

2010-07-01 15:09:52 阅读6 评论0 字号:

Table been picked, but also a fine air renewal form? Gas repair hotline calls, and soon, the gas company's third business, a service master came home, looking after the table-wise. "He started to just say the table is broken, the valve, and down the stairs after speaking to secure the table-wise, so the next day to the office block for the new table. I also specifically asked for the table need to pay money, he said no. "Zhang says. The next day she went to the office staff told her gas meter seal had been fixed, not only to dig 500 new ones form, but also to accept the original tabl e 341 square gas and gas cards were confiscated 100 square punishment. "We feel very wronged, we do not know when that stuff out of." Mr. Wang, a difficult to accept. What kind of damage to Mr. Wang is subject to such punishment? Yesterday, the reporter went to the Health Road Gas Company informed the third place of business. Mr. Wang gas meter house, the right side of the digital disc seals have disappeared, the seals are still left. Fang, deputy director of the introduction, then after receiving the repair, the staff found that sealing of the users table, and indeed leak sound, "Table sealing yes we judge whether the public destruction and stealing an important sign of gas, Therefore, the staff was downstairs on the first report on the situation to the leadership, decided to take off the table. " Mr. Wang will buy a new table 441 side air return After the inspection staff found that Mr. Wang had not stolen gas behavior at home. "But really broken table." Fang said the seal on the gas meter is a one-time, lost re-renewal must, according to the provisions of metrological verification institutions against unauthorized opening sealed gas measuring device seal. Movement, modification, alteration, damage, removal of gas metering devices, or in the gas metering device with gas before the takeover, is stealing gas behavior. Repair damaged gas metering devices and facilities, the resulting costs borne by the theft. "If the Pirates of the gas, and would double compensation." Coordinated by the evening, as Mr. Wang did not steal gas behavior at home, and finally Mr. Wang out of 500 dollars to re-buy tables, gas company Mr. Wang returned home 441 square gas.
原文来自: http://www.techflash.com/seattle/2010/01/innovation_and_startups_ten_lessons_from_my_days_at_valve.html

Innovation and startups: Ten lessons from my days at Valve;是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索:


表被摘走,换新表还要罚气?   拨打燃气抢修热线,很快,燃气公司第三营业所 的一位维修师傅来到家里,看后将表摘走。“他开始来只是说表坏了,将阀门关了,下楼后又上来说是为了安全把表摘走,让第二天去营业所换块新表。我还特地问他换表需要交钱吗,他说不用。”张女士说。   第二天她到了营业所,工作人员却告诉她,气表的铅封有人动过,不但 让掏500元换新表,还要接受表上原来的341方气和卡上的100方气被没收的处罚。   “我们觉得很冤枉,我们也不知道那东西什么时候掉的。”王先生一家难以接受。   什么样的损坏让王先生要受这样的处罚?   昨日,记者来到卫生路燃气公司第三营业所了解情况。王先生家的燃气表,在数字 盘右侧的铅封已经不见了,左侧的铅封还在。   该所副所长王芳介绍,当时接到报修后,工作人员发现用户的表封掉了,而且 确实有漏气的声音,“表封是我们判断市民是否破坏和盗气的一个重要标志,所以当时工作人员就先下楼将情况给领导汇报,决定将表摘掉。”   王先生出钱买新表   441方气退还   经过工作人员的检查,发现王先生家并未有盗气行为。“但表确实损坏了。”王芳说,燃气表 上的铅封都是一次性的,掉了就要重新换新的,根据规定,禁止擅自开启计量检定机构加封的燃气计量装置封印。移动、改装、改造、损坏、拆除燃气计量装置,或在燃气计量装置前接管用气的,属于盗气行为。修复被损坏的燃气计量装置和设施,所产生的费用,由盗用者承担。“如果盗气了,就要加倍赔偿。”   经晚报协调,由于王先生家确实没有盗气行为,{zh1}王先生出500元钱重新买表,燃气 公司退还王先生家的441方气。


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