

2010-07-02 14:28:28 阅读7 评论0 字号:

2010年5月24日--25日,由中国通用机械工业协会主办、泵业分会承办、辽宁省葫芦岛打渔山泵业产业园区管委会协办的以“自主创新?xx中国泵制造业发展”为主题的“2010年中国通用机械泵行业技术工作大会”在辽宁葫芦岛市隆重举行。来自行业企事业单位的近300名代表参加了会议。此次会议是泵行业近年来{zd0}的技术交流大会。 大会由泵业协会理事长田红星和秘书长李玉坤主持,葫芦岛市市长致欢迎词。泵协副理事长、泵行业专家委员会主任、兰州理工大学能动学院院长李仁年教授代表泵协作了《泵行业技术发展报告》和 《中国水泵制造业“十二五”科技发展规划》的报告。中国通用机械协会隋永斌会长和国家能源局科技装备司黄鹂司长作为特邀嘉宾分别就《中国通用机械行业现状和未来发展》、《中国能源形势和能源装备制造业面临的任务》作了报告。 在两天的会议中,全体代表就“泵制造业‘十二五’技术发展规划”进行了热烈讨论,会议还听取了来自泵行业骨干企业、研究院所以及中石油和中石化的代表所作的经验交流、技术报告、用户需求等报告。会议还讨论了关于组织行业联合设计、成立泵行业技术发展战略联盟等事宜。本次会议专业化、高水平且内容翔实丰富,在行业中引起强烈反响,对泵行业自主创新、技术进步起到了积极推动作用。 作为流体机械制造行业信息化专业服务商,天剑公司应邀参加了这次盛会,并为与会企业代表带去了《天剑泵行业信息化系统成功案例集》,受到了广泛欢迎。会议期间,天剑公司的行业信息化咨询顾问还向众多泵企业老总们进行了行业化ERP系统的演示和讲解,天剑泵行业ERP系统的专业性和强大功能给各位老总留下了深刻的印象,为今后的合作打下了良好的基础。 随着去年下半年以来宏观经济的显著复苏,流体机械制造行业广大企业重现勃勃生机,令此次会议气氛喜庆,交流热烈。天剑公司衷心祝愿泵行业兴旺发达!基于构件化的天剑ERP.R30系统将为泵企业的发展壮大贡献更大的作用!

“ Sky Sword attend the "National Pump Technology Conference 2010" ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

May 24, 2010 - 25, by the China General Machinery Industry Association, Pump Branch Contractors, Pump Huludao Dayushan industrial park co-management committee to "independent innovation ? Leads to pump manufacturing "is the theme of" 2010 China General Machinery Pump Industry Technical Working Conference "held in Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Enterprises from the industry, nearly 300 representatives attended the meeting. The conference is the largest technology sector in recent years the pump communication sessions. Association General Assembly by the pump field star and the Secretary-General Yukun chaired Huludao welcome speech, Mayor. Co-vice chairman of the pump, pump industry experts and commissions, Lanzhou University Dean Professor Li Rennian dynamic pump collaboration on behalf of the "Pump Industry Technology Development Report" and "Chinese pump manufacturing" 12 5 "Technology Development Programmes". Suiyong Bin, president of China General Machinery Association and the National Energy Board Director Technology and Equipment Department Oriole were invited as special guests on the "China General Machinery Industry Status and Future Development", "China's energy situation and energy equipment manufacturing tasks," reported . In the two-day meeting, all representatives on the "pump manufacturers '12 5' technology development plan" had a heated discussion, the meeting also heard from the pump industry backbone enterprises, research institutes, and in it the representatives of PetroChina and Sinopec the exchange of experience, technical reports, user demand report. The meeting also discussed the joint design on the organization of industry, the establishment of pump engineers to develop strategic alliances and so on. The meeting professional and informative, high level, has caused strong repercussions in the industry, the pump industry, innovation, technological progress has played a positive role in promoting. Fluid machinery manufacturing industry as a professional service provider information, Sword companies invited to participate in this event, and business representatives attending the meeting brought the "Sky Sword pump industry information system success stories collection", has been widely welcomed. During the meeting, Sword's information technology industry consultant to many pump companies also veterans of the industry-based ERP system for the demonstration and explanation, Sword pump industry professional and ERP systems to give you the power of chiefs has left a deep impression for future cooperation has laid a good foundation. Since late last year with a significant macroeconomic recovery, fluid machinery manufacturing industry to reproduce the general business vitality, so that the festive atmosphere of the meeting to exchange warm. Sky Sword pump industry company sincerely wish prosperity! The Sword of component-based system will pump ERP.R30 development and growth of enterprises contribute more to the role!

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