Zhumell Signature 10×42 Waterproof Binoculars « Eva Seidel

Binoculars For Birding - Gordon N. Stach - Woodland Park, Colorado
I decided to try this rather obscure brand and am not disappointed. I previously had been doing my “birding” with my Swarovski 8×30’s and while they are excellent, I needed more magnification for my aging eyes and I didn’t want to pay the price of the Swarovski 10×42 roof prisms. I had previously tried my son-in-law’s Nikon Monarch’s 10×42 and was ready to buy a pair when I came across the Zhumell 10×42 during a internet search. I was able to purchase these from Amazon at a much better price than the Monarch’s. They are equally as sharp as the Nikon and they focus a lot closer. My only criticism is they are a bit heavy, but worth the buy none the less.
Zhumell W241042 :

Zhumell Signature 10×42 Waterproof Binoculars Zhumell W241042

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