南非艾滋病与钻石齐名性放纵毁了南非- 刘君- 职业日志- 价值中国网 ...

南非艾滋病与钻石齐名 性放纵毁了南非


南非艾滋病与钻石齐名 性放纵毁了南非
2010-06-30 10:37:10  环球时报—环球网  




  其实,南非政府也并不xx像老唐说的那样“不作为”。我在xx白人社区桑顿商城看见一些年轻人在向行人分发图文并茂的小册子,我也得到一本,上面的话很吸引人:“xx诚美好,生命价更高; 预防是抵御艾滋病的{wy}途径; 吃药xx艾滋病,你能活得久一些,但这病还是没有救”……
    老唐曾经告诉过我,他认识一个白人朋友,朋友的女儿叫简·史密斯,是个20岁的漂亮女孩,受过良好教育,处事谨慎小心,富有爱心,还喜欢小孩子。有{yt},她收到一张化验单,化验单上标明HIV是阳性,这说明她是一个艾滋病毒感染者。 “这种事情怎么会发生在我身上?”简近乎疯狂地追问自己。其实,她是知道自己生活的这个国家艾滋病疫情有多严重的,在和过去的男友相处时她也十分小心,然而一年前她遇到了一个让自己意乱情迷的男人,他们在一起生活了两周。一年后,男人约简出来谈谈,他说自己得了艾滋病,希望简也尽快去查一下。简和她家人的噩梦便从此开始。让简的父母怎么也想不通的是:得艾滋病的不都是黑人和同性恋吗,怎么会找上自己的女儿?
    南非女人是那些性放纵男人的直接受害者,同时也是艾滋的传播者,通过怀孕、生育传播给了下一代。如此循环往复,造就了南非艾滋的生生不息。“那时候我是如此渴望他,他说不要戴安全套,我也一口答应……” 简对自己的疏忽承担了无法弥补的后果。既然男人对穿不穿那件“小雨衣”态度随意,南非政府不得不在女人身上打主意——在全国免费发放女用避孕套,使南非成为世界上少有的几个供应女用避孕套的国家。据南非媒体报道,南非一些女性已经习惯在外出约会或参加派对前自己戴好避孕套,以防止不测。

艾滋病小偷使坏 反扒队员奋不顾身
    2010-06-28 05:50:00 来源: 钱江晚报(杭州)





South Africa AIDS and sexual indulgence destroyed equally famous diamonds in South Africa
2010-06-30 10:37:10 Global Times - World Wide Web
Has a name, fame and diamonds in South Africa, it is called "AIDS."

Before leaving the country, friends often joke with me: Do not you bring back yo HIV. I responded and said: I can guarantee uncertain, what if the mosquito bite with HIV too! All jests aside, but the heart of South Africa still live in fear of mosquitoes. If it really were the "persecution", it not become the world's largest taken for a ride! So, prepare enough travel electric mosquito devices, mosquito tablets, mosquito repellant, for mosquito resistance to HIV. South Africa did not expect the mosquitoes not imagine winter as rampant, are raising a means to hide repair, and bring mosquito weapons are useless.

Heard in the country's AIDS situation in South Africa out of control, almost become a "national disease." To South Africa, and saw a foreigner, especially blacks will to himself: he did not carry HIV? Contact with their hands, quickly wash with soap a few times. I also know that this is a radical reaction, as long as there is no blood and sexual contact, not have to be nervous. But South Africa living with HIV and AIDS in the alarming rise in the figures, almost all foreign visitors, "Tan Ai mere mention." In particular, AIDS has become Africa's leading cause of death in South Africa, an official reported deaths due to AIDS deaths in the population accounted for one fifth of the strong, and people living with HIV, accounting for one tenth of the total population of South Africa more The most conservative estimate there are about 5 million, that is, walking in the street, encountered 10 individuals, one of the human body, there may be hidden HIV.
Government to Governance HIV beet and garlic

In South Africa, Chinese nationals can be divided into three generations, the first generation was 100 years ago to the old expatriate workers, the second generation of Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong are mainly living in South Africa for decades Mesozoic nationals, the third generation is to mainland the new expatriate business owners in town to open a pharmacy, Tang Ciro be carrying the Mesozoic nationals. I have an interview at his pharmacy, by the way the sentence what the Chinese view on AIDS, did not think his reaction was fierce, he thought the South African Government for its AIDS prevention work is slow, and the effect that outrageous. For example, he said, the international English has to introduce a sketch for the "ARV" of anti-retroviral drug plan, but the passive acceptance of the South African government, only the stress of poverty and backwardness are the root causes of AIDS, the South African people, deciding on natural food such as sugar beet and garlic, etc., instead of antiretroviral drugs. "It was an international joke, with no inhibition on the ability of HIV to replace these foods with antiretroviral drugs, this is not the people responsible for it!"

In fact, the South African government is not exactly like, Tang said that as "not as." I shop in the upscale white community Thornton saw some young people illustrated booklets distributed to pedestrians, and I get one, if the above is very attractive: "sincere good sex life is even more; prevention is the only combat AIDS way; medicine to treat AIDS, you can live a long life, but that still does not save the patient "... ...
Old Tang had told me that he knew a white friend, a friend's daughter, Jane Smith, is a beautiful 20-year-old girl, well-educated, discreet care, caring, yet like a child. One day, she received a laboratory test, the laboratory is indicated on the HIV-positive, indicating that she is an HIV infection. "How could such things happen to me?" Jane almost crazy to ask themselves. In fact, she is living in this country know how serious the AIDS epidemic, in the past when dealing with her boyfriend very carefully, but a year ago she met a man to his distracted, they live together two weeks. A year later, a man came out to talk about Jane, he said he got AIDS, I hope Jane has to check as soon as possible. Jane and her family's nightmare began. Jane's parents how to figure out is: do not get AIDS, you are black and gay, how would find his own daughter?
"Jane's parents do not know, in South Africa, as simple as carelessness of himself attracted countless examples of deadly diseases." A little sad, Tang said, "Although each person knows the prevention of AIDS in South Africa's" trilogy ": A, abstinence; B, spouse loyalty; C, using condoms, but many people just can not do B. "The rape rate in South Africa is also amazing, the country every 26 seconds on the rape occurred. Meanwhile, black women due to cultural practices, educational level and gender status and other factors, whether in their sexual partners use condoms are not in the voice, together with South Africa, some three or even five ethnic allow his wife to marry a men infected with HIV, suffer not a person, but will be 35 or more.
South African women are the men who direct victims of sexual indulgence, but also the disseminators of HIV through pregnancy, childbirth transmitted to the next generation. So the cycle leading to a South African HIV-going. "At that time I was so eager to him, and he said not to wear condoms, and I promise to ... ..." simple negligence on their commitment to the irreparable consequences. Since men do not wear that wear "little raincoat" casual attitude of the South African government had to targeting women - free distribution of female condoms in the country, making South Africa one of the few world countries the supply of female condoms . According to media reports in South Africa, South Africa, some women have used to go to the party before his appointment or wear a condom to prevent the mishap.
Came to South Africa, you will deeply feel, HIV is near, and the topic of AIDS is nature of its topic, the topic of sex is the topic of the social status quo, because it is with violence, rape and even in poor, backward together. Now I would like to go there this booklet on the words: "honest good sex life is even more." It is reminded to do with the stark reality: a tourist in South Africa to prevent HIV, need to beware of is not mosquitoes, but their behavior.

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2010-6-30    文章录入:nnb ]


  • 个人名片 姚玉国
  • 个人名片 陈子宏
  • 个人名片 刘君
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