

2010-07-02 16:41:32 阅读4 评论0 字号:

电磁阀作为自动化仪表的一种执行器,近年来用量急剧上升。本文分析了电磁阀的主要特点,并侧重应用的角度对国内成熟技术的发展动态作简要综述,分别在精简化、智能化、通用化、专用化方向作了考察,并略对影响电磁阀技术发展的社会因素作点探讨。 一、电磁阀的主要特点 (1)外漏堵绝,内漏易控,使用安全。 内外泄漏是危及安全的要素。其它自控阀通常将阀杆伸出,由电动、气动、液动执行机构控制阀芯的转动或移动。这都要解决长期动作阀杆动密封的外泄漏难题;唯有电磁阀是用电磁力作用于密封在隔磁套管内的铁芯完成,不存在动密封,所以外漏易堵绝。电动阀力矩控制不易,容易产生内漏,甚至拉断阀杆头部;电磁阀的结构型式容易控制内泄漏,直至降为零。所以,电磁阀使用特别安全,尤其适用于腐蚀性、有毒或高低温的介质。 (2)系统简单,便接电脑,价格低谦。电磁阀本身结构简单,价格也低,比起调节阀等其它种类执行器易于安装维护。更显著的是所组成的自控系统简单得多,价格要低得多。由于电磁阀是开关信号控制,与工控计算机连接十分方便。在当今电脑普及,价格大幅下降的时代,电磁阀的优势就更加明显。 (3)动作快递,功率微小,外形轻巧。电磁阀响应时间可以短至几个毫秒,即使是先导式电磁阀也可以控制在几十毫秒内。由于自成回路,比之其它自控阀反应更灵敏。设计得当的电磁阀线圈功率消耗很低,属节能产品;还可做到只需触发动作,自动保持阀位,平时一点也不耗电。电磁阀外形尺寸小,既节省空间,又轻巧美观。 (4)调节精度受限,适用介质受限。电磁阀通常只有开关两种状态,阀芯只能处于两个极限位置,不能连续调节,(力图突破的新构思不少,但还都处于试验试用阶段)所以调节精度还受到一定限制。电磁阀对介质洁净度有较高要求,含颗粒状的介质不能适用,如属杂质须先滤去。另外,粘稠状介质不能适用,而且,特定的产品适用的介质粘度范围相对较窄。 (5)型号多样,用途广泛。电磁阀虽有先天不足,优点仍十分突出,所以就设计成多种多样的产品,满足各种不同的需求,用途极为广泛。电磁阀技术的进步也都是围绕着如何克服先天不足,如何更好地发挥固有优势而展开。 二、电磁阀技术的发展简介更多电磁阀技术 2.1、精简化方向的发展至精必至简,唯有简单的才能长久流传。这也是科学家和工程师的{yj}追求。 (1)简化控制回路以往的执行器大量采用气动和电动的控制回路,这增加了系统的复杂性,而先导型电磁阀则在阀内形成利用工作介质自身的控制回路,结构甚为简单。过去国内外电磁阀多项技术参数还受限制,现在国内电磁阀通径已扩展至30Omm;介质温度低至--200℃,高至450℃;工作压力从真空到25MPa。动作时间从十几秒到几毫秒。这些技术的新发展已xx可以取代原有体积庞大价格昂贵的两位控制的快速切断阀和气动开关阀,电动开关阀,也能部分取代连续调节的气动、电动调节阀。(怎样才能更好地满足调节精度要求,下文还要述及)。国外的纺织、轻工、城建等行业已大量改用电磁阀,而冶金、化工等行业则率先在辅助系统中使用越来越多的电磁阀。 国内自控专业技术人员已越来越多地关注电磁阀了。 (2)简化管路系统自动控制阀工作时在管路上还须配用一些辅助阀门和管件。例如图1所示的隔离旁路是典型的安装方法,须配三个手动阀,其中手动阀1是旁路阀,手动备用。而手动阀2和3是隔离阀,保证自动控制阀5的在线维修。当然还得配两只三通4和活接头6。这种管路系统所占空间大,安装又费时,还容易泄漏。ZDF系列多功能电磁阀巧妙地省去了这些外加的附件仍具有隔离旁路的功能,因而荣获日内瓦国际新技术金质奖。自动控制阀的前面需加装过滤器。多个自控阀联合使用还常需安装单向阀以防管道之间的干扰。现在,单向电磁阀、组合电磁阀和带过滤的电磁阀都已在简化管路方面发挥了作用。

“ The main features of solenoid valves and technology development trend analysis ”,是由提供的国际阀门新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国电磁阀网还提供相关产品搜索: 、 、 、 、 等。

