
希望有一个令人兴奋的工作吗? 想要设计丰富/有趣的产品给上百万的用户使用吗?展望创造{yl}的网络社区吗? 那么你一定要加入 Slide!

我们是全世界 #1 的网络社区应用软件开发商.

我们的应用程序, 如 Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke! 和 Top Friends,在技术和设计方面都是具有深度和挑战性的产品. 同时, 它们也在 Facebook, MySpace, 等平台上得到大量用户的喜爱和欢迎. 通过Slide 现有 1.5 亿的用户支持, 我们的产品已远远超越市场上其他程序的应用和浏览量规模. Slide 也因此排名为全世界 10大网络公司及品牌之一.

SuperPoke! ( 和 SuperPoke! Pets (

(1) 深刻理解 Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop 和 Flash
(2) 有能力执行 SuperPoke! 的图形/样式/风格
(3) 具备良好的眼光并能提供有趣, 简洁, 有创意的的设计
(4) 对于设计网络社区应用程序有热情和兴趣
(5) 收悉 HTML / CSS
(6) 工作经验: 2-5年的平面设计经验和1-2年的带领团队经验
(7) 素质要求: 准确/清晰语言表达能力; 良好的沟通能力
(8) 语言要求: 中英文(流利)

Want to be a part of the next big internet success story? Want to be a tech pioneer alongside artists, athletes, musicians, and talent from around the globe? Then you want to be at Slide.

About Slide: We are the #1 developer of applications on social networks.

Our applications, like Slideshow, FunSpace, SuperPoke!, SuperPoke!Pets and Top Friends, are as technically deep and sophisticated as they are popular. Our 155+ million users make one of the top 10 web properties in the world; that's serious scale. Slide's business is rapidly expanding, and we're friends with the all most successful Web companies.

Responsibilities: We're looking for someone who can help create content for applications like:
SuperPoke! ( & SuperPoke! Pets (

1. Skilled with Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Flash
2. Ability to execute in the SuperPoke! graphic style
3. Have a good eye for fun, clean, whimsical design
4. Enthusiasm and interest in working on web applications for social networking
5. Experience HTML/CSS
6. Work experience: 2-5 years of experience & 1-2 years of leadership experience
7. Ability to communicate effectively
8. Skilled in both Mandarin & English

有意者 请联系 If interested please contact:
Cathy Hsu


郑重声明:资讯 【网络社交应用程序平面设计师|】由 发布,版权归原作者及其所在单位,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经(企业库证实,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。若本文有侵犯到您的版权, 请你提供相关证明及申请并与我们联系(qiyeku #或【在线投诉】,我们审核后将会尽快处理。
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