

2010-06-28 15:07:17 阅读3 评论0 字号:

You see, a screw valve, entire grape base drink the 'water'. , "27, after the street in the Yongsan Lee Yeung Village, 30 mu grape base easily, the reporter saw the venue management to the total valve counterclockwise one rotation, fertilizer instantly UPVC pipe flow along the PE dropper, spray on the grapes drip irrigation. "street in the Longshan, a total of 800 acres of grapes to achieve this mode of field management. "The manager then told reporters. According to reports, mechanized irrigation measures grape planting base is mainly planted in the main branch to the Tiankuai UPVC pipe, the Tiankuai layout layout dropper according to the grape growing, connecting the main branch pipe, and then use the pool pump pumping into fertilizer, for fertilizer ratio, then high-pressure pump through the main branch pipeline to the dropper around the block, for rotation irrigation, different varieties, land control by the valve itself. "In the past, Longshan street planting grapes spite of the cultivation, but basically the main extensive management, flood irrigation, pesticide application over phenomena occur. In recent years as people's living standards, quality requirements for agricultural products more and more, traditional production management have been behind the quality requirements and the management of extensive high cost, allowing for loss in quality and price advantage. In view of this, the street from the pilot application of grapes last year, water efficient irrigation technology, this large-scale roll out. "Shan Xie Duo street party committee member, told reporters. It is understood that after the technology is mainly used in foreign and Example grape base, involves three Cooperatives 36 grower, with a total investment over 100 million. It is understood that the application of irrigation, promotion of the grape growth, improve grape quality and increase farmers income and social benefits are obvious. Disease significantly reduced efficiency of the section marked. "The original artificial irrigation, fertilization and other aspects of artificial reduction in most of the fertilizer also implemented by dropper, fertilizer also reduces waste, weeds have been controlled, labor, fertilizers, and can save 300 yuan per mu; In addition, after using drip , grape disease reduction, grapes grow well and fruit quality has been significantly improved, the top grade fruit rate increase of 10%, 202 yuan per mu yield efficiency. "Xie Duo introduces Road. At the same time, also reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution, fertilizer and water management as fertilizer by fertilizer, fertilizer using guaranteed grapes nutrient requirement, will not cause the loss of excess fertilizer, which minimizes the agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Water clear. Different cycles according to the grape growing, to be drip irrigation, saving water resources, compared to the original with the flood irrigation method could save water seven cubic meters per mu.
原文来自: http://www.shreveporttimes.com/article/20091205/NEWS01/91205007/1060

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西部网讯 这几天,不知道西安交警新城大队的民警,得罪了那位神仙。从前天开始,大队院子里的浴室和食堂的天然气接连断气。 记者在西安交警新城大队的食堂看到,几位师傅正在准备 今天的中午饭,这菜都切好就等着下锅了,可一开天然气灶,就是打不着火。 西安交警新城大队杨 波:因为没有天然气,我们大队的灶已经停了,民警回来以后饭也没办法吃,冲凉洗澡也成了问题。 民警说,从前天开始就是这样,一到做饭的时间,这天然气肯定就会停。一打听才知道,他们的天然气阀门在隔壁家属院里,等民警过去看的时候才发现,阀门被人关掉的。 西安交警新城大队杨 波:这两天是因为有人恶意,相继四次把阀门给我们关了。 大伙一分析,认为是交警队可能得罪了什么人,这才导致他们 的天然气一而再,再而三的被人关掉。经过记者联系,天然气公司东郊所的一位工作人员赶了过来,一查才发现,调压箱上的锁子也是坏的。 天燃气公司东郊所工作人员:我们已经安排人员,马上将对这个箱子进行维护,尽量做得比较安全一些,不要让人随意能开。 天然气公司工作人员说,私自打开调压箱是非常危险的,更别说去调整里面的阀门了,这些都只有专业人员才能操作。那交警新城大队院子里的天然气到底是谁给停的呢? 莫名其妙发生天然气被停,大家都很纳闷,有的交警怀疑这件事情,跟前两天他们处罚的一位违章司机有关。 在现场记者发现,同在一个家属院的两个调压箱,一个是给小区居民楼供气的,另外 一个通往交警队院子,两个箱子上的锁都是坏的,可让大家不解的是,唯独交警队的天然气连续被停。新城大队交警邹智强说,前两天,五中队民警在执勤时,查扣了一辆违法车辆,司机自称是天然气公司的工作人员,因为违章被处理对方很不愉快,随后大队院子就发生了天然气被停的事,邹智强警官现在已经十分肯定停气与 天然气公司的人交通违章有关。 西安交警新城大队 邹智强:百分之百,咱不要说客观不客观了,百分之百,咱交警队经常遇见这种事情。 对于民警的质疑,天然气公司工作人员没有做任何解释。因为现在调压箱的锁是坏的,谁都有可能去动里面的阀门。 天然气公司东郊所 工作人员:这个,作为我们来说,现在 还不太清楚具体的情况,有可能还进行调查什么的。 看来这件事得好好调查调查,才能清楚,尤其是要查清是谁在天然气 调压箱作了手脚,这事件才能水落石出。(供稿:陕西电视台今晚播报)


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