Solenoid valve as an actuator automation in recent years, consumption increased dramatically. This paper analyzes the main characteristics of the electromagnetic valve, and focus on the perspective of the application of proven technology developments in the domestic briefly summarized, respectively, in the streamlined, intelligent, universal, specialization, Fang Xiang made a study and a little valve on the impact of technology development point of social factors. First, the main characteristics of electromagnetic valve (1) leakage blocking must, within the leak easy to control, safe. Internal and external leaks are endangering the safety factor. Other controlled valve stem out usually by electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic actuator control valve of the rotation or move. This should solve the long-term action outside the dynamic seal valve stem leakage problems; only solenoid valve is electromagnetic force on the sealed compartment within the magnetic core casing complete, there is no dynamic seal, so easy to block leakage must. Electric torque control valve is not easy, prone to internal leakage, and even pull off the stem head; solenoid valve within the structure of type easy to control leakage, until reduced to zero. Therefore, the use of special safety valve, particularly suitable for corrosive, toxic or high temperature media. (2) The system is simple, then take the computer, low price modest. Solenoid valve itself is simple, the price is also low, compared to control valve actuators, and other types of easy installation and maintenance. More significant is the automatic control system consisting of much simpler, much lower price. As the solenoid valve is a switching signal control, and industrial computer connection is very convenient. In today's widespread use of computers, an era of declining prices, the electromagnetic valve is even more obvious advantages. (3) action express, power tiny, lightweight form factor. Valve response time can be as short as a few milliseconds, even pilot-type solenoid valve can be controlled in several milliseconds. As the self into a loop, other than the automatic control valve more responsive. The proper design of solenoid valve coil power consumption is very low, is energy-saving products; can do just trigger action, automatically maintain the valve position, usually is not power. Solenoid valve shape, small size, both to save space, and lightweight appearance. (4) regulation accuracy is limited, apply to limited media. Solenoid valve is usually only switches two states, spool position only at the two limits can not be continuously adjusted, (trying to break a lot of new ideas, but also are in the pilot trial phase), so regulation accuracy is also subject to certain restrictions. Solenoid valve on the media have a higher cleanliness requirements, including granular media can not be applied, in the case prior to filter impurities. In addition, the viscous medium can not be applied, and, to a specific product for a relatively narrow range of medium viscosity. (5) models varied widely used. Notwithstanding the inherent electromagnetic valve, the advantages are still very prominent, so we designed a wide range of products to meet different needs, and used widely. Solenoid valve technology advances are also centered on how to overcome the deficiencies, how to better play to existing strengths and expand. 2, solenoid valve technology profile more solenoid valve technology 2.1, the direction of streamlining the development to the fine will be to Jane, only a simple long-lasting circulation. This is the permanent pursuit of scientists and engineers. (1) simplify the control circuit of the previous extensive use of pneumatic actuators and electrical control circuit, which increases the complexity of the system, while the pilot-type solenoid valve in the valve to form their own use of the work of media control loop, the structure is very simple. Over the past number of domestic and foreign valve technical data is also restricted, and now solenoid valve diameter has been extended to 30Omm; medium temperature as low as - 200 ℃, up to 450 ℃; working pressure from vacuum to 25MPa. Movement time from ten seconds to a few milliseconds. These new developments in technology have completely replace the original bulky expensive quickly cut off the two control valves and pneumatic valves, electric valves, can partially replace Adjustable pneumatic and electric control valve. (How can we better meet the regulation accuracy requirements, but also described below). Foreign textile, light industry, urban construction and other industries have a lot of use electromagnetic valve, and metallurgy, chemical industry took the lead in the secondary system is used more and more of the solenoid valve. Internal self-control professional and technical personnel have been increasingly concerned about the electromagnetic valve of the. (2) simplify the piping system control valve in the pipeline should also work with valves and tubes with some ancillary items. For example, bypass isolation shown in Figure 1 is a typical installation method, to be equipped with three manual valves, of which 1 is the bypass valve manual valve, manual backup. The manual valve isolation valves 2 and 3 is to ensure the control valve 5, line maintenance. Of course, have to live with two connector links 4 and 6. This pipeline system occupied a large space, installation and time-consuming but also prone to leaks. ZDF Series multi-function valve cleverly eliminates the need for additional attachment of these still have a separate bypass function, which won the Gold Medal at the Geneva International new technology. Require installation of automatic control valves in front of the filter. Joint use of multiple controlled valve often get one-way valve installed to prevent interference between channels. Now, one-way solenoid valve, combined valve and solenoid valve with a filter already in the pipeline to play a role in simplification.

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