, in mergers and acquisitions, these institutions are also expected to enter the assets of listed companies among industry groups.

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