
日前,2010龙泉(温州)投资环境推介会在温州市龙湾区举行。市委常委、副市长陈豪,市人大常委会副主任陈吉明及市工商、公安、招商办、新闻传媒中心、安仁镇、石达石乡等部门、乡镇负责人参加了推介会。 温州是中国{zd0}的泵阀制造中心,泵阀产值占全国泵阀总产值的三分之一以上。温州泵阀企业主要集中在永嘉县和龙湾区,其中龙湾是温州泵阀的最早发源地,有“中国阀门城”之称。过去,温州招商选资工作一直紧盯温州瓯海。今年,温州招商触角伸向龙湾,力求从龙湾区引进一批“大、精、附加值高”的企业。为使此次推介会圆满成功,会前温州做了大量准备,市政府驻温办事处、市工商局和安仁镇等分别做了许多调查摸底工作,筛选了50多家龙湾企业前来参会。 推介会上,温州介绍了龙泉与温州的深厚渊源以及独具特色的人文优势和投资环境。随后,龙湾企业与温州各部门进行了座谈,双方在热烈友好的气氛中洽谈交流,深入交换意见,达成了许多共识。 此次推介宣传活动在龙湾企业中引起了积极反响。经过宣传推介,各企业普遍对温州有了初步的了解,并在某些领域上产生了投资合作意向,许多企业表示将适时前来考察。令人欣喜的是,6月20日,龙湾东星阀门有限公司和龙湾永兴铸钢厂就来到安仁镇,进行了意向性考察,为龙湾企业来龙考察投资拉开了帷幕。

“Investment tentacles into the "China Valve City" ”是由提供的阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国截止阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 。等

Before 2010 Longquan (Wenzhou) Investment Environment Promotion in Longwan District. Municipal Committee, vice mayor Chen Hao, Chen Jiming, deputy director of Municipal People's Congress and the City, industry and commerce, public security, Investment Office, the news media center, anrenzhen, stone over stone Township and other departments, township attended the Presentation. Wenzhou is China's largest manufacturing center valve, valve output value accounting for more than a third valve. Valve Wenzhou Yongjia County, mainly in business and Longwan District, Wenzhou valve which is the earliest Longwan the birthplace of the "China Valve city". In the past, Wenzhou, China Merchants work has focused their attention on the election financing Wenzhou Ouhai. This year, the Wenzhou Merchants tentacles Bay, sought to introduce a number from Longwan "big, sophisticated, high value-added" enterprises. To make this promotion will be successful, a lot of preparations pre-Wenzhou city government offices in temperature, Urban Trade and Industry Bureau and the respective anrenzhen done a lot in investigation work, screened more than 50 companies came to participants Longwan . Promote the meeting, Wenzhou and Wenzhou introduced deep in Longquan origin and unique cultural advantages and investment environment. Subsequently, the Longwan Wenzhou enterprises and departments had a discussion, the two sides in a warm and friendly atmosphere to discuss the exchange, in-depth exchange of views and reached consensus on many issues. The promotion campaign in Longwan enterprises positive response. After the marketing campaign, companies generally have a preliminary understanding of Wenzhou, and in some areas of cooperation to generate the investment intentions, many companies that will in due time to visit. It is gratifying that, on June 20, Longwan East Star Valve Co., Ltd. and Longwan Yongxing Steel Plant came anrenzhen conducted a study of intent for Longwan enterprises to invest in long investigation had begun.

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