
Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, June 25 (Reporter Li Yabiao) - Young people to start without the factory, where to find temporary office space; if no suitable direction, the project can be found here; if lack of funds, where you can venture to the bank loans ... ... Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Province, as the incubation bases of young talents formally unveiled, local and foreign talents of young, university graduates can find elements of helping their own businesses. Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Province is located along the southeast coast, under the Taiwan City. Currently, the county has formed a motorcycle fittings, plumbing valves, metal products, furniture, glasses accessories and so on industry clusters, known as China's auto parts industry base, valve capital of China. Statistics show that, the county has about 16 local young people, about 15 million young people outside. "To give full play to more than 30 million Zhezhi the role of youth team, we have the higher authorities and universities with the support of the Communist Youth League Yuhuan county, the county personnel department, the county labor and social security departments joined hands and established the Yuhuan County business incubator of young talent the purpose of supporting bases to further tap the entrepreneurial potential of young people, through policy advice, project recommendations, credit support, etc., to help them solve business problems in. "Yuhuan County Party Standing Committee, Minister Chen Meiping organization said. Yuhuan County's young talents in the business incubator building to see where there project selection, financing support, market development, information services, personnel training, management consulting agency. Incubation bases the innermost row of houses were spare, inside a desk, and other basic office facilities. "The house is in the start-up of office space for young people not prepared, they can work here for free for one year." Vice minister of the Organization Department of Yuhuan county, the county personnel office director Wang Yonghong said. "There's 'one-stop' business services, especially young people just out of school for students with more opportunities to start, more confident, more capital." 25-year-old green agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. of Zhejiang Wangen Feng, general manager, said. In 2005, after graduating from university in Wangen Feng out of school, set up a fruit and vegetable cooperatives, starting from the contract saline, saline with 5 years to transform into a modern steel frame greenhouse vegetable production base.

“Gas line valve release investigated”是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考,以下提供站内导航搜索:


新华社杭州6月25日电(记者李亚彪)青年 人才创业如果没有厂区,在这里可找到临时办公地点;如果没有合适的方向,在这里可以找到项目;如果缺乏资金,在这里可以向银行办理创业xx…… 随着浙江省玉环县青年人才创业孵化基地正式揭牌,本地与外地青年人才、大学 毕业生可以在这里找到帮助自己创业的要素。 玉环县地处浙江东南沿海,隶属台州市。目前,全县已形成汽摩配件、水暖阀门、金属制品、家具、眼镜配件等产业集群,被誉为中国汽车零部件产业基地、中国阀门之都。统计数据显示,全县有本地青年约16万人、外来青年约15万人。 “为充分发挥这支30余万名青年队伍的作用,我们在上级部门和高校的支持下,与 共青团玉环县委、县人事部门、县劳动保障部门联手,共同建立了玉环县青年人才创业孵化基地,目的是依托基地进一步挖掘青年人才的创业潜能,通过政策咨询、项目推荐、信贷支持等方式,帮助他们解决创业中的难题。”玉环县委常委、组织部长陈美萍说。 记者在玉环县青年人才创业孵化基地大楼里看到,这里设有项目选择、融资支持、市场开拓、信息服务、人才培训、管理咨询等机构。创业孵化基地最里面的一排房子则虚位以待,里面有办公桌等基本办公设施。“这些屋子 是为在初创期没有办公场所的青年人才准备的,他们可以免费在这里工作一年。”玉环县 委组织部副部长、县人才办主任王永红说。“这里的‘xxx’创业服务,让青年人尤其是刚刚走出校门的大学生创业有了更多的机会、更多的信心、更多的资本。”25岁的浙江绿野农业科技有限公司总经理汪恩锋说。 2005年大学毕业的汪恩锋走出校门后,组建了一家果蔬专业合作社,从 承包盐碱地起步,用5年时间把盐碱地改造成了 现代化的钢架大棚蔬菜生产基地。


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