

2010-07-01 09:22:42 阅读9 评论0 字号:

电磁阀的故障将直接影响到切换阀和调节阀的动作,常见的故障有电磁阀不动作,应从以下几方面排查: (1)电磁阀接线头松动或线头脱落,电磁阀不得电,可紧固线头。 (2)电磁阀线圈烧坏,可拆下电磁阀的接线,用万用表测量,如果开路,则电磁阀线圈烧坏。 原因有线圈受潮,引起绝缘不好而漏磁,造成线圈内电流过大而烧毁,因此要防止雨水进入电磁阀。此外,弹簧过硬,反作用力过大,线圈匝数太少,吸力不够也可使得线圈烧毁。紧急处理时,可将线圈上的手动按钮由正常工作时的“0"位打到“1"位,使得阀打开。 (3)电磁阀卡住。电磁阀的滑阀套与阀芯的配合间隙很小(小于0.008mm),一般都是单件装配,当有机械杂质带入或润滑油太少时,很容易卡住。处理方法可用钢丝从头部小孔捅入,使其弹回。根本的解决方法是要将电磁阀拆下,取出阀芯及阀芯套,用CCI4清洗,使得阀芯在阀套内动作灵活。拆卸时应注意各部件的装配顺序及外部接线位置,以便重新装配及接线正确,还要检查油雾器喷油孔是否堵塞,润滑油是否足够。 (4)漏气。漏气会造成空气压力不足,使得强制阀的启闭困难,原因是密封垫片损坏或滑阀磨损而造成几个空腔窜气。 在处理切换系统的电磁阀故障时,应选择适当的时机, 等该电磁阀处于失电时进行处理,若在一个切换间隙内处理不完,可将切换系统暂停,从容处理。

“Solenoid valve does not cause analysis and troubleshooting ”是由提供的阀门行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国减压阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

Solenoid valve failure will directly affect the switching valve and valve action, a common fault with electromagnetic valve does not work, we should start to troubleshoot the following aspects: (1) solenoid valve head loose or thread off wiring, electric solenoid valve shall be fastened thread. (2) burned solenoid valve coil, solenoid valve wiring can be removed, measured with a multimeter, if open, the solenoid valve coil burned out. Moisture causes the coil, magnetic flux leakage caused by bad insulation, causing the coil current is too large to burn within, so to prevent flood water from entering solenoid valve. In addition, the spring mark, backlash is too large, the coil turns too little, not enough suction also makes the coil burnt. Emergency treatment, can be manual coil on the button from the normal work of the "0" bit hit "a" position, making valve is opened. (3) solenoid valve stuck. Electromagnetic valve slide valve sleeve and spool with a small gap (less than 0.008mm), are generally single assembly, when a mechanical impurities into or too little lubricant, it is easy to get stuck. Treatment can hold into the wire hole from the head to make it bounce. The fundamental solution is to remove the valve, remove the spool and spool cover, with CCI4 cleaning, making spool in the valve kit flexible movement. Demolition should pay attention to sequence and assemble the various components of the external wiring location for re-assembly and wiring is correct, also check whether the plug hole injector lubricator, lubricating oil is sufficient. (4) leak. Lack of air pressure can cause leakage, making mandatory the valve opening and closing difficult, because the gasket damage or wear caused by sliding valve cavity channeling some air. Switching system in dealing with the electromagnetic valve failure, should select the appropriate time, such as the solenoid valve in the power off processing, if a switch gap within the never-ending, can be switched system suspended stride.

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