广州两大立交桥将告别水浸街 加建泵站排水_中国离心泵网_新浪博客

  几乎逢雨必涝的天河立交及中山一立交将告别水浸街,近日这两处水浸黑点排水改造工程的用地规划许可证由市规划局审批通过,这也意味着改造工程不久即可动工。据悉改造将在两大立交桥下加建泵站,未来可将积水直接排入沙河涌。 中山一立交和天河立交几乎成为广州水浸街的标志性地段,每逢暴雨这两处积水轻则延缓交通,重则彻底淹没过往车辆。 据悉,中山一排水改造工程将铺设排水管1110米,新建、改建检查井、收水井共80座,铺设路面2100平方米,新建泵站一座;而天河立交排水改造工程则需要在加大现有管网的基础上再新建一座泵站,未来这个泵站将直接抽取积水排入沙河涌,在改造工程完成之后,这两大水浸黑点也将像岗顶一样,彻底告别水浸街。

“ Guangzhou will bid farewell to two overpasses Shui Jinjie additional drainage pumping station ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国隔膜泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Almost rains and floods in the Milky Way Interchange Interchange will be a farewell Shuijin Jie, Zhongshan, the recent flooding black spots in these two drainage improvement works in the land use planning permit approved by the Municipal Planning Bureau, this also means that renovation project shortly start. It is reported that transformation will be the construction of two pumping stations under the overpass, the future can be discharged directly into water Shahe Bay. Zhongshan an overpass and interchange, Tianhe, Guangzhou Shui Jinjie almost become a landmark site, these two water during rain delays at worst traffic, heavy vehicles were completely flooded in the past. It is reported that a drainage improvement works will Zhongshan laying pipes 1110 m, new construction, renovation and inspection wells, received a total of 80 wells, laying of roads 2,100 square meters, a new pumping station; the Milky Way Interchange Drainage Improvement Project will need to increase the existing Based on the pipe and then build a new pumping station, the future of this pumping station will be directly discharged into water Shahe Bay, in the reconstruction project after the completion of two major flooding blackspots will be the same as a western, complete farewell Shui Jinjie .

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