What food or fruit to health blood? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

what food or fruit can be Blood?

meat, mutton, beef, dog meat, venison, chicken and the public , duck, quail meat, carp, sea cucumbers,
turtle fish, octopus, grass carp are rich in protein and fat, can be kidney impotence, temperature in the warm, the qi
Health blood, warm the best results.
common blood vegetables:
Day Lily iron-rich, as well as vitamins A, B, C, and protein, fat and other nutrients.
longan meat, also known as longan meat, iron-rich and contains vitamins A, B and glucose, sucrose and so on. Postpartum women to eat longan soup, longan rubber, longan wine and the like, is also a very good blood food.
black beans black beans also known as Wu Dou, you can health blood, UFA, postpartum Wudou soup can also be used to drink.
fat dishes black, containing iron, they are able to enrich the blood. Nostoc soup can also be used post-partum women in cooking, as the blood use.
carrots contain vitamin B, C, and contains a special nutrient-carotene, on the blood and a very useful, so carrot soup is a good soup to drink blood.
radish dried radish dried vegetables has always been helpful, very rich in B vitamins, iron content is also high.
spinach contains iron, carotene is extremely abundant, so that spinach is a blood vegetables are an important food.
other foods containing iron, in the fruit category with raisins, dried plums, dried apricots, peaches and dry the most.
grapes are rich in iron it is a good tonic fruit.

taken from the network

say that dates are blood, and


类别: 餐饮食品


金针菜 铁质含量丰富,还有维生素A、B、C和蛋白质、脂肪等营养素。
龙眼肉 又称桂圆肉,铁质丰富且含有维生素A、B及葡萄糖、蔗糖等。产后妇女吃龙眼汤、龙眼胶、龙眼酒之类,也是很好的xx食物。
黑豆 黑豆又称乌豆,可以生血、乌发,产后也可用乌豆煮汤喝。
发菜 色黑,内含铁质,所以能xx。妇女产后也可用发菜煮汤做菜,作为xx之用。
胡萝卜 含有维生素B、C,且含有一种特别的营养素胡萝卜素,对xx极有益,所以胡萝卜煮汤是很好的xx汤饮。
萝卜干 萝卜干本来就是有益的蔬菜,所含的维生素B极为丰富,铁质含量也很高。
菠菜 含铁质、胡萝卜素极为丰富,所以菠菜是xx蔬菜中的重要食物。



